• 希拉里走进地图资料室他看富兰克林.德拉诺.罗福1945年佐治亚沃姆普林克去世使用过的地图,差点哭了出来

    He almost cried when Hillary took him into the map room to show him the war map FDR was using when he died in Warm Springs, Georgia, in 1945.


  • 随着战争接近尾声健康状况也每况愈下。1945年4月12日佐治亚州沃姆·普林,罗脑出血与世长辞。

    As the war drew to a close, Roosevelt's health deteriorated, and on April 12, 1945, while at Warm Springs, Georgia, he died of a cerebral hemorrhage.


  • 上周密尔沃基进行比赛约翰·亨利·威廉姆没有出场。

    John Henry Williams was a no-show at last week's game in Milwaukee.


  • 沃德重申采取紧急措施重要性。

    Wadhams echoes the need for urgency.


  • 剑桥科学家彼得·沃德1971年以来一直在测量监测北极他说这种减少不可逆转的。

    Cambridge scientist Peter Wadhams, who's been measuring and monitoring the Arctic since 1971, says the decline is irreversible.


  • 其他确定球员包括: 奈杰尔·克拉夫, 德·沃克戴夫沃森,艾伦·塔布特雷弗·蒂文格雷厄姆·图尔特

    Other confirmed players include Nigel Clough, Des Walker, Dave Watson, Alan Stubbs, Trevor Steven and Graham Stuart.


  • 沃本野生动物园市场拓展部经理谢丽尔·威廉姆12日对媒体表示:"罗特希尔德长颈鹿长颈鹿中非常珍稀亚种

    They are a very rare sub-species of giraffe.


  • 唯一可以相信事实如果看到听到一消息,即是塔沃·阿莱霍帮助阿尔瓦罗·科罗姆桑德拉·科罗姆杀害了

    But the only reality that counts is this: if you saw and heard this message, it is because I was killed by alvaro Colom and Sandra DE Colom, with the help of Gustavo Alejos.


  • 每日镜报《每日邮报》创刊人阿尔弗雷德·哈姆认为新闻某地某人掩盖其他人正在宣传的事情。”

    According to Alfred Harmsworth, founder of both the Daily Mirror and Daily Mail, news is "what somebody somewhere wants to suppress; the rest is advertising".


  • 两个最近文件伦敦经济学院迪米特里沃亚诺保罗伍利撰写)支持威廉姆的意见。

    Support for Mr Williams's case comes from two new papers* by DimitriVayanos and Paul Woolley at the London School of Economics.


  • 大巴观光客,虽然经常顺便看看沃尔·威克城堡布伦海姆一般都不是来看其中有些看到特拉福德竟然一家剧院甚至惊讶不已

    The sightseers who come by bus-and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side-dont usually see the plays, and some of them are even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford.


  • 查尔·沃兴顿美发产品沙龙造型师、发言人蒂姆·罗格如今的直发造型偏分为主,这样不会遮住了。

    Today's straight styles are parted on the side and pulled away from the face, said Tim Rogers, stylist and spokesman for Charles Worthington hair products and salons.


  • 金发绅士:我们确信,哪种口味都会一致同意海姆先生无可辩驳地养眼

    Gentlemen Prefer Blonds: We're sure all flavours of the human race would generally agree that Sir Hemsworth has something undeniably eye-pleasing about him.


  • 著名布奇圣丹只塔姆·沃思猪,1998年威尔特郡屠宰场成功逃离,他们河流继续逃亡。

    But the most famous porcine escapers were Butch and Sundance 'the' Tamworth Two ' 'who escaped from an abattoir in Wiltshire in 1998, swam a river and went on the run.


  • 拉尔夫·沃恩·威廉姆 (1872-1958)深受英国民间音乐的影响,比如老歌《绿袖子》的改变(很多人都认为这是个民歌)。

    Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958) was deeply influenced by English folk music, as is shown by his variations on the old tune "Green-sleeves" (which most people consider a folk song).


  • 美国宇航局艾姆研究中心主管西蒙·皮特·登说:“从地球表面拾掇陨石可比发送航空探测器太空搜集样本省钱多了。”

    “It’s a lot cheaper to go pick it up on the ground than to send a space probe to go get it, ” says the director of the NASA Ames Research Center, Simon “Pete” Worden.


  • 罗姆正在开会,这时私人秘书塔沃·阿莱霍进来打断了会议。

    Colom was in a meeting when he was interrupted by Gustavo Alejos, his private secretary.


  • 哈姆·沃先生,”无力

    'Mr.Harmsworth,' I said in a weak voice.


  • 发射名宇航员执行亚特兰蒂号的此次历史性任务指挥官克里-弗格森驾驶员道格-赫利,宇航专家桑迪-马格纳瑞克-沃尔海姆。

    Whenever it launches, four astronauts will make the historic ride to orbit in Atlantis: commander Chris Ferguson, pilot Doug Hurley, and mission specialists Sandy Magnus and Rex Walheim.


  • 伯克沃金厄姆区市政厅即将执行垃圾袋配额制度,该市政厅保守党领导的。 赫特福德郡的布罗克伯恩市已经实施了该制度。

    The bag quota regime is to be imposed by the Tory-led council in Wokingham, Berkshire, and is already in operation in Broxbourne in Hertfordshire.


  • 思里弗·伍德就瑞考德路旁,这条道最早皮曲,而皮曲又是洛德·埃姆沃思管家名字

    Threepwood stands in Record Road, originally called Beach Road: Beach is the name of Lord Emsworth's butler.


  • 塞隆纳庞培法布拉大学的雅克波·彭蒂塞利·约阿希姆·沃最近份文件指出可能是有道理的。

    A recent paper by Jacopo Ponticelli and Hans-Joachim Voth of Barcelona's UniversitatPompeuFabra suggests he may have a point.


  • 影星克里海姆说,“他正设计周围世界关系,而这恰巧也是责任。”

    ''He's working out his relationship with the rest of the world, as well as what his responsibility is to it.''


  • 伍德豪自行车埃姆·沃思出发,行程65英里到达伦敦

    From Emsworth, PG Wodehouse on one occasion bicycled the 65 miles to London.


  • 阿尔诺凭借410亿美元的净资产成为法国首富目前也是全球第四大富豪,仅次于卡洛·(Carlos Slim)、比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)。

    Arnault is France’s richest man, worth an estimated $41 billion, and currently the fourth-richest man on the planet behind Carlos Slim, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.


  • 思维思维》(Thinking Fast and Slow)一书的作者丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman),以及已去世的合作者埃姆·特Amos Tversky),因指出人类经常做出不理性的”决策而备受尊重。

    TOWARDS the end of “Thinking, Fast and Slow”, Daniel Kahneman laments that he and his late collaborator, Amos Tversky, are often credited with showing that humans makeirrationalchoices.


  • 伯克沃金厄姆区市政厅即将执行垃圾袋配额制度,该市政厅保守党领导的。 赫特福德郡的布罗克伯恩市已经实施了该制度。

    The bag quota regime is to be imposed by the Tory-led council in Wokingham, Berkshire, and is already in operation in Broxbourne in Hertfordshire


  • 22封情人节卡于19世纪50年代可能一些凯瑟琳·沃追求者寄出,凯瑟琳是霍温厄姆的威廉·沃爵士

    The 22 illustrated Valentines were sent by would-be suitors to Catherine Worsley, daughter of Sir William Worsley of Hovingham, in the 1850s.


  • 22封情人节卡于19世纪50年代可能一些凯瑟琳·沃追求者寄出,凯瑟琳是霍温厄姆的威廉·沃爵士

    The 22 illustrated Valentines were sent by would-be suitors to Catherine Worsley, daughter of Sir William Worsley of Hovingham, in the 1850s.


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