• 污染

    No mercury and lead pollution.


  • 汤普森严格质量控制程序测试所有原材料确保没有化学污染物多氯联苯

    Thompson's rigorous quality control procedures test all raw materials to ensure no chemical pollutants such as PCBs, mercury and lead.


  • 焚烧重金属金属含量材料(尤其是)可能使有毒金属传播到环境

    Incineration of heavy metals or materials with high metal content (in particular lead, mercury and cadmium) can lead to the spread of toxic metals in the environment.


  • 这些非正规工业几乎不采取预防措施保护工人防止垃圾之类的有害物质。

    Many of these "informal" industries take few precautions to protect workers from hazardous materials like lead and mercury in the waste.


  • 从技术上可以一些其他有毒物质土壤东西豆腐配方将其出售“100 %天然”的产品

    Technically speaking, I could dig up some mercury, lead, arsenic and other toxic substances from the soil, stuff them into a tofu recipe, and sell it as a "100% natural" product.


  • 中国世界许多原材料生产大国,其中包括铁矿石灰

    It is the world's top producer of cadmium, gold, indium, iron ore, lime, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, phosphate, salt, tin, tungsten, vanadium and zinc.


  • 空气中的食品中的其它化学品造成长期并且通常不可逆转结果例如不孕症流产出生缺陷

    Lead in air, mercury in food and other chemicals can result in long-term, often irreversible effects, such as infertility, miscarriage, and birth defects.


  • 火电厂冶炼工厂附近水中所溶解了来自于其他重金属毒性物质,这些毒性物质通常很难测量

    The toxic buildup of lead, mercury, and other heavy metals in the soil and water near coal plants and smelting factories is not usually measured.


  • 金属例如造成婴儿儿童神经损伤

    Metals: such as lead and mercury, cause neurological damage in infants and children.


  • 的检测表明处于正常值范围

    Tests for cadmium, lead, mercury and manganese have shown levels within the normal range.


  • 我们知道许多有毒化学物品大脑的发育都有影响,这包括、甲基、多氯联苯有机磷杀虫剂阻燃领苯二甲酸盐

    We know that plenty of toxic chemicals are harmful to developing brains—including lead, methylmercury, PCBs, organophosphate pesticides, flame retardants (PBDEs) and phthalates.


  • 特别是鱼类含有致癌物(多氯联苯DDT)重金属(),而且这些物质无法通过蒸煮冷冻消除

    Fish, in particular, contain carcinogens (PCBs, DDT) and heavy metals (mercury, arsenic; lead, cadmium) that cannot be removed through cooking or freezing.


  • 硝酸盐污染了条河影响居住地区500人民饮水供应

    Lead, mercury, cadmium, nitrates and copper all pollute this river and affect drinking water supplies for the over 5 million people living in the area.


  • 中含有多种有害金属某些致癌物质亚硝酸盐等导致肾脏肝脏胃肠器官发生病变

    Tea scale contain cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic and other harmful metals and some carcinogens, such as nitrite, can cause kidney, liver, gastrointestinal lesions occur in other organs.


  • 方法收集12个不同产地的白术样品原子吸收光谱法测定样品中的含量

    METHODS Using atomic absorption spectroscopy to determine the content of Pb, Cd, Cu, as and Hg in AMK samples collected from 12 different areas.


  • 这些废弃电脑预计超过一万才能分解留下许多有毒物质包括

    It's estimated that dumped computers take ten thousand years to break down, leaving a cocktail of toxic materials including lead and mercury.


  • 选购陶瓷餐具时,最好不要选用釉色的餐具,因为釉色重产品使抵抗力人群智力降低

    Buy ceramic tableware, it is best not to use heavy tableware glaze, glaze heavy products because of lead, mercury and high resistance to easy to make poor people get cancer and reduced intelligence.


  • 方法采用原子吸收分光光度法紫石英水煎液人工胃液、镉、含量分别进行测定

    Methods the atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) was used to determine the content of Pb, Cr, as, Hg and Cu in decoction and artificial gastric juice of Fluorite.


  • 手机充电器诸如之类的有毒有害材料而这些有毒有害物极可能污染饮用水食物

    Cell phones and chargers contain toxic materials such as lead, mercury and cadmium, which can end up in a drinking water and food sources.


  • 环保含玻璃磷等

    Environmental protection, no glass, no lead, mercury and phosphorus.


  • KDF为料,研究接触反应时间、滤层高度去除效果影响。

    In the KDF filter, effect of contact reaction time, filter bed height, and filtering velocity on lead and mercury removal was studied.


  • 结果表明选择合理接触反应时间高度有效去除微污染原水中的

    The result shows that selection of suitable contact reaction time, filter bed height, and filtering velocity may result in efficient removal of lead and mercury.


  • 乌贼有毒微量元素的浓度分别鱿鱼121%、127%319%,的含量相近

    Toxic element, Pb, Cd and as, were higher in sepia than in squid ink by 121%, 127% and 319%, while Hg was similar.


  • 结果表明一定浓度不仅能抑制绿萍生长发育,且能使其中的叶绿素含量下降可溶性蛋白的含量也有一定的影响

    The results show, with increasing metal concentration, the growth of Azolla is inhibited, the content of chlorophyll decreases and the soluble proteins are affected in some degrees.


  • 别再用含甲醛化妆品了,可以自制睫毛膏眼线笔

    Ditch your mercury -, formaldehyde - and lead-laden cosmetics for homemade mascara and eyeliner.


  • 家用电池贡献都市固体废物许多潜在危险化合物包括碱性电池

    Household batteries contribute many potentially hazardous compounds to the municipal solid waste stream, including zinc, lead, nickel, alkalines, manganese, cadmium, silver, and mercury.


  • 这些产品人们担忧程度高分了等级,分级标准基于检测出或者其他所知人体宠物健康有害化学成分的含量。

    The products were rated by level of concern from low to high, depending on how much lead, mercury, arsenic or other chemicals known to be hazardous to human and pet health were detected.


  • 结果荞麦高于;荞麦叶中钙、明显高于茎花。

    Results: The contents of Cu, Fe, Zn, Sr, se, Mn, As, Cd in stems were all higher than those in leaves and flowers of buckwheat.


  • 结果荞麦高于;荞麦叶中钙、明显高于茎花。

    Results: The contents of Cu, Fe, Zn, Sr, se, Mn, As, Cd in stems were all higher than those in leaves and flowers of buckwheat.


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