• 没有议会参与,酋长无权做任何事。

    Without this council, the chief is powerless.


  • 古代英国国王拥有绝对权力所以没有议会

    In ancient times the Kings of England ruled without a parliament, having complete power.


  • 没有议会的情况下,这个国家运转得很正常——至少现在如此

    Without a parliament, the country is ticking along nicelyfor now


  • 没有议会同意英格兰教会不可随意改变国教祈祷规定礼拜仪式。

    The church of England is not free to change its form of worship, as laid down in the Book of Common Prayer without the consent of Parliament.


  • 没有议会同意英格兰教会不可任性蜕化“国教祷告礼貌礼拜典礼。

    The church of England that is moreover moreovernwit free to change its form of worship! as laid down in the Book of Common Prayer without the consent of Parliherewisent.


  • 近期盖洛普民意测验显示没有一个政治团体在下一届萨尔瓦多议会占据绝对多数席位

    A recent Gallup poll suggests that no political group is likely to win an outright majority in the next Salvadoran parliament.


  • 孟加拉共和国议会今天批准这项政策,没有成为法律

    The Bangladesh Parliament today approved the policy, but it has not yet become law.


  • 南方人说,如果议会诸如闭塞曼彻斯特开会,没有一个人到场。

    Southerners whisper that no one would show up if Parliament were based in a backwater such as Manchester.


  • 没有候选联盟有把握赢得绝大多数议会席位(共325个)。

    No electoral alliance was set to win an outright majority of the 325 parliamentary seats.


  • 巴黎一个郊区,斯威丈夫法尔等当地居民他们从来没有欧盟议会代表投票

    In the Paris suburb of le Perreux, residents like Lucille Svay and her husband Chan Phal said they had not voted for their eu parliament representatives.


  • 韩国国家议会目前还没有批准双方2007年签署的这项自由贸易协定

    South Korea's National Assembly has not yet approved the agreement that was signed in 2007.


  • 而言之,失业登记办公室门口排起长龙,也没有公众或者议会如何帮助失业人员争论不休。

    Simply put, there will be no long lines at the unemployment office. There will be no public or parliamentary debate over how to help those who are now out of work.


  • 如果仅有巴勒斯坦运动方参与和谈情况下没有议会生效,这一点越来越明显

    It is increasingly clear that no deal in that case will stick if only one half of the Palestinian movement is involved.


  • 即使议会法律没有标记也是毋庸置疑事实因为只要缺乏考证急于作出决定浪费在所难免

    That will be true even if there are no earmarks in the legislation, because when decisions are made in haste without proper vetting, waste is inevitable.


  • 他们议会发起了一没有胜算辩论,并且对红衫军“的暴行纵火缄口不提。”

    They have called a no-confidence debate in parliament, while staying silent on the red-shirt violence and arson.


  • 调查结果议会成员行为动机没有任何暗示影射,”写道

    "My findings carry no implication or innuendo about the conduct or motive of MPs," Legg wrote.


  • 明显事实不容质疑法国国民议会577名成员,除去海外殖民地代表没有一名黑人棕色人种。

    But what's not in dispute are the visible facts; out of 577 members of the National Assembly, there are no black or brown faces other than those representing the overseas territories.


  • 尊放铜雕像不经意间布鲁塞尔“凑活”传统致以敬意,而根本没有议会事务增加庄严感

    Far from adding dignity to the business of the council, the mock-bronze inadvertently honours the Brussels tradition of making do.


  • 议会通过一项给予警察没有搜查证的情况下搜索房屋权利法律

    A law has been passed giving the police the right to search premises without a warrant.


  • 2年半内,不会下一次选举除非议会自己愿意,也没有解散议会下令新的选举。

    Elections are not for another two-and-a-half years; nobody can dissolve parliament and call new ones except parliament itself.


  • 西西里没有地方议会承认这一法律

    In Sicily, not a single council has incorporated the law.


  • 由于最低工资反对者没有大机会能够成为国会或者议会的多数,他们只能依靠他们最后希望就是司法

    Since minimum-wage opponents have no reasonable chance of prevailing in Congress or state legislatures, they are turning to their last best hope: the judiciary.


  • 不过国大党没有心存侥幸,他们为了确保胜利忙于在议会活动,努力获得议员们的支持

    But the Congress Party is taking no chances, and is busy trying to cobble together parliamentary support to ensure its survival.


  • 对于所有遗产基金好的谈论石油草案没有跟上计划;没有任何谈话在议会中展开

    For all the fine talk of heritage funds, the oil bills are behind schedule; none has yet been put to Parliament.


  • 历史从来没有这么百万富翁作为保守党的代表坐在议会前座。

    There are more millionaires sitting on the Tory front bench then ever before in history.


  • 布鲁塞尔欧洲政策研究中心皮欧卡钦斯基说:“欧洲议会上,塔斯基从来没有发过火一位可以信任谈判者。”

    "At the European Council, Tusk never gets angry; he's trusted and a credible negotiator," says Piotr Kaczynski of the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels.


  • 但是无论是专家组还是议会没有通过该提议,委员会最终消减成为庞大研究网络一个实验计划

    But neither the council or the parliament were persuaded, and the institute was cut down to a pilot scheme of large research networks.


  • 不幸的是,托利党还是没有赢得议会补选一些捐款人和后座议员开始反抗但是布朗的党派已经准备进行第二场提前选举

    The Tories haplessly failed to win two parliamentary by-elections; some of their donors and a few backbench MPs began to mutiny, and Mr Brown readied his party for another, early, election.


  • 不幸的是,托利党还是没有赢得议会补选一些捐款人和后座议员开始反抗但是布朗的党派已经准备进行第二场提前选举

    The Tories haplessly failed to win two parliamentary by-elections; some of their donors and a few backbench MPs began to mutiny, and Mr Brown readied his party for another, early, election.


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