• 时期河南人才济济,数量巨大,分布广泛全国人才聚集之一。

    In the period of Tang dynasty and Five dynasties, there were many talented persons widely distributed in Henan province.


  • 河南处于九州当中,中国进入文明阶段以来,相当时光里生齿最为浓密开辟应用最为蓬勃之一

    Since Henan geographical position in Kyushu. In China entered the stage of civilization, for quite a long time is population of the most dense, land to develop one of the most vigorous used regional.


  • 对策往往只是简单停止能源供应河南钢铁厂命令停工数日一些村镇民居电力供应也被切断了。

    Many responded simply by switching off electricity supplies: in Henan province, steel works were ordered to close for days, and power was cut to homes in towns and villages.


  • 李太太所在的河南南部的很多村庄人们由于冬天无法取暖并且缺少诸如自来水基本舒适的生活条件。

    In this region of southern Henan Province, in village aftervillage, people are too poor to heat their homes in the winter and manylack basic comforts like running water.


  • 4月29周四密西西比接近路易斯安那海岸线水域,一个海浪击打沉浮不定。

    An oil containment boom is swamped by waves along the Louisiana coast at South Pass of the Mississippi River Thursday, April 29, 2010.


  • 另一位网友河南大学生起了一位跌倒的老人,控是因造成受伤,且被赔偿8万

    Another Internet user said, a university student in Henan also helped an elderly up who felt on the floor, but he ended up being sentenced to pay 80,000 yuan as compensation for causing the injury.


  • 另一位网友河南大学生起了一位跌倒的老人,控是因造成受伤,且被赔偿8万

    Another Internet user said, a university student in Henan also helped an elderly up who felt on the floor, but he ended up being sentenced to pay 80, 000 yuan as compensation for causing the injury.


  • 河南中国文明摇篮文物宝库不畏空间时间概念灿烂照耀我们

    Henan, the cradle of Chinese civilization, is a treasure trove of cultural relics, defying the concepts of space and time and shining brightly over us.


  • 有一河南驻马店降雨量纪录达到了100.5厘米

    In a single day, a record-breaking 100.5 centimeters of rain fell in theZhumadian region of Henan.


  • 河南漯河人民公园参观的游客,听到只“非洲狮汪汪开始气愤抱怨起来。

    Angry visitors to the People's Park in Luohe, Henan province, complained when the 'African lion' started barking.


  • 河南漯河人民公园参观的游客,听到只“非洲狮汪汪开始生气抱怨起来。

    Angry visitors to the People's Park in Luohe, Henan province, complained when the 'African lion' started barking.


  • 方法分析已知丽种类分布及区系成分,邻近江西湖南河南区丽蝇区系进行比较

    Methods Collecting data of species of Calliphoridae in Hubei, and comparing the Calliphoridae fauna with that of the adjacent province, including Jiangxi, Hunan and Henan.


  • 方法北京河南重庆浙江新疆选取3-6年级的小学生4045名完成自编的《人际关系量表》。

    Methods: 4045 3-6 graders who were selected from Beijing, Henan, Chongqing, Hangzhou and Xinjiang completed self-designed Interpersonal Relationship Questionnaire.


  • 刘庄遗址位于河南鹤壁市淇滨区大赉店镇刘庄村

    The Liuzhuang site is located in the south of Liuzhuang, near Hebi city, Henan.


  • 河南大学农业科学院大四学生,22岁的冯文江就是此中一员,他正竭尽一力寻觅事情

    Feng Wenjiang, a 22-year-old senior at Henan University's college of agriculture, for example, is trying hellos level best.


  • 如今传媒无处不在,媒体形象几乎成为人们评判整体形象依据标准因此,媒体报道便成为人们了解河南的主渠道。

    Nowadays, media exists anywhere, and the media image becomes almost the gist and criterion that one judges the whole image of one place, thus media reports become a main .


  • 他们的目的河南洛阳

    Their destination was Luoyang in Henan province.


  • 目的通过对河南南阳市安徽省安庆市农村中老年居民膳食调查比较食物消费模式异同。

    Objective To investigate and compare the different styles of food consumption in Nanyang City, Henan province and Anqing City, Anhui province.


  • 同时万里经由过程河南经济走廊坚持必定水平交通来往

    At the same time, far apart thousands of miles through Henan Road, this economic corridor still insist on certain level of travelling.


  • 童年时代夜晚清晰蚀刻记忆中:那时在一个池塘边上。这个池塘位于中国河南罗山县的一个小村庄,我的祖祖辈辈生活那里

    A night from my childhood remains crisply etched in my memory: I wasstanding by a pond before a village somewhere in Luoshan County, HenanProvince, where generations of my ancestors had lived.


  • 操作详查数据2000年河南操作数据,河南省1999- 2005年皮操作变化进行分析。

    By use of land survey data and land use data in 2000 in Henan Province, the paper analyzed 1999-2005 land-use change in Henan Province.


  • 通过河南武陟沁河大堤童关高密度勘察应用情况进行分析,引入概率成像技术对测量资料进行了成像处理,结果较准确勾绘出了异常体的位置和大致形态。

    We review the application of high density resistivity to dike engineering exploration of Qin River in Henan province and present a new method of data processing which is named probability image.


  • 其中北京清华阳光公司51%股份河南集团49%股份。

    Among Beijing's Tsinghua Sunshine accounted for 51% of the shares, Landmark Group of Henan accounts for 49% of the shares.


  • 河南只有四千多村子里看到一个占有近二千亩绝大部分通过当铺吞并的。

    In Honan, I found a landlord who owned 350 acres of land in a village with only seven hundred acres. Most of this land had been acquired through the pawnshop.


  • 河南新乡市郊保护发生番茄尾孢病原症状生物学特性等进行了初步研究。

    The tomato Cercospora leaf mold broke out in Xinxiang, Henan province in 2003. The symptom of the disease was observed and described, the pathogen and the biological characteristics were studied.


  • 同时指出文山苗族发祥黄河下游而不是长江中下游,至今山东、安徽、河南、江苏尚留有许多苗族自称相关的

    It also points out the source of Wenshan Miao People is the lower reaches of the Yellow River not the middle and the lower reaches of Yangtze River. Many places in Shandong, Anhui, h...


  • 同时指出文山苗族发祥黄河下游而不是长江中下游,至今山东、安徽、河南、江苏尚留有许多苗族自称相关的

    It also points out the source of Wenshan Miao People is the lower reaches of the Yellow River not the middle and the lower reaches of Yangtze River. Many places in Shandong, Anhui, h...


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