• 三峡库区森林水文作用,对于长江三峡水利枢纽工程安全运行效益发挥具有重要意义,对于改善和维持三峡库区的生态环境具有重要作用

    It is significant that the forestry hydrology function of reservoir area of Three Gorges gives play to the safe operation and benefit of the water control project in Three Gorges of Yangtze River.


  • 主题处理森林森林树木帮助调节土壤水文以及水生系统作用

    The theme addresses the role of forests and trees outside forests to help moderate soil, hydrological and aquatic systems.


  • 论述我国水文水井钻探技术地下水资源(特别是深层地下水资源)开采利用中的重要作用

    The important function is detailed on drilling technology for hydrological well applied in exploitation and utilization of underground water resources, especially in deep layer.


  • 实例表明示踪探测已经走向成熟,对于复杂岩溶水文地质环境工程勘察,可起到重要作用

    The example indicates that the tracing and detecting tend to maturation which has the important function in the investigation of hydrogeological environment for karst water.


  • 森林河川径流调节作用森林水文功能变化而变化

    The forest adjusting function on rivers runoff alters as the forest hydrological function changing.


  • 斜压作用漏斗地形修正可以解释主要水文特征

    With corrections by the baroclinic effect and funnel shape topography, the essential hydrological characteristics can be explained.


  • 由此提出蒸发量湖泊水量平衡中起重要作用温度影响湖泊水文变化关键因子

    We propose that the evaporation driven by increased temperature plays an important role in water balance and influences the hydrologic process of Namu Co.


  • 随着岩溶概念油气系统理论提出,古水文地质分析工作储层预测研究中将发挥大的作用

    Along with the appearance of concept of cavernous reservoir and theory of petroleum system, hydrogeo logical analysis will play a great role in reservoir prediction re-search.


  • 数字水文模型一种先进数字流域模型,它水库成功应用为柘溪水库的洪水预报发挥重大作用

    Digital hydrological model is an advanced digital river basin model, whose successful application will be of great importance to the flood-forecast in Zhexi reservoir.


  • 实际估测区域降水量不仅进行洪水监测、发布洪水警报起指导作用而且是各种水文大气数值模式用到的重要的实测原始资料之一

    Precipitation is not only a kind of essential data to a hydrological or atmospheric numerical model, but also a sort of key information for flood monitoring and warning.


  • 景观生态学认为景观气候地形、地貌、植被水文以及人为活动共同作用形成自然综合体

    Landscape is a natural synthesis shaped and affected by the jointly actions of climate, landform, relief, vegetation and human activities.


  • 水文水井气动钻进可发挥它高效率、高速度作用

    The air-driven down-hole hammer drilling is still very effective and speedy in well drilling in karst limestone area.


  • 作为水循环重要环节对于了解水循环过程、植被对水文过程调节作用合理利用有限水资源重大意义。

    Et, as an important component of water cycle, plays a significant role in the research of water cycle process, vegetation regulation to water process and sustainable use of limited water resources.


  • 江苏省海岸带地质灾害主要影响因素为入海径流、地质构造海洋水文气象人工作用等。

    The main factors influencing upon geological disaster in Jiangsu coast area are tidal runoff, geological structure, oceanery hydrology, climate and man-made activities.


  • 大气水文就是研究大气中水分存在运动变化作用利用知识体系

    Atmospheric hydrology is knowledge systems on researching exist, motion, change, effect and (utilize) of atmospheric water.


  • 提出水文面的定义分析了组成水文下垫要素的基本性质及其、汇流方面的作用

    In the paper, the hydrological underlying surface is defined, the elements composing the hydrological underlying surface and their action on water yield and concentration are analyzed.


  • 一定的水文条件气候条件下,地下水中的对农田生态系统中硫平衡重要作用

    The sulphur input through groundwater playes an important role in sulphur balance under a special hydrological and climatic conditions.


  • 森林植被作为水文环境要素,降水径流水文通量空间分布特征有着重要的影响作用

    As an important component in hydrological process, forest vegetation influences critically the spatial distribution of hydrological fluxes such as precipitation, evapo-transpiration, and runoff.


  • 时间序列分析法水文规律分析水文模拟以及水文预报许多方面都重要作用

    Time series analysis method is playing an important role in hydrologic regular analysis and hydrologic analogy as well as hydrologic forecasting and so forth.


  • 计划目的研究亚马逊流域生物地球化学、水文沉积作用等方面的问题。

    The purpose of this research project is to understand the biogeochemistry, hydrology, and sedimentation of the Amazon River and its drainage basin.


  • 河流水文特征决定河流地质作用主要时期

    Hydrological characteristics decide the main period of the river geological process.


  • 冰期水位计算冰水力学、冰水文学的重要内容对于防治预报凌汛乃至研究冰期河床演变具有重要的作用

    It is an important content to calculate water level for ice hydraulics and ice hydrology and it has important effected on preventing and forecasting ice flood and bed evolution.


  • 历史洪水调查邻近地区水文设计洪水地区综合提高设计洪水的合理性可靠性重要作用

    The historical floods investigation and regional synthesizing of design floods at nearby hydrology stations are very important to increase the reliability and reasonability of the design floods.


  • 根据椒江河口水文测验资料分析了整治工程对河口动力沉积作用影响

    Influences of the regulation work on dynamic sedimentation in Jiaojiang Estuary, Zhejiang province, are analyzed based on measured hydro data.


  • 水文地质试验工程地质勘察重要组成部分工程设计施工具有重要作用

    The hydrogeological test is the important part of the geological investigation, and it is very useful to the engineering design and construction.


  • 土壤水分状况影响径流形成。研究结论对评价土壤水分径流作用水文过程研究具有重要参考价值。

    The study conclusions were significant for the runoff affected with soil and the hydrological process in the watershed.


  • 根据实验数据应用水箱模型,确定出典型降雨过程作用阶段水文过程模型参数

    Based on the experimental data and the tank model, the authors design the different hydrological process models and parameters for the typical rainfall events.


  • -作用模拟环境水文地球化学研究领域一个重要方面

    The simulation of water-rock interaction is one of the most important aspects hi the research field of environmental geochemistry.


  • -作用模拟环境水文地球化学研究领域一个重要方面

    The simulation of water-rock interaction is one of the most important aspects hi the research field of environmental geochemistry.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定