• 有效系数喷淋水流灭火效果的影响进行了研究。

    The effects of effective spray coefficient and water spray flow rate on fire suppression mechanism are investigated.


  • 现在PPWSA每天能供应300,000立方米200,000条输送线路并且小于6%。

    It now produces 300,000 cubic metres a day, has 200,000 connections and non-revenue water of less than 6%.


  • 连续测量水流速度通过不同探测器计数比值来确定

    Water-flow velocity of continuous measurement was determined by the ratio of count rate value of different source spacing detectors.


  • 通过泥沙模型试验研究,分析不同入库条件下进入取水口水流含沙量颗粒级配,水库对泥沙沉降

    By the experiment of sand model, an investigation of silt content, rank of silt grain and silt deposition rate under different conditions of water and silt have been obtained.


  • 蕨类孢子是从陆地水流携带搬运而来,百分含量的高低可能是受补偿影响

    The fern spore is mostly transported from the land by stream current, and redeeming rate may influence its concentration.


  • 试验结果表明土壤剥蚀随着水流剪切增加对数线性关系

    The results showed that soil detachment rate increased with the increase of flow shear stress, their logarithm was linear.


  • 利用这些模型数值模拟水轮机含沙水流流动沙粒水轮机过流通道的浓度分布、运动轨迹及水轮机过流部件磨损

    These models can be used to predict the sandy water flow in hydraulic turbine, the sand particle trajectories in hydraulic ducts and the wear rates of hydraulic turbine components.


  • 水流很强时,爱因斯坦公式给出推移质输沙可能

    When the flow intensity is high, the transport rate of bed load as given by Einstein formula might be too small.


  • 通过试验发现就环状橡胶模拟废旧轮胎)这种柔性体,垂直水流方向的投影面积是影响槽底糙、水深和流速主要因素

    By the testing we found the flexible artificial roughness rubber turns which simulated the wasted tires were the main factor which affect the roughness of the bottom which directed to vertical flow.


  • 结果,甚而区域被服从前填水泥化学制品在跟随挖掘相对地时间以后陈列了地坚固

    As a result, even zones subjected to chemical pre-grouting exhibited a substantial rate of groundwater inflow after a relatively short time following excavation.


  • 畦灌水流推进过程计算模型确定灌水技术要素田间平均入渗有十分重要作用

    Border irrigation current advancement process model plays an important role to determine irrigation technical index, average field infiltration rate and roughness coefficient.


  • 绘制了自曲线计算了自净百分常数讨论温度、河浊度自净作用影响。

    Self-purification curves are presented, percentages and rate constants of the purification are calculated, and influence of temperature, flow rate, and turbidity on self-purification are discussed.


  • 本文还导得动平情况下流速分布公式阻力公式公式,使水流运动和输沙过程得以解。

    The formulas of velocity distribution, flow resistance and bed load transport rate are obtained, in which the flow and sediment movement are considered simultaneously.


  • 提出了计算推移质的方法及公式,该公式表明水流强度一定,输沙并非为一个常量而是颗粒在床面的相对暴露而变

    The formula shows the transport rate is not a constant but varies with the relative exposure degree of particles that lying on riverbed when the flow intensity is at fixed value.


  • 导致较高平均温度创造不可取温度梯度沿水流路径

    Slower flow rates result in higher average mold temperatures, but create undesirable temperature gradients along the water flow paths.


  • 实测资料表明推移质输与床面层有效水流有良好相关性,且高于推移质输沙水流的相关性。

    The measured data show that the bedload sediment transport rate is related more closely to the effective stream power within the bed-surface layer than to the river stream power.


  • 播处理、缩密植优化土壤系统技术,均较大程度地提高作物产量水分生产

    Such measures as row spacing reduced and close planting and furrow growing are propitious to optimize soil water flow system and they can greatly increase crop's yield and water use efficiency.


  • 研究范围最佳最佳倾角加热水流增大均有所增加

    Within the range of the study the optimum liquid-filling rate and the optimum inclination Angle will be somewhat greater when the heating water flow rate undergoes an increase.


  • 渠道比降断面形状、来组成和引水流影响引黄渠道沙能力主要因素;

    It is revealed that the roughness factor, slope of the canal bed, cross section of the canal and sediment sizes are the important factors which influence the sediment transport capacity of the canal.


  • 淹没植物存在作用,增大水流坡降使面糙

    The presence of submerged plants increased the flow gradient, hence the bed roughness became larger to resist flow.


  • 为考虑空气水流流速影响采用VOF方法追踪自由水面,并用施主—受主方法求解水体体积控制方程。

    Considering the influence of the air on the velocity of flow, Volume of Fluids (VOF) method is used to track the free surface.


  • 填料水流产生阻力,随水流速度、填料长度及填料投配增加而增大。

    The stub tube fillers generated resistance of water flow. And the resistance increased with the increment of flow rate, the length of packed beds and the proportion of fillers.


  • 提出一种分析涡卷式洗衣机缠绕理论方法。利用流体力学的原理,建立了洗衣机水流的数学模型。

    This paper presents a analytic method of the decrease of the enwinding ratio of the Swirl Washing Machine.


  • 提出一种分析涡卷式洗衣机缠绕理论方法。利用流体力学的原理,建立了洗衣机水流的数学模型。

    This paper presents a analytic method of the decrease of the enwinding ratio of the Swirl Washing Machine.


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