• 父母贫穷她们家来说生活似乎没有指望

    Her parents were very poor. For her family, life seemed to hold no promise.


  • 除非不断追求,不然销售行业是个没有指望的行业

    Sales is a flaky business unless you get after it.


  • 除非安装新的装配线,否则提高产量没有指望的

    No increase in output can be expecter unless a new assembly line is installed.


  • 霍斯金斯没有指望曲奇赚大钱更多的是将作为吸引顾客而亏本出售的商品。

    Hoskins does not expect a huge profit from the cookies, viewing them more as a loss leader.


  • 完全没有指望记得,她那冷酷心肠变得十分温暖

    She had not expected him to remember her at all and her hard little heart grew quite warm.


  • 尽管如此没有指望页岩天然气未来十年内欧洲能源供应产生实质影响毕竟钻探还要花费一些时日

    Nonetheless, he does not expect shale gas to have amaterial effecton European supply for a decade, since drilling will take some time to ramp up.


  • 老板解雇的时候,没有感到惊讶因为她从指望发善心.

    She was not surprised when her boss dismissed her, for she never expected her boss to be kind to her.


  • 一个五十多岁的踏上陌生的土地语言不通没有门路,是可能指望过得越来越兴旺的。

    A man in his fifties should not come to a strange land, not knowing the language, absent connections, and expect to thrive.


  • 不幸的是,不光很多STD没有明显症状不能指望定期医院检查可以高枕无忧。

    Unfortunately, not only are most STDs asymptomatic, you can't count on staying safe just by going for regular doctors visits.


  • 显然没有指望店员英语只是开场白

    Now clearly I do not expect the assistant to speak English and this is merely my opening gambit.


  • 这些见的是虚假,是诈的占卜他们说是耶和华说的,其实耶和华没有差遣他们,他们倒使指望必然立定。

    They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, The LORD saith: and the LORD hath not sent them: and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word.


  • 但对于公司来说便要求它们预见人们会认可隐私条款的哪些部分。如果没有注意隐私条款的话,又怎么指望他们遵从处理私人信息规范呢?

    If no one pays attention to these policies, how can we expect them to comply with norms for how private information is handled?


  • 怎么指望没有人类行为专家的背景下,试图建造能够改变人类行为的工具呢,包括心理学家,雇员的沟通?

    How do you expect to build tools that seek to change human behavior, with no human behavior experts - you know, psychologists - consulting with you or on your staff?


  • 可能没有创造性第一机器人不要指望第一次尝试的时候就发明相对论

    It may be unoriginal, but hey it is your first robot, don't expect to develop the theory of relativity on your first try.


  • 这项工作增加对于改变维生素D补充建议呼吁,这点没有指望帮助那些已经患病的人,而是希望能够造福后世

    The work will increase calls for changes in the advice on taking vitamin D supplements, which is not expected to help those already suffering from the disease, but could help future generations.


  • 可以很容易得出结论:对于刻苦学习学生一个美好的未来等候着他们;浪费学费游戏的学生没有什么指望了。

    One could easily argue that a bright future awaits the students who study hard, while those who waste tuition playing games have little to look forward to.


  • 伊斯坦布尔的会上没有指望能够做出关于怎样调整投票权坚实决定

    Nobody expected a firm decision at the Istanbul talks on precisely how to adjust the voting system.


  • 没有指望从亚马尔半岛惊人天然气储量产生数十亿美元会有一点点回馈涅茨人。

    Nobody expects any of the billions of dollars generated by Yamal's stupendous gas reserves to go to the Nenets.


  • 要是几百年没有什么选择余地,只能妻子卡桑德拉赌个三局两胜游戏,指望依靠我天生就缺少节奏感,造出不同的结果。

    In an earlier century, I would have had no choice but to trick my wife Cassandra into a best-of-three contest using a method that depends on my genetically inherited lack of rhythm.


  • 人们不能指望没有滴血就产生人类状况根本变革

    One cannot expect a radical transformation of the human condition to be unaccompanied by a bit of blood.


  • 那些较小城镇搬迁城市人,没有指望回到他们的老家

    Those who have moved from smaller towns to the city are not looking at going back to their hometowns.


  • 这份材料没有强烈触动哈吉斯,没有指望这里面有什么意义深远的东西。

    Haggis didn't have a strong reaction to the material, but then he wasn't expecting anything too profound.


  • 可能已经忘了一些关键性的东西,一点没有,不要指望这些丢失的东西脑袋完完整整地蹦出来,就象雅典娜宙斯的脑袋里出来一样。

    I've probably forgotten something critical, but there's no point in sitting around hoping that these missing pieces will spring from my head, fully armed, like Athena from the head of Zeus.


  • 没有指望乔治·布什会欢迎伊拉克问题研究小组报告承诺立刻实施报告提出的建议

    NOBODY expected George Bush to salute the Iraq Study Group's report and promise to implement its recommendations forthwith.


  • 如果他们指望经济恢复没有发生,这些愚蠢行为后果2011年将会变得更加清晰

    Without the recovery they were banking on, the fallout from such folly will become clear in 2011.


  • 第二天早上,大家指望先生寄信可是等到邮差来了,没有带来片纸只字。

    The whole party were in hopes of a letter from Mr. Bennet the next morning, but the post came in without bringing a single line from him.


  • 此外外科医生并不指望病人变成实习外科医生”,而销售人员没有期望提高顾客销售吸尘器能力

    Moreover, surgeons aren't looking to turn patients into "apprentice surgeons," nor are salespersons trying to improve customers' ability to sell vacuum cleaners.


  • 撒旦存在世界变得糟糕,可上帝忙于其他事物而无暇顾及,可能觉得人类已经没有指望了,该去搞创作了。

    Satan exists, the world is getting worse, and God is too busy with other matters to care. He's written us off and moved on to fresh creations.


  • 撒旦存在世界变得糟糕,可上帝忙于其他事物而无暇顾及,可能觉得人类已经没有指望了,该去搞创作了。

    Satan exists, the world is getting worse, and God is too busy with other matters to care. He's written us off and moved on to fresh creations.


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