• 汽车工业汽车减税感到非常高兴。

    The motor industry is rejoicing at the cut in car tax.


  • 公共汽车站等车驶过了公共汽车

    While I was waiting at the bus stop, three buses went by in the opposite direction.


  • 先生汽车行业并不了解,行业年内遭受了汽车史上严重危机

    Mr. Varin is new to the car industry, which is itself nearly a year into one of the most brutal crises in its history.


  • 当然过去电动汽车面临一些问题,如有限行驶里程紧缺的充电站,限制了人们电动汽车使用

    Sure, in the past electric vehicles have their problems, namely, a limited driving range, and very few recharging points, which limited their use.


  • 几代人自动驾驶汽车的态度似乎没有大改变,事实表明无人驾驶汽车转变可能带来巨大的变革

    The fact that attitudes toward self-driving cars appear to be so steady across generations suggests how transformative the shift to driverless cars could be.


  • 虽然理由相信人们自动驾驶汽车兴趣正在全面上升,但一个年龄自动驾驶汽车如何成为主流几乎没有关系。

    While there's reason to believe that interest in self-driving cars is going up across the board, a person's age will have little to do with how self-driving cars can become mainstream.


  • 包客环境也更友好,因为他们乘坐火车和公共汽车而不是汽车

    Backpackers are also kinder to the environment, because they use trains and buses rather than cars.


  • 如果每个汽车构造模型了解的话并且其内部结构很干兴趣,那么就考虑汽车维修工程师吧。

    If you know the make and model of every automobile that zips by and have an interest in what’s under the hood, consider becoming an automotive service technician or mechanic.


  • M:你知道有些汽车修理工如果汽车知之甚少,他们可能会要你很多钱。

    M: Well, some car mechanics, if they think that someone doesn't know much about cars, they might try to overcharge that person.


  • 竞争力通常表现为低价如果一国汽车生产下降别国该国的廉价汽车需求就会上升。

    Competitiveness is usually taken to mean keen prices: if the price of cars produced in one country falls, foreign demand for them expands.


  • 据说苹果公司汽车非常在乎,汽车制造商供应商某些相关说法表示,位于加利福尼亚库比·蒂诺苹果公司专业团队一起公事会有多难

    It's been said that Apple could give a damn about the car, and automakers and suppliers have related stories about how difficult it can be to work with the Apple crew in Cupertino, California.


  • 美国原产于中国钢管加征了关税中国从美国进口的肉鸡汽车汽车部件启动调查

    The US has also placed duties on Chinese steel pipes, while China has opened an inquiry into US imports of poultry, cars and auto parts.


  • 去年沃尔沃汽车中国吉利汽车收购,瑞典人都担扰这此的交易瑞典的汽车行业将会造成什么样的影响.

    When Volvo Cars was acquired by Geely of China last year, there was nervousness about what the deal would mean for the Swedish car industry.


  • 通用汽车希望近期来自财政部通用汽车金融服务公司注资,能为汽车购买者提供更多贷款抵消由于失业增加导致销量损失

    The automaker hopes the recent infusion of capital to GMAC by the Treasury Dept. will make more loans available for car shoppers and offset those sales that are being lost as unemployment rises.


  • 德国汽车汽车工人支持计划暴露出同样弱点这些计划使得需要变革工业结构僵化不变。

    Germany's schemes to prop up demand for cars and car workers have the same weakness. They fossilise an industrial structure that needs to change.


  • 但是律师汽车安全支持者以及消费者持续提出丰田汽车电子系统的质疑,而这极有可能造成汽车油门失灵。

    But lawyers, safety advocates and consumers continue to raise questions about the cars' electronic systems, which they say could cause a car's throttle to stick.


  • 当你购买了第一汽车汽油需求增加因为汽油汽车来说必不可少,而其他方面却几乎没什么用处

    Whenyou buy your first car, you experience an increase in demand for gasoline because gasoline is pretty useful for cars andnot so much for other things.


  • 不但在开车减少了排放通过绿色汽车认可,你汽车租赁业传达一个积极的信息。

    Not only will you be reducing emissions while you drive, but you will be sending a positive message to the car hire industry by your endorsement of the 'green' car.


  • 汽车系统都会显示一个基础费率,如果顾客租用汽车历史比较长,还可以打一些折扣

    With each vehicle the system presents a base rate, which may be discounted based on the customer's rental profile.


  • 比如通用汽车公司现在所有汽车零部件产地源进行系统跟踪调查。

    General Motors, for example, now systematically tracks the geographic origin of all the bits that go into making its cars.


  • 销售增进使汽车交易商高兴鼓励银行放宽汽车交易商供应商贷款限制。

    A boost in sales would please dealers, too, and encourage Banks to relax their tight credit terms for dealers and suppliers.


  • 销售增进使汽车交易商高兴鼓励银行放宽汽车交易商供应商贷款限制。

    A boost in sales would please dealers, too, and encourage Banks to relax their tight credit terms for dealers and suppliers.


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