• 一度唱腔就是指所有演唱者共同演唱同一个没有和声

    Unison singing indicates singing in which all singers sing the same notes, without harmony.


  • 任何人都很难选择用“形容表现没有玛瑞娅吉他引导,我的完全一团糟

    Great is the last word anyone would choose to describe my performance! Without Mareya's guitar and voice to guide me, my song was completely in a mess.


  • 现在我们注意力放到低声部上,尽量出低声部,如果在唱过程中我们觉得自己声音没有变化和声很有可能没有改变

    So we'll focus on the bass and we'll try to sing the bass, and if we find that in singing the bass our voice is not changing, probably the harmony hasn't changed.


  • 如果可以说服我们和声并非无形我们没有了,灵魂不可毁灭论断的反例。

    If he could show us, he could convince us that harmony is not really invisible, then we would no longer have a counterexample to the claim that the invisible can't be destroyed.


  • 没有获取财富梦想只想使自己的写作风格别人所接受,若可能,最好自己的作品他人的生活有所影响。

    I have not dreamed of fortune of fame, but only to be able to write in a manner that others can read and possibly make a different in their lives.


  • 苏格拉底从没过,西米亚斯,的观点在这里有错,和声并非无形或者不可毁灭所以我们没有反例

    Socrates never says Simmias, here's what your objection goes wrong: harmony is not really invisible or can't be destroyed, whatever it is, so we don't have a counterexample.


  • 兰德勒的微小动作大多数没有察觉,而杰克却令人不可思议地注意到了。

    Small movements and sounds from Landon that went unnoticed by most mysteriously caught Jack's attention.


  • 当然作了相当的简化:复音中,确实有不同声音和声节奏没有完全忽略

    Of course, I'm simplifying things quite a bit: in polyphony, harmonies do emerge from the separate voices, and rhythm isn't completely ignored.


  • 没有所以段音乐中的和声没有改变

    No. So that one didn't change either.


  • 可以看到语法非常简单整数或者varchar没有什么区别

    As you can see, it is a very straightforward syntax, not much different from declaring a column as an integer or a varchar.


  • 所以讲话态度和声调来约束训练孩子,实在是不容忽视的造之学,不要认为没有什么关系。

    Therefore, we must not overlook the method of changing fate through training children in their manner of speech and tone of voice and think that it is not important.


  • 残酷死亡金属倾向厚重鼓音定向节奏没有旋律和声留下多少余地

    Brutal death metal tends to be drum-heavy and rhythm oriented leaving little room for melody and harmony.


  • 不可思议细节融入几乎每方面所以没有人会体验迪士尼景观时感到无聊

    Incredible detail has been put into every aspect of the park, so no one is bored while experiencing the sights and sounds of Disney.


  • 我们不能想象生活一个没有和声世界里,因此我们不能感知那些盲人聋哑人精神世界。

    We can't imagine living in a world without light and sound, so we can't perceive the spiritual world of disabled people who are blind, deaf or even dumb.


  • 有人认为太多了,但是应该知道真正生活也许生活重要权力它们当中我一样也没有

    Someone would think I thinking too much, but you ought to know the real life, maybe the most important thing in our life is money, power and reputation. None of them I have.


  • 没有拥有一样的眼睛鼻子头发

    Nobody has my eyes, my nose, my hair, my voice.


  • 这种睡眠方式没有我们过去习惯上所说的睡眠年那么和声音响

    The sleep is not the same deep, sound sleep that we are used to.


  • 少数音节只有韵母没有声母

    A small number of syllables, however, have only finals and tones, but not initials, eg.


  • 人中有些高级公务员忧虑世界上其余怒,金钱和声上却没有优厚报偿。

    Some in this group of people are high civil servants, paid neither in money nor in unambiguous prestige for worrying about the resentments of the rest of the world.


  • 大众(Volkswagen ag)旗下奥迪最终没有追究生产有缺陷汽车的责任,不过代价却是在当时那个战略关键时刻,奥迪的销量遭受重挫。

    Audi, a unit of Volkswagen ag, was ultimately exonerated of building defective cars, but not before its sales and reputation took a pounding at a strategically critical moment.


  • 大众(Volkswagen ag)旗下奥迪最终没有追究生产有缺陷汽车的责任,不过代价却是在当时那个战略关键时刻,奥迪的销量遭受重挫。

    Audi, a unit of Volkswagen ag, was ultimately exonerated of building defective cars, but not before its sales and reputation took a pounding at a strategically critical moment.


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