• 没有胰岛素血糖增加因为身体无法使用储存葡萄糖

    Without insulin, the blood sugar increases as the body cannot use or store glucose.


  • 没有胰岛素身体细胞不能血液中吸收葡萄糖能量

    Without insulin, the body's cells cannot absorb glucose from the blood and use it for energy.


  • 1型糖尿病由于体内没有足够的胰岛素

    Type 1 Diabetes results from the body not having enough insulin.


  • 身体中总是糖分较高的胰岛素水平,没有办法持续消耗脂肪

    There is no way that you can keep burning fat if sugar is always present and elevating insulin all day long.


  • 即使不是这样,随葡萄糖胰岛细胞毁坏也许胰岛素抵抗形成没有关系。

    Even if it is not, the destruction of pancreatic cells that comes with diabetes may be unrelated to the development of insulin resistance.


  • 然而糖尿病胰腺要么生成一点根本没有生成胰岛素或者细胞没有正确反应胰腺分泌的胰岛素

    In people with diabetes, however, the pancreas either produces little or no insulin, or the cells do not respond appropriately to the insulin that is produced.


  • 尽管胰岛素对于这些细胞影响没有清楚了解,但科学家知道成骨细胞中存在胰岛素受体却已经是事实了。

    Scientists have known for some time that the bone-building osteoblasts have insulin receptors, although the effect of insulin on these cells was not well understood.


  • 例如到了使用胰岛素肥胖妇女生育的孩子与孕前接受减肥手术妇女所生孩子相比糖尿病没有那么有效发现

    For example, she writes about findings that babies born to obese women used insulin less effectively than those whose mothers had weight-loss surgery before pregnancy.


  • 年轻人肌肉受到了胰岛素影响,它们没有分解这些肌肉是夜晚形成的。

    The younger people’s muscles were able to use insulin we gave to stop the muscle breakdown, which had increased during the night.


  • 如果没有胰岛素控制葡萄糖调节系统崩溃

    The glucose-conditioning system controlled by insulin would collapse if there was no body fat.


  • 女性相比男性胰岛素抵抗初次卒中关系更强在不同种族文化的没有差别

    The relationship between insulin resistance and the risk of first stroke was stronger in men than women but did not vary by racial or ethnic group.


  • 尽管如此胰岛素抵抗没有分别心脏病发作血管性死亡相关

    However, insulin resistance was not associated with heart attack or vascular death separately.


  • 节制饮食显示出胰岛素敏感性积极作用没有节食容易容忍碳水化合物()。

    Fasting has shown to have a positive effect on insulin sensitivity, allowing you to tolerate carbohydrates (sugar) better than if you didn't fast.


  • 以前研究人员发现性腺激素具有胰岛素受体但是没有真正知道胰岛素这些受体有什么作用

    The researchers earlier discovered that gonadotrophs harbor insulin receptors, but no one really knew what the effect of insulin on those receptors was.


  • 因为怀孕期间口服药用药安全性没有得到考证,所以医生可能要求马上转为使用胰岛素治疗

    Because the safety of using diabetes pills during pregnancy has not been established, your doctor will probably have you switch to insulin right away.


  • 它们幸存下来基本上没有限制了。所以他们继续产生胰岛素,并且需要任何免疫抑制,他们只是继续维持正常这些糖尿病老鼠血糖水平

    They survived essentially indefinitely. So they continued to produce insulin without the need of any immunosuppression and they just continued to maintain normal glucose levels in these diabetic mice.


  • 研究结论这些数据显示胃旁路手术早期高血糖素样肽- 1高血糖大量释放以及肠促胰岛素效应增加和体重减轻没有关系而是手术操作有关。

    Conclusions: These data suggest that early after GBP, the greater GLP-1 and GIP release and improvement of incretin effect are related not to weight loss but rather to the surgical procedure.


  • 起初试验中,没有一个患者需要注射胰岛素。但是到试验报告发布的时候,所有病人跟踪观察还不到14个月

    In that initial test, none of the patients needed insulin shots-but when the report was published, none had been followed for more than 14 months.


  • 空腹血糖高密度脂蛋白(HDL)和胆固醇浓度升高胰岛素其他血脂浓度没有变化

    Fasting glucose and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentrations rose, while insulin and other serum lipid concentrations did not change.


  • 的一个患者已经使用吸入性胰岛素近5半了,血糖控制功能检查方面没有明显差别

    I have had patients personally on inhaled insulin for 5.5 years. There have been no significant differences in glucose control and pulmonary function tests.


  • Summers尽管其他接下来研究发现输入不饱和脂肪动物出现胰岛素抵抗,但没有发现神经酰胺含量增高

    However, others subsequently examined animals infused with unsaturated oils and found that they became insulin resistant without any rise in ceramide, Summers said.


  • 对照组没有改变葡萄糖耐量胰岛素水平

    Those in the control group didn't lose weight or have changes to their glucose tolerance or insulin levels.


  • 金属钚胰岛素抗生素没有发现;透明胶带纵横填字谜罐装啤酒以及没有发明

    Plutonium, insulin, and antibiotics hadn't been discovered yet. Scotch tape, crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea hadn't been invented.


  • Monsanto其他支持者牛奶中的额外胰岛素生长因子对于人体没有任何影响。

    But Monsanto and other proponents of the technology say the amount of extra insulin-like growth factor in the milk is insignificant compared with the amount made naturally in the human body.


  • 受试者没有成为真正意义上糖尿病患者但是他们身体出现迹象体征,开始努力分泌胰岛素胰岛素是一用于糖份血液提取身体组织激素

    They didn't literally become diabetic, but their bodies showed signs of struggling to produce insulin, a hormone needed to draw sugar from blood into bodily tissues.


  • 人类胰岛素引进市场没有经过科学证明现存纯化动物胰岛素好处尤其是胰岛素

    Human insulin was introduced into the market without scientific proof of advantage over existing purified animal insulins, especially porcine insulin.


  • 研究发现服用维生素人,胰岛素敏感性没有任何改变;几乎没有激活任何天然防御机制氧化损伤

    The Jena team found that in the group taking the vitamins there was no improvement in insulin sensitivity and almost no activation of the body's natural defense mechanism against oxidative damage.


  • 研究发现服用维生素人,胰岛素敏感性没有任何改变;几乎没有激活任何天然防御机制氧化损伤

    The Jena team found that in the group taking the vitamins there was no improvement in insulin sensitivity and almost no activation of the body's natural defense mechanism against oxidative damage.


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