• 些日子他们没有任何争吵,可以在一起快乐地度过几个小时,但是有时候她们对于接下来做什么不能够达成一致意见。

    Some days they could spend hours happily together without any argument, but other days they just could not agree on what to do.


  • 一个完美的世界中,没有任何事物能够软件所修正的。

    In a perfect world, there would be no such thing as software rework.


  • 如果系统没有满足基本的评估角色根本能够使用系统。

    If the system does not meet an essential evaluation point, the persona will not be able to use the system at all.


  • 没有孟买说这座城市适合居住,但是许多孟买人也不能够想象生活其他的地方。

    No Mumbaikar would describe the city as liveable; yet many Mumbaikars cannot imagine living anywhere else.


  • 木星也并非地球没有影响虽然能够把地球从围绕太阳旋转轨道上出来,但是它对地球的引力也产生了相当大的作用。

    Yet Jupiter is not without influence upon the earth; and though it is not able to draw it out of its course round the sun, yet it attracts the earth to some extent.


  • 任何没有密钥用户能够访问加密的数据

    Any user that does not have the key cannot access the encrypted data.


  • 没有理由预测它们能够组合但是实际执行测试之前,仍然确定的。

    There is no reason to expect they would not compose nicely, but until testing is actually done, it is not certain.


  • 如果没有别人保持一致能够完全确定正确的。

    It is not enough to be supremely sure that he is right if no one else agrees with him.


  • 初学者能够指出教学是否奏效或者教学当中的那些要点因为他们没有经验处理他们遇到的事情。

    Novices can't tell whether the instructions are working or not or which ones are important because they have no context to assess them against.


  • 所以这本能够场景案例一个清晰理解因为各位作者相互之间没有定义上达成一致

    So this book will not provide you with a clear understanding of what scenarios, stories, and use cases are, precisely because the authors themselves don't agree on definitions themselves.


  • 拥有战术没有战略的方法,就像是黑夜里乱开枪也许会得到一些猎物但是能够持续收获。 这种方法也提供给一个继续收获的方法。

    A system based on tactics without strategy leads to shooting in the darkyou might get something done, but it doesn’t become sustainable or provide you with a path to continue on.


  • 如果能够劝服人事经理忽视工作经历没有其他方法可以获得面试的机会?

    If you cannot persuade hiring managers to look past your job history, are there other ways to get an interview?


  • 能够交付的需求进行归档没有意义的。

    There is no value in documenting requirements that won't be delivered.


  • 哈爵克依赖香烟的人不能够抽烟的时候,因为没有时间延长了他们往往就会愈发急躁,易怒

    "When dependent smokers cannot smoke, as the period without cigarettes lengthens they tend to feel more and more edgy, irritable and uncomfortable," Hajek explained.


  • 但是如果连起码的对客户方法进行评估没有做到的话,能够自诩顾问。

    But you can't really call yourself a consultant if you don't at least consider evaluating your client's methods.


  • 贷款人能够转向依靠自己特定公司个人判断因为他们典型决策过程没有项。

    Lenders can't fall back on their own judgments of a specific company or individual, because such judgments aren't part of their typical decision-making process.


  • 通常破坏性革新解决问题顾客没有意思到他们存在的问题,或者顾客还能够清楚地说出来的问题。

    Often, disruptive innovation solves problems that customers didn't know they had or were unable to clearly articulate.


  • 而且很多父母没有意识到我们身体能够区分苹果汁饼干里糖分

    Moreover, many parents don't realize that the body can't tell the difference between the sugar in a glass of apple juice or the sugar in a large cookie.


  • 很多人不能够走出家门因为他们觉得自己相貌起大家了,有的地做一些没有必要整形手术还有一些人甚至会产生自杀念头。

    Many cannot leave the house because they are too embarrassed about their appearance, some undergo repeated and unnecessary plastic surgeries, and some become suicidal.


  • 使用信号另一个新增的困难通过运行测试用例能够确保代码没有信号 bug。

    Another complication with signals is that, just by running test cases you can't be sure that your code is signal-bug free.


  • 假如没有打字机,那末他能够份报告了。

    He could not have typed that report if he had not had a typewriter.


  • 缺乏兴趣后,你很快就会感觉到:你可能努力尝试过,但感觉貌似能够解决或者房子,你没有一些健康食物

    You'll pretty quickly hit a point when you feel apathetic: maybe you're tired and don't feel like working out, or you don't have any healthy food in the house.


  • 我们没有足够工作责任,我们能够外出来度过一段美好时光,我们没有足够的钱,我们需要离开孩子休息一下,等等等等

    We don't have enough responsibility at work, we don't get out and just have a good time, we don't have enough money, we need a break from the kids etc...


  • 如果流程这种情况下能够提供CompensationSphere将抛出一个错误告诉流程没有Compensation Sphere就不能够运行

    If the parent process does not provide a Compensation Sphere in this case, a fault is thrown to tell that the child process cannot run without one.


  • 总的来说新的ipod touchiphone4非常接近。现在我们已经不能够:“没有电话功能的iphone。”

    Overall, the new iPod Touch is the same as the iPhone 4 but now we can’t really say, “It’s an iPhone without a phone,” because the Touch includes a video-conferencing webphone!


  • 它们能够互相牴触无效如同告解赦免并没有互相牴触无效。

    They do not invalidate one another, just as confession and absolution do not invalidate one another.


  • 缺乏兴趣后,你很快的就会感觉到:你可能努力尝试过,但感觉貌似不能够解决或者房子,你没有一些健康食物

    You’ll pretty quickly hit a point when you feel apathetic: maybe you’re tired and don’t feel like working out, or you don’t have any healthy food in the house.


  • 如果流程这种情况下能够提供CompensationSphere将抛出一个错误告诉流程没有Compensation Sphere能够运行

    If the parent process does not provide a Compensation Sphere in this case, a run time fault is thrown to indicate that the child process cannot run without one.


  • 真的一个许多理由但是真的,也能够确定我们之间没有未来

    Really love a person has many reasons, but I really do not dare, we can not determine between, no future!


  • 但是如果没有上帝介入我们生活思想我们不能够做到

    But we cannot do it without God's intervention into our lives and thinking.


- 来自原声例句

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