• 今天我们沙滩冲浪在岬角抓到些小浪。

    We surfed the beach break for most of the day but also caught a few tiny peelers on the point.


  • 真正的冲浪运动员所谓的“沙滩冲浪小伙儿”之间区别很大

    There is a big difference between serious surfers and the So-called "beach boys".


  • 约数里这个新月形沙滩游客进行潜泳冲浪日光浴理想场所

    Almost a quarter of a mile long, this crescent-shaped beach is an ideal spot for surfing, snorkeling and sunbathing.


  • 海南岛沙滩上登上冲浪去斩劈浪。

    Launching my surfboard from the beach on Hainan Island, I paddle out to catch a wave.


  • 一般来说暴风雨季节强烈冲浪把山脊建立得更高造成更大沙滩轻柔的海浪构造了比较靠近岸边沙滩

    Generally, a stormy season's strong surf builds higher, wider sandbars, whereas gentle seas sculpt smaller sandbars closer to shore.


  • 即使那些极少数喜欢的澳大利亚人敢于穿上新潮的冲浪海滩装甲板短裤沙滩T恤衫防护头盔

    Even those rare Aussies who don't like the water are not afraid to step out in the latest surf and beachwear: board shorts, beach sandals, t-shirts or halter tops.


  • 夏威夷著称,这儿的大浪可乐坏了冲浪可是对于那些不知“underthe barrel”(糗大我也知道词啥意思,求指教)意思的人,沙滩意味着什么呢?

    Hawaii is famous for big waves, which makes the surfers happy, but what about a beach for those who have no idea whatunder the barrelmeans?


  • 斯图亚特的孪生兄弟菲利普穿着职业冲浪救生员制服参加双胞胎——黄色运动衫红色沙滩凉鞋、头上戴着红黄相间的泳

    Stuart and his brother, Phillip, toured the festival in the uniforms they wear at their jobs as surf life-guardsbright yellow jerseys, red swim trunks, sandals, and red-and-yellow swim caps.


  • 主要在夜间活动它们不能黑夜沙滩漫游时,在它们隐藏冲浪线附近挖些小坑,似乎在观察,在等待大海带给他们什么

    But the crabs are chietly nocturnal, and when not roaming the night beaches they dig little pits near the surf line where they hide, seemingly watching and waiting for what the sea may bring themm.


  • 体验悠闲生活海滨放松加利福尼亚南部冲浪沙滩度假村

    Experience the laid-back living and seaside relaxation of southern California at Surf & Sand Resort.


  • 或者只是沙滩闲逛,观看冲浪和加利福尼亚州的日落。

    Or just hang out on the beach and watch the surfers andsunset in California.


  • 拜亚代托多斯操作系统桑托斯巴西-享受伊亚典型舞蹈文化很大时间沙滩冲浪

    Baia DE Todos OS Santos, Brazil - enjoy the Bahia's typical dance and culture, and have a great time surfing on the beach!


  • 那里空气清新很美可以沙子玩耍而且冲浪爱好,在沙滩还可以冲浪

    Trevor: It's nice fresh air, beautiful water, you can play in the sand, and my hobby is surfing, so I like to go surfing.


  • 埃德温娜船员袋鼠只是作为娱乐沙滩冲浪

    Edwina and her crew of wallaby's are just as entertaining as the sand and surf.


  • 离开酒店后,我们继续四处逛逛现在我们到了一个很大海滩上那里许多在游泳钓鱼冲浪沙滩排球

    Leaving our hotel, we kept walking around. Now we arrived a big beach, there were many people swimming, fishing, surfing or playing volleyball.


  • 由于担心他们假期包括冲浪沙滩流感潜在旅行者们向卫生组织咨询打包行李出门旅行还是待在家中

    Fearing that their vacations could comprise of surf, sand and swine flu, potential travelers are turning to health organizations for guidance on whether to pack their bags or stay home.


  • 外观上电影收益来自于高技术的令人难忘善于创造卡通制作,来自于沙滩水晶一样的一个细节展示就如企鹅真正冲浪

    Visually, the movie benefits from impressively inventive technical animation-from the crystalline waves to the sandy beaches, every detail suggests a parallel reality where penguins really do surf.


  • 这里可以海里玩耍,最好地方还是在沙滩理查森海洋公园游泳冲浪正是这里以东小城

    You can take a dip here too, but the best place for swimming and surfing is at the black sand beach in Richardson's Ocean Park, just to the east of town.


  • 那边的海浪看起来至少英尺,把冲浪打翻沙滩次数算不清

    The waves looked at least ten feet tall and crushed me and my boogie board into the sand more times than I can count.


  • CNN,去海上冲浪寻找阳光女郎或者沙滩排球来活跃气氛;

    'Hit the waves to find your sun bunny, or heat things up with a game of beach volleyball, ' CNN says.


  • 沙滩旁边餐厅享受午餐然后下午继续冲浪到下午四点日月湾出发返回三亚

    Enjoy lunch at a beach side restaurant, and surf in the afternoon before leaving back to Sanya at four in the afternoon.


  • 我们在海里冲浪沙滩小鱼小,做沙雕虽然朱家尖海水不如以前去过的海南那边的海水清和虽然朱家尖的风景不如海南漂亮,但是,我还是玩得很开心

    We surfed and caught crabs and built sand sculptures along the beach. I had fun even though the ocean there was not as clear and blue as in Hai Nan and the scenery was not as beautiful either.


  • 冲浪运动员要比沙滩小伙儿强壮得多。

    Serious surfers are much stronger and thinner than beach boys.


  • 海南拥有热带冲浪海岛所具备的条件,美丽的沙滩良好天气还有好的况…非常看到这个赛事几年里在不断的成长着。

    Hainan Island has all that a tropical surf destination needs; beautiful beaches, great weather, and some really decent surf... it'll be great to see this event grow over the years "."


  • 一位年轻冲浪朋友们前往哥斯达黎加拯救美丽姨妈沙滩汽车旅馆

    A young surfer and his friends to save the beautiful Costa Rica beach motel aunt.


  • 一位年轻冲浪朋友们前往哥斯达黎加拯救美丽姨妈沙滩汽车旅馆

    A young surfer and his friends to save the beautiful Costa Rica beach motel aunt.


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