• 没有入选选手可以接受邀请某一球队试训,有时会与球队签约参赛

    Those players not selected in the draft can be invited to try out for a team and are sometimes signed to playing contracts.


  • 没有入选选手可以接受邀请球队试训有时会球队签约参赛

    Those players not selected in the draft can be invited to try out19 for a team and are sometimes signed to playing contracts.


  • 明很伤心,因为他没有入选学校的篮球队。

    Daming was sad because he wasn't chosen for the school basketball team.


  • 不在那里(音乐会),官方能力;他不在法国队因为没有入选名单

    He was not there [at the concert] in an official capacity; he was not there representing France, because he has not been picked in their squad.


  • 三十二只有 6只没有选入英超球员(其实应该5个,除去迈克尔巴拉克德国的的话)。 毫无悬念的,英超也是入选球员人数俱乐部最多

    Just six of the 32 squads selected for South Africa do not contain a representative of the Premier League (and the number would have been five but for Michael Ballack's withdrawal).


  • 第一个孩子学校轻松入选官方定义的“天才范畴,因此没有注意谈论孩子天赋之行为的普遍程度

    With my first child, who landed comfortably within the official 'talented and gifted' category at school, I was insensitive to how pervasive the talk of giftedness had become.


  • 北约入选国乌克兰没有格鲁吉亚遭遇吓住,反而即刻同意美国以及欧洲国家领土部署防空雷达

    Ukraine, another NATO candidate some day, far from being cowed by Georgia's fate, promptly offered America and the Europeans access to its air-defence radars.


  • 2008年相比虽然名字欢迎程度全英各地存在差异,但入选受欢迎男孩女孩名榜单前位的名字没有变化。

    There were no new entries in the top ten for either boys' or girls' names compared with 2008, although there were regional variations with popularity of names.


  • 大多数贫穷国家没有动作系统

    Most poor countries don't have a functioning system to inject choice into.


  • 1918年大选,首位入选众议院的女性,名叫康斯坦斯·马克维其(Constance Markievicz)波兰伯爵夫人.然而由于新芬党成员6,没有出席会议.

    The first woman to be elected to the Commons was a Polish Countess, Constance Markievicz, in the general election of 1918. However as a member of Sinn Fein, she did not take her seat.


  • 姚明本赛季表现足以支撑连续七年入选全明星首发(07年腿伤没有参赛)的事实。

    Yao's performance this season would certainly back up his selection for a seventh straight trip as a starter (a broken leg kept him out of the game in 2007).


  • 版本中浏览方式这些革新相比这个alpha版看起来没有什么变化

    Compared with major innovations like tabbed browsing in previous releases, this alpha didn't look much different.


  • 但是,为了保证奥运会开幕式有新鲜感,组委会没有透露入选照片何处

    Disclose where exactly the pictures will be used, only saying that it will give.


  • 舒斯特尔一定对于队员没有入选27人的大名单而感到气愤,但是必须尊重教练决定

    Schuster will be angry because his player has not been named on the list of 27 players, but you have to respect Luis' decision.


  • 今年没有入选棒球名人堂,17年来从未发生过的事情

    No new members have been elected to Baseball's Hall of Fame this year, something that hasn't happen in 17 years.


  • 这个因为利益冲突没有获准入选陪审团原来被告是一个学校的。

    The man was disqualified from the jury due to conflict of interest. He used to go to the same college with the defendant.


  • 去年保罗没有办法入选这份榜单。

    There is no way Paul would have made this list last year.


  • 有一半入选者是基于医生对于其不适于维生素K拮抗剂治疗判断入选没有所谓严格的“不适宜”标准使用

    Half were enrolled on the basis of a physician's judgment that a vitamin K antagonist was inappropriate for the patient; no strict case definition for "unsuitable" was used.


  • 年龄方面标准没有研究入选了小于18骨骼成熟患者

    In studies with age criteria, no studies enrolled patients under the age of 18 years or not of skeletal maturity.


  • 两校在“CJFD”收录期刊中国期刊方阵”入选期刊上发表论文全部论文的比例没有较大差异

    There were no obvious differences in the proportion of papers that were collected by CJFD and were chosen by China Periodicals Phalanx.


  • 队长约翰特里当然名单内,另外两位弗兰克-兰帕德韦恩-布里奇。-科尔由于近期的伤势没有入选

    New captain John Terry is of course in the party, as are Frank Lampard and Wayne Bridge. Joe Cole's current injury prevents his selection.


  • 依据国际足联规则埃辛没有资格入选本场比赛因为比赛之前周三拒绝回到加纳参加安哥拉友谊赛

    Under Fifa regulations Essien was ineligible for the game because he refused to turn up for Ghana's friendly in Angola the previous Wednesday.


  • 虽然没有能够入选明星赛,我仍然感谢你们博客个人网站上对支持

    I didn't make the all-star team but I appreciate the way you have supported me on my blog and my website.


  • 最近所说的有关于没有入选参加对阵维根阿森纳比赛言论都是情急下说出的,为此感到非常后悔。

    The recent comments made by me over my non-selection for the Wigan and Arsenal matches came from my frustration at not playing and I regret making them.


  • 詹姆斯从未入选联盟最佳防守阵容,但这并不意味着詹姆斯没有发挥重要的防守作用。但是科比全场防守有着作用。

    James has never been named to any All-NBA defensive team. That does not mean James does not play great defense. It does mean however that Bryant is much more committed to both ends of the court.


  • 而且很多人还指出彼得斯·勒特入选国家队只是没有上场机会。

    Many of you also noted that Peter Sillett was also in the squad but didn't actually get a game at the finals.


  • 上星期棒球了,接着又鸭舌帽给弄丢了,更倒霉的是他没有入选中国国家队!

    Last week he lost his baseball cap, then he lost his flat cap and now to cap it all he was not capped for China!


  • 上星期棒球了,接着又鸭舌帽给弄丢了,更倒霉的是他没有入选中国国家队!

    Last week he lost his baseball cap, then he lost his flat cap and now to cap it all he was not capped for China!


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