• 他们进入了那个国家已经申请永久居住

    They had entered the country and had applied for permanent residence.


  • 拥有租凭房屋人们给予一项新的买下他们房产永久

    People owning leasehold homes will be given a new right to buy the freehold of their property.


  • 财产登记薄写出该财产永久还是租凭的。

    The property register will also say whether the property is freehold or leasehold.


  • 报道中国正在位于缅甸不同海岸地点监测站提供信号设备还有北京获得了可可永久使用

    There were reports that China was delivering signals equipment for monitoring stations on various coastal sites, and had a permanent presence on Great Coco Island (see map).


  • 她们生活无着不知能否获得永久留居,实在没有活路。

    Living in limbo, not knowing if they can get permanent residency, is no way to live.


  • 作者认为雇用永久外籍技术工人有益于美国

    The author assumes that hiring foreign-born high tech workers who don't already have permanent residency is a good thing for America.


  • 虽然穆托享有美国永久居住,但是觉得如果报警也许警察因为他没有携带任何证件而拘留

    Although he has permanent us residency rights, he feared that if he approached the police they might detain him because he was not carrying any identification.


  • 但是每年捕捞量百分比份额固定并且张文书保证永久捕捞

    But your percentage of the annual haul was fixed, and this piece of paper entitled you to it in perpetuity.


  • 保护管理交易土地所有者保护组织达成,保留土地私人财产所有,同时,永久禁止某些类型开发活动。

    This easement, made between a landowner and a conservation organisation, maintains the private ownership of the property while permanently prohibiting certain types of development.


  • 没有人愿意法国英国永久否决但是他们都不想放弃

    Nobody now would give France or Britain a permanent veto, but neither wants to give up that right.


  • 蒙特卡洛管弦交响乐团成立于1863年,1879年获得了加尼叶宫殿永久居住

    The Monte Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra was founded in 1863 and gained a permanent home at Garnier Palace in 1879.


  • 温室气体拟定主动永久财团各种各样产品排放量平面化,数据化,并制定出国际统一标准

    The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative and the Sustainability Consortium both aim to create international standards to tabulate the carbon footprint of a variety of products.


  • 给予每个这里公司外国人暂时居住如果这个公司能够提供一定全职工作获得一定的收入,那么他们就可以获得永久居住

    It would grant temporary residence to any foreigner who comes here to establish a company and permanent residency if that company generates a certain level of new full-time jobs and revenues.


  • 几年他们就已获得永久居住。至于完整公民何时能够享有,如今看来,似乎也只是时间问题

    A few years ago they were given permanent residency, and full citizenship is now probably only a matter of time.


  • 然而不仅仅修订选举德国真正意图在于对条约规定破产国家财政救助基金形成永久的变更。

    Yet more than just amending voting rights, Germany's real goal is to create a permanent means of restructuring the debts of bust countries and a bail-out fund that is treaty-based.


  • 一次永久指挥的转移必须在有确确实实的并且广泛的联盟达成之时才可以确立下来

    A permanent alternate command needs to be established as soon as practical and the broadest possible coalition must be engaged.


  • 永久经销很少能够仅仅建立某一个角色的基础上。

    Permanent franchises are rarely built on one character alone.


  • 2005年以来新的移民不能不通过基本语言国籍身份考核才能获得英国永久居住迫使一些新的移民学习英语

    Since 2005 new migrants have had to pass basic language and citizenship tests to get permanent leave to remain in theBritain, which has forced many new migrants to learn English.


  • 咒语异能结算时,可能会一并指示双方交换物(举例来说,生命两个永久操控)。

    A spell or ability may instruct two players to exchange something (for example, life totals or control of two permanents) as part of its resolution.


  • 永久营业一些组织不动产永久所有例如教会,其地产不能转让出卖

    Perpetual ownership of real estate by institutions such as churches that cannot transfer or sell it.


  • 针对叙利亚事件,虽然俄罗斯语言相对温和,但仍在立场上坚决持反对态度。作为叙利亚的盟友,俄罗斯在安理会享有永久的否决

    Even the relatively mild language on Syria faces stiff opposition from Russia, a Syria ally, which has veto power as a permanent Security Council member.


  • 明显当事人意在设立一个土地永久租赁

    It appears that the parties intended to create a perpetual right to lease the land.


  • 商标法规定商家自己商标永久地享有唯一使用

    Under trademark law, the seller is granted exclusive rights to the use of the brand name in perpetuity.


  • 查明当事人的意图之后法院应当按照书面协议执行尽管永久租赁受当事人的欢迎

    When the parties' intent is made clear, courts should enforce the agreement as written, even though perpetual rights are not favored.


  • 这种判断结果本文认为相对人永久抗辩的产生,不是自体的消灭。

    I think, this judgment will lead to a result that the debtor has a kind of permanent defense right, but the right itself does not die out.


  • 这种判断结果本文认为相对人永久抗辩的产生,不是自体的消灭。

    I think, this judgment will lead to a result that the debtor has a kind of permanent defense right, but the right itself does not die out.


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