• 没有完全适应

    I have not yet entirely acclimated.


  • 缺点开始结束风筝没有完全地水平飞行

    MINUSES: In both the entrance and the exit, the kite is not perfectly horizontal.


  • 胎儿妈妈肚子里时,那里没有完全地安静

    It's never really too quiet where the baby is, in the mother's belly.


  • 几乎每个人都接受事实是:犯罪从来没有完全消除。

    Almost everyone accepts the fact that crime can never be wiped out entirely.


  • 注册界面上测试一下新的密码如果不能运行核实一下没有完全地遵循这些指示

    Test the new password on the login screen. If it doesn't work, check that you've followed these instructions exactly.


  • 曾经这些儿女说过他们从来没有完全地向母亲表示过他们感激之情,而待告诉她们已经为时太晚。

    I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers until it was too late to tell them.


  • 透明人们解释你需要做什么,因为没有完全理解作为外科医生的想法

    You gonna be transparent and explain to people what you need to do, because no one can understand completely what you are, as the surgeon, thinking.


  • 可以有把握这些传言完全没有根据

    I can say with confidence that such rumours were totally groundless.


  • 棕榈树将近英里长的闪闪发光沙滩上摇摆,没有比这更好完全放松,简单随着微风摇摆

    With palm trees swaying over almost a mile of sparkling sand, there is no better place for you to let loose entirely and simply sway along with the breeze.


  • 杰西卡喋喋不休唠叨着舞会计划完全没有注意心不在焉

    Jessica babbled on and on about her dance plans, completely unaware of my inattention.


  • 我们开口说话完全专门为了交流-没有任何其它动机除了件事,也就是俄国形式主义者特别注意

    When we speak, that is - -entirely and exclusively and without any other motive - for communication, except for one thing that the Russian formalists in particular took note of.


  • 虽然根据现有治理成熟模型评估自己的治理模型可能有用,但是没有个能够完全地反映出软件组织需要所有东西。

    Although it may be useful to assess your own governance model against existing governance maturity models, none of them completely reflects everything that a software organization requires.


  • 数据库优化很快成为一个前沿话题几乎没有空间在这里完全公正这个话题。

    Database optimization can become a pretty advanced topic quickly, and I don't have nearly the space here to do this topic full justice.


  • 尽管V5.0没有公开发布可以肯定与先前的版本完全不同,因为它不是向后兼容的。

    Even though V5.0 is still not released publicly, it is safe to say that it is completely different from its predecessor in that it is not backward-compatible.


  • 可以完全没有负罪感巧克力……

    that you can eat completely guilt-free...


  • 同辈人中的很多小孩一样,19岁拿到了自己一张信用卡并且自由使用完全没有意识到这会给自己带来伤害

    Like many kids of my generation, I got my first credit card at 19, and used it liberally without any sense of the damage I was doing to myself.


  • 我们一些青年教师看到拨款启动资金如何迅速运作的时候,他们完全震惊了因为他们还没有真正考虑成本。”

    "Some of our junior faculty are totally astounded when they see how fast grant or startup money goes because they have not really considered the costs," she says.


  • 然而许多情况下是因为那些使用者没有得到足够的训练没有完全足够使用

    However, in many cases, this is because those using it have not been adequately trained or are not using it regularly enough.


  • 当然经过这些年的磨合我们的合作越来越默契,但是无论我们配合好,不可能完全没有问题毕竟现在个人着常规来说一个人的工作。

    It has, of course, been refined over the years, but no matter how much it gets polished, there are still some problems with it because you have two people doing what is traditionally a one-person job.


  • 另外相关一点运作长期广告时,没有一个完全优化广告所以不断自己不停优化。

    Another relevant point is that with your long term campaigns, it is close to impossible to have a fully optimized campaign... keep pushing yourself.


  • 这些团体报道没有达到新闻行业的水平,这些团体对事物进行报道时并没有事件完全地反映出来,尤其是给出足够反方观点

    But he says reporting by advocacy groups often falls just short of journalism. Such groups may not give sufficient weight to opposing views or fully reflect nuances in the subject.


  • 调试器来说难以置信有用-意味着调用完全可靠即使没有正被调试所有模块符号

    This was unbelievably useful for debuggers - it meant that call stacks were quite reliable, even if you didn't have symbols for all the modules being debugged.


  • 完全没有道理尤其是鉴于现有的森林能新的森林更好储存碳排放

    That makes no sense, all the more so given that old forests are better at storing carbon than new ones.


  • 或者这些代码没有真正符合需求因为代码问题没有完全明白的时候已经写完了

    Or the code doesn’t really fit the need because it had been written before the problem was well understood.


  • 到了年底趋势发生改变,油价出现下跌评论指出零售商们对此反应缓慢没有消费者完完全尝到一甜头。

    By the end of the year the tide was turning as the oil price slumped, but critics claimed that retailers were slow to pass on the full benefits.


  • 建立一项法规允许年近古稀之他们所愿很快安详离去没有公开宣布老年人完全可能的。

    It is perfectly possible to frame a law that allows suffering people who are close to death to die quickly and peacefully, if they wish, without declaring open season on old folk.


  • 建立一项法规允许年近古稀之他们所愿很快安详离去没有公开宣布老年人完全可能的。

    It is perfectly possible to frame a law that allows suffering people who are close to death to die quickly and peacefully, if they wish, without declaring open season on old folk.


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