• 事实上建议如果没有博客的话那就申请一个吧——巩固想法建立声誉找到对你之事兴趣的验证你的知识激情。

    In fact, I recommend you do a blog if you're not already - it'll help solidify your thinking, build a reputation, find people who are interested in what you do, demonstrate your knowledge and passion.


  • 谋略知识美事没有写给吗?

    Have I not written thirty sayings for you, sayings of counsel and knowledge?


  • 专业知识范围内而言,个人坚定地认为是个责任起作用。没有吃饭没有人为你身体

    I myself believe strongly in personal responsibility as I know in my area of expertise, no one is going to eat or move your body for you.


  • 有幸拥有这个大多数奥斯汀的研究学者没有知识

    It's just luck I have this knowledge, which most Austen academics wouldn't.


  • 例如信息网络这些网络中,中介帮助接触那些没有接触过的知识信息。

    For example, there are information networks. In these networks, the brokers help me access knowledge and information that I don't have access to.


  • 慈善书店或是要求父母把当作生日礼物送给没有接受正式教育情况下,书一起文字数字方面知识

    I bought them in charity shops or asked for them as birthday presents; together, books and CARDS gave me an understanding of words and Numbers in the absence of any formal education.


  • 有时感觉已获得了全部知识用尽世界的所有内容;有时,又觉得身边世界没有任何意义

    At times I feel as if I had total knowledge, exhausting the content of this world; at other times the world around me does not make any sense.


  • 承认在近期通信交流调查研究之前编程领域模拟方面没有任何基础知识

    Prior to my recent correspondence and investigation, I admit I had no background in simulation as a programming field.


  • 高中大学没有足够学到方面的知识恐慌".

    It's frightening to me that we don't teach enough of this in high school or college.


  • 但是非常清楚没有你们帮助——而且除非一个国家作出承诺采取积极的执法行动保护知识产权——可能解决汇聚到一起这些挑战。

    But I also know that, without your help -and until every nation makes a commitment, and takes action, to ensure aggressive IP enforcement -we will not solve the challenges that now bring us together.


  • 客户进行竞争力分析,总有人因为没有正确了解付费搜索基本知识惊讶。

    When doing competitive analysis on behalf of my clients, it never ceases to amaze me how many people are still not getting the basics of paid search right.


  • 从这几年搜集信息来看,这些知识没有人们想象那么有用

    The information Icollected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be less useful than most people think.


  • 没有学习任何财务知识但是年时间进行想象力练习——它要求革新

    I didn't learn a thing about finance, but for two years, I'd practiced disciplined imagination — a requirement for innovation.


  • 从这几年搜集信息来看,这些知识没有人们想象那么有用

    The information I’ve collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be less useful than most people think.


  • 从这几年搜集信息来看,这些知识没有人们想象那么有用

    The information I've collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be less useful than most people think.


  • 从这几年搜集信息来看这些知识没有人们想象那么有用

    The information I "ve collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be less useful than most people think."


  • 从这几年搜集信息来看这些知识没有人们想象那么有用

    The information I''ve collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be less useful than most people think.


  • 觉得没有必要没有那种野心,追求知识不是追随需求

    I don't think that is necessary, nor do we have the ambition to do that. We're in the business of chasing knowledge and not chasing demand.


  • 没有时间没有知识教你做的事情

    I haven't the time or the knowledge to teach you how to make everything you're going to make.


  • 没有渊博知识,又没有丰富的经验,况且,曾一度跌入愚昧自怜深渊。答案简单

    For I have neither the knowledge nor the experience to achieve the greatness and already I have stumbled in ignorance and fallen into pools of self-pity. The answer is simple.


  • 知道最近哪里的这样一句话:信息社会已经知识能力的价值得到了很大的提升,但是智慧却几乎没有

    I remember reading recently (I don't remember where) that our information society has placed a high premium on knowledge and ability, but a low premium on wisdom.


  • 没有但是数据库编程经验具有网络知识

    No, but I have database programming experience and network knowledge.


  • 那些没有知识的人,只能通过嘴巴得到答案

    The people without knowledge get the answer only from my mouth at last.


  • 谋略知识的美事,没有写给吗。

    Have not I written to thee excellent things in counsels and knowledge?


  • 这里到了很多课堂上没有英语知识的英语成绩很大进步

    In here, I have learned in very many classrooms no English knowledge, my English result also has the very big progress.


  • 喜欢的因为喜欢标题:“第十章里面没有需要学习知识”,一个介绍递归的绝佳标题!

    My favorite is Chapter 10 simply because I liked the title: "There's Nothing New to Learn in Chapter 10." What a great title for introducing recursion!


  • 青春给了体育所得回报当作垃圾扔掉,没有知识没有技能,没有生育能力。

    "I gave my youth to sport," she told TIME over the phone, in a voice thick with emotion, "but in return, I was thrown out like garbage with no knowledge, no skill and a barren womb."


  • 没有完全阅读项目管理知识体系Rational统一过程内容(至少基于角色材料),不会开始这个活动使得保留每个部分的其中一些内容。

    I would not start this activity without having thoroughly read both the PMBOK and the RUP content (at least the role-based material) so that you retain some of the content from each.


  • 没有完全阅读项目管理知识体系Rational统一过程内容(至少基于角色材料),不会开始这个活动使得保留每个部分的其中一些内容。

    I would not start this activity without having thoroughly read both the PMBOK and the RUP content (at least the role-based material) so that you retain some of the content from each.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定