• 第二问题中国警方有关的调查专家组到达日本后,就双方调查过程任何问题进行沟通交换意见

    On the Second question, upon arrival in Japan, the Chinese experts are ready to exchange views with their Japanese colleagues on any question in the investigation process.


  • 同时我们通过双边多边沟通合作共同确保中国机构人员海外安全

    At the same time, we have increased bilateral and multilateral communication and cooperation to jointly guarantee the security of overseas Chinese people and institutions.


  • 日前中国访问的巴蒂中国网友进行线沟通时,不慎将姚明"出卖",泄露了其女的英文是艾米。

    Unintentionally, Battier, who is visiting China, revealed the name of Yao Ming's daughter during an online chat with Chinese fans.


  • 西方国家相比中国孩子沟通方面羞涩,也是致使他们缺乏朋友同伴一个原因

    Compared with the western, the Chinese children are shyer in communication, which is a reason to make them lack of friends and companies.


  • 中国3000名英国留学生英国则有8万名中国留学生,希望他们建立起更沟通桥梁

    There are about 3000 British students studying in China and 80,000 Chinese students in the UK. I hope more bridges will be built by them.


  • 中国3000名英国留学生英国则有8万名中国留学生,希望他们建立起更沟通桥梁

    There are about 3000 British students studying in China and 80, 000 Chinese students in the UK. I hope more bridges will be built by them.


  • A shton女士带着一点点自大反击说,白宫盛会上“第二没有意义的,还不如中国领导人沟通

    Lady Ashton retorted, with a touch of hauteur, that there was no point sitting in the "second row" of a White House ceremony; better to "engage" with Chinese leaders.


  • 中国人们认为一种已故家族成员沟通方式

    In China, people believed that dreams were a way to visit with family members who had died.


  • 希望沟通成为朋友他们中国每一次游玩提供翻译

    And communication and hope to become good friends, as they each play in China to provide translation.


  • 本文通过因子分析发现中国文化情境下沟通满意度8个维度,而工作倦怠3维度结构得到了验证。

    Through the method of factor analysis, it's found out that under China's cultural context, communication satisfaction has 8 dimensions and the 3 dimensional structure of job burnout has been verified.


  • 只有具备这样的视野态度,才有利于中国文化外来文化沟通交流互补共存

    Only we have wide vision and containing attitude it can be advantage to the coexistence of the Chinese culture and the foreign culture in their mutual communication and exchanges.


  • 中国文化中,一般相信人们可以透过香火生者沟通

    In Chinese culture, it is believed that people can communicate with the dead through smoke.


  • 由于战略家们不断声明中国美国互助的,且需要不断合作年轻人们想要彼此沟通交流意愿不断增强

    As strategists increasingly say that China and the US are interdependent and need to cooperate more, the desire to communicate between the two countries' young people has also grown stronger.


  • 马森先生中国英国曾培训过数千来自50多个国家专业人士,帮助他们文化环境中高效地工作管理沟通

    Ben Massen has trained thousands of professionals from over 50 countries, in both Greater China and the UK to work, manage and communicate more effectively across cultures.


  • 最后如果你们生活学习遇到困难及时我们沟通你们中国留学生活愉快

    Finally, if you encounter difficulty in living and learning, to communicate with us in a timely manner. Wishes you to study abroad in China live in interesting times!


  • 博士继续说道:“中国卫生部本次活动安全性方面大量的准备工作通过大力宣传沟通使所有满足条件的儿童都能获得免疫接种

    Dr Nwe continued: "China's Ministry of Health has made an enormous effort to prepare a safe campaign, and to communicate the need for all eligible children to participate."


  • 中国许多国际公司欧洲美国英国公认沟通预期手段

    In many international companies in China, in Europe, in the USA, English is the accepted and expected means of communication.


  • 事实上清楚我们计划因为我们中国呆的那段时间,他一直我们沟通并且他也没有警告过我们不要河边。

    In fact, he was well aware of our plans because he had been communicating with us throughout our time in China, and he never suggested we shouldn't go.


  • 我们相信中国海外的公司相比,我们模具生产商的沟通接洽具有优势,因为我们来自本土

    We believe that we have a better knowledge and personal contacts with toolmakers in China than anyone operating from overseas, because we are local.


  • 运动会不仅带来荣誉中国亚运会代表也是亚洲,亚洲国家桥梁团结友谊沟通(地区)另一个

    The Games, not only bring honor to the Chinese people, but also on behalf of the Asian Games is a bridge in Asia, another for Asian countries (regions) of unity, friendship and munication.


  • 运动会不仅带来荣誉中国亚运会代表也是亚洲,亚洲国家桥梁团结友谊沟通(地区)另一个

    The Games, not only bring honor to the Chinese people, but also on behalf of the Asian Games is a bridge in Asia, another for Asian countries (regions) of unity, friendship and munication.


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