• 联合国际影片公司国际金融基石构成重要重要的组成部分汇率决定理论货币汇率模型

    UIP is one of the cornerstones of international finance, constituting an important building block of most important exchange rate determination theories such as the monetary exchange rate model.


  • 这种计算均衡汇率方法以往均衡汇率的研究方法不同改变实际汇率作为解释变量建立均衡汇率模型的计算方法。

    This new calculation model is different from ancient ones that it changes the way that establishes models by taking the real exchange rate as dependent variable.


  • 长期实际汇率主要取决于经济供给面,即生产率的变化思想体现巴拉萨—萨缪尔森效应模型

    In the long run, real exchange rates are mainly determined by the supply-side of an economy (changes in the productivity), which is embodied in the model of Balassa-Samuelson effect.


  • 因为论文其中三分之二主要模型使用FEER型的分析框架,这个基金美元汇率判断Williamson自己的有些相似

    As it USES FEER-type analyses in two out of three of its main models, the fund's judgment on the dollar is likely to be similar to Mr Williamson's own.


  • 然后本文结合我国国情模型参数分析汇率失调具体原因

    Then, the paper analyzes the concrete reasons and the effects on economy of exchange rate misalignment.


  • 外汇汇率数据进行模型构造预测。 结果表明,组合神经网络模型拟合精度和预测准确性方面都有提高

    Through constructing models and making predictions for the currency exchange rate data, we can see that the predictions of combined neural networks are improved.


  • 外汇汇率问题进行模型构造预测的结果表明,方法预测误差明显减小

    We build models and make predictions for the currency exchange rate, the prediction errors of adaptive modeling method decrease.


  • 构建一个最优动态汇率风险套期保值理论模型将其套期保值效率静态策略进行实证对比。

    Optimal dynamic hedging of exchange rate risk is modeled and the hedging effectiveness of the dynamic and static strategies is compared.


  • 双对数计量经济模型可以较为准确地描述人民币汇率国际企业价值影响

    From the paper, it can more accurately describe the influence of the RMB exchange rate on the international enterprise value resorting to the econometric model.


  • 汇率变动服从模型前提给出一种期权价格界限判断方法

    Secondly, Provide one option price demarcation line judge the method base on the premise that the exchange rate change obeys two forks of tree models.


  • 结果表明如果网络汇率数据加以良好的训练,模型就有好的预测能力

    The results show that, if the network can be well trained with a set of exchange rate data, it shows satisfactory forecasting ability.


  • 通过建立误差修正模型发现:人民币汇率错位修正机制存在功能较弱

    By the error - correction model, the study shows: there exists the malposition error - correction organism of RMB 's rate of exchange, but it functions weakly.


  • 为了避免这个作者添加了他们对多长时间汇率公平价值改变模型标准

    To guard against this, the authors added to their model a measure of how far the exchange rate has shifted from its fair value.


  • 理论上讲,汇率决定理论研究汇率波动问题基础,主要传统汇率决定理论现代货币主义汇率决定模型之分。

    The theory of exchange rate determination is the foundation of it. There have been many research results in exchange rate determination, including traditional theories and modern monetarist models.


  • 文章个体期最优模型引入内生劳动力供给,并同时假定资本流动存在限制,以此来分析实际汇率变动对就业的影响。

    With the assumption of possible limitation existed on capital flow, in this article, we establish an optimizing inter-temporal agent model with endogenous labor supply incorporated.


  • 为了解决汇率收益率波动中的“尖峰尾”、中期记忆非对称特征提出利用ARFIMA - EGARCH - M模型建立汇率收益率波动模型

    To solve the higher peak and fat tail phenomenon, immediate memory and asymmetric features, this paper formulate the volatility model of exchange rate returns using the ARFIMA-EGARCH-M model.


  • 固有模型只是根据汇率历史所提供的信息预测未来的现汇汇率广泛应用的时间序列模型

    The usual models predict the future exchange rate only based on the information provided by the history values such as time series modeling.


  • 模型显示股票价格主要一日的股票价格汇率价格决定

    The model indicates that the stock price on one day main decided by the stock price of one day before and the exchange rate price of three days before.


  • 建立收汇确定条件下企业国际贸易汇率风险度量模型

    Set up the exchange risk measurement model of enterprises in international trade when the limit for the settlement of payment is not certain.


  • 本文介绍汇率目标区基本模型

    This paper presents introduction of the target zone exchange rate system.


  • 这种观点一致蒙代尔一弗莱明模型完美的资本流动浮动汇率

    This view is also consistent with the Mundell-Fleming model under perfect capital mobility and a floating exchange rate.


  • 整检验揭示国际收支实际汇率之间存在协整关系,误差修正模型揭示出口额的波动具有一定的反向调节作用进口额的反向调节作用则很微弱。

    As co-integration test reflects regulation between international trades and real exchange rate, correction mechanism suggests certain counter-regulation effect on export and weak effect on import.


  • 文章构造一个由IPLM曲线总产出曲线构成汇率产出模型,揭示了三代货币危机模型内在关联性

    In the paper, an exchange rate-output model consisting of IPLM curve and aggregate output curve is built, indicating the inner relevance of the three-generation currency crises and models.


  • 本文构建多元波动模型结果显示,两汇率之间的相关性金融危机期间倾向增加存在显著的汇率风险传染效应

    We can also see that the correlation between country exchange rates tend to increase during the financial crisis, and the currency risk contagion effect is significant.


  • 提出一种适合超短期汇率预测模型方法

    A new method which is fit to the prediction of supper-shortterm exchange rate was proposed.


  • 一种扑朔迷离数组模型解释波动汇率崩溃布雷顿森林体系70年代初期

    There is a bewildering array of models to explain the volatility of exchange rates since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in the early 1970s.


  • 最后根据整关系的检验结果建立VAR模型或者VEC模型进而研究汇率变动我国股市影响

    Finally, establish VAR model or VEC model according to Co-integration results and then study exchange rate change to Our country Stock market's influence.


  • 最后根据整关系的检验结果建立VAR模型或者VEC模型进而研究汇率变动我国股市影响

    Finally, establish VAR model or VEC model according to Co-integration results and then study exchange rate change to Our country Stock market's influence.


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