• 1976年,公众心目中没有自闭症问题一直归因于母亲冷漠。

    In 1976, autism was not on the public's mind, and the problem was still attributed to indifferent mothering.


  • 我们不是自闭症不是遗传的,因为绝大多数双胞胎没有自闭症

    We're not saying autism isn't genetic, because the huge majority of twins don't have autism.


  • 其他研究没有显示自闭症患者之间及与没有自闭症大脑结构有什么不同

    Other studies have not shown major structural differences between the brains of autistic people and those without autism.


  • 研究者注意糖尿病母亲生出来孩子无论他们没有自闭症,他们的语言表达能力别的孩子

    Researchers also noted that children of diabetic mothers also tended to have poorer expressive language skills whether the kids had autism or not.


  • 最近研究用到过这种困境研究者发现自闭症患者相较没有自闭症人们有可能Janet朋友遣责janet。

    Researchers who used this scenario in a recent study found that people with autism were more likely to blame Janet for her friend's death than people without autism.


  • 以后的研究中,这个研究组100个自闭症孩子母亲100个没有自闭症孩子的母亲中检测血样中的脑抗体反应来诊断自闭症

    To investigate the latter, the team measured the antibody-brain reaction in blood samples from 100 mothers with and 100 mothers without a child diagnosed with autism.


  • 索马里儿童甚至有可能因为整体上这种失调缺乏认识不能得到自闭症确诊,”Berkowitz,他认同索马里词汇没有自闭症的说法这个事实

    "Children in Somalia may not even be getting diagnosed with autism due to the overall lack of awareness of the disorder," Berkowitz says, in a nod to the fact that there is no Somalian word for it.


  • 结果发现生产方式自闭症没有关系

    The study found no link between birthing method and autism.


  • 研究另一个优势有组织临床采访曾经用于诊断自闭症以前许多研究没有的。

    Another strength of the study is that structured clinical interviews were used to diagnose autism, which was not the case with many previous studies.


  • 没有早期强力疗法自闭症儿童无法正常的面对他们周围世界

    Without early intensive treatment, children with autism are unable to function in the world around them.


  • 然而总的能量摄入或者说是总的碳水化合物摄入脂肪蛋白质消耗方面自闭症儿童和控制组儿童18个月大的时候并没有明显差别

    However, the scientists found no significant differences in the total energy intake or overall carbohydrate, fat and protein consumption between the autistic children and the controls at 18 months.


  • 结果发现自闭症儿童智商更低而且进行合理判断的能力上没有同龄人成熟。

    Children with autism were found to have lower IQ scores and were less adept at making appropriate judgment calls, the study found.


  • 虽然戏里没有明确指出,不过很明显耳朵这个角色阿斯·伯格综合症或是自闭症的倾向。

    Although it hasn't been addressed on the show, Sheldon clearly has some degree of Asperger's or autism.


  • 虽然没有明确指出,不过很明显耳朵这个角色阿斯·伯格综合症或是自闭症倾向。

    Although it hasn't been addressed on the show, Sheldon clearly has some degree of Asperger's or autism. How did you prepare to play such a character?


  • 提示MMR自闭症没有联系

    This suggests that MMR isn't linked to autism.


  • 得出这结论的原因如下:有的病例双胞胎之一得了自闭症一个没有他们相同基因因此环境因素应该自闭症起了作用。

    One reason they think so: there are cases in which one identical twin is autistic and the other is not; the two have identical genes, so environmental factors must contribute.


  • 实际上没有知道自闭症真正起因,也没有人知道近年来此类病例上升的真正原因。

    But the truth is that nobody knows what causes autism or what exactly accounts for the recent rise in cases.


  • 这些没有诊断孩子许多人可能有着轻微社交障碍没有严重自闭症

    Many of those undiagnosed children likely have mild social impairments, rather than more severe autism.


  • 但是研究者强调说,这些研究处于起步阶段,分析自闭症母体因素之间关系还没有达到统计意义上的显著性水平,这些研究没有考虑到样本权重

    The researchers stressed, however, that the findings were preliminary and that the association did not reach statistical significance in an analysis where they did not apply the sampling weights.


  • 我们已经播出了集之后才提出了这个阿斯伯格综合症——自闭症问题。 我编剧,可是编剧们说,不,他(谢耳朵)没有病。

    We had already shot and aired several episodes before I was ever asked the Asperger's-or-autism question.


  • “交流障碍自闭症儿童的主要症状之一”,Catherine Wan,此项研究的发起人,“据估计,25%自闭症儿童没有语言表达能力的,但是令人奇怪的,很少有能够有效的帮助这些儿童开口说话的治疗方法,”

    "It has been estimated that up to 25 percent of all children with autism are nonverbal, but surprisingly, not much is out there treatment-wise that directly helps these children to speak, " she said.


  • 研究后期,孩子们长到7时候,79人确诊患有自闭症;12901人没有患病。

    By the end of the study, when the children were 7 years old, 79 had been diagnosed with an ASD; 12,901 had not.


  • 另外专家自闭症研究中心的BernardFleming指出骑马男孩》的事例主要问题在于没有得到充分的验证。

    Other experts, such as Bernard Fleming, of Research Autism, point out that the main problem with the Horse Boy is that it's anecdotal.


  • 没有参加任何援助小组,我不在网上浏览任何与自闭症有关的信息,我也绝对不会那个奇怪绸带汽车上

    I don't attend support groups, I don't scour the message boards on autism-related websites, and I'll never put that puzzle ribbon sticker on my car.


  • 母亲其他国家出生可能会她们孩子国家的一些感染没有天然抵抗力从而增加孩子患有自闭症风险

    Mothers who are born in another country may not have natural resistance to infections in the country where they give birth, which may increase the risk for autism.


  • 发表研究猴子没有出现自闭症所有症状,甚至科学家试图反映一种类似遗传自闭症障碍也并没有全部展现

    The monkeys in the newly published research did not exhibit every aspect of autism or even every aspect of the genetic autism-like disorder the scientists were seeking to mirror.


  • 研究人员他们没有足够证据去把自闭症的风险指向任何一个妊娠中的因素

    The researchers said there was "insufficient evidence" to point to any one prenatal factor as being particularly significant.


  • 但是新的研究发现没有患有自闭症20%兄妹孩童时,曾经诊断为语言迟缓言语问题

    But the new study also found that 20 percent of siblings who did not have autism had been diagnosed with language delay or speech problems early in life.


  • 但是新的研究发现没有患有自闭症20%兄妹孩童时,曾经诊断为语言迟缓言语问题

    But the new study also found that 20 percent of siblings who did not have autism had been diagnosed with language delay or speech problems early in life.


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