• 一般情况下,超表面可以通过种方法制备:水性表面构建粗糙结构或者粗糙表面修饰表面物质

    One is to create a rough structure on a hydrophobic surface, and the other is to modify a rough surface by materials with low surface free energy.


  • 根据“荷叶自洁效应”仿生学原理利用超微粉在涂层表面构造粗糙结构提高水性

    According to the theory of bionics and powders was used to build a coarse structure onto the surface of the coating, and the hydrophobicity was highly improved.


  • 采用丙烯酸树脂水性聚氨酯改性研究丙烯酸树脂改性的水性聚氨酯的结构设计及其规律

    The structural design and its rule of water borne polyurethane modified with acrylic resin was studied in this paper.


  • 某些此种损害将影响集装箱结构尺寸外部)防水性证书要求

    Some of these defects can affect the structural integrity, dimensions (internal or external), water-tightness or certification requirements of the container.


  • 考察了氯化石蜡(氯烃-70)水性结构防火涂料中的应用情况。

    This article has reported the application of chlorinated paraffin (Chlorinated Paraffine-70) in waterborne fire retardant coatings for steel structures.


  • 尾矿颗粒细,比重较大石英含量较多水性弱,饱和的疏松尾矿料具有非常敏感的不稳定结构

    The grain of tailings is finer with larger specific density, its content of quartz is more and water affinity is weak.


  • 一些土壤例如砂土具有松散结构,因而良好水性粘土中,由于土壤颗粒互相粘合导致粘土结构紧密水性差。

    Some soils, such as sandy soils, have a loose crumb structure with good drainage, whereas in clay soils the particles are small and stick together to give a dense crumb structure and poor drainage.


  • 使用红外光谱分析阳离子水性聚氨酯结构及其肝素化处理聚合物结构变化

    The structure of cationic waterborne polyurethane and the structure changes of polymer after heparinization were characterized with infrared spectroscopy.


  • 法兰式结构双层密封胶圈,防腐、能好

    Flange structure, double sealing rubber ring, so anti-corrosion, waterproof performance.


  • 方便稀饭口感很大程度上取决于成品的复水性成品的复水性方便稀饭米粒内部淀粉结构密切相关。

    The taste of instant rice soup largely depends on the rehydration of the product, and consequently, connected with the inner structure of instant rice granule.


  • 通过红外光谱、GPC等手段水性聚合物的分子结构进行了表征

    The structure of fluorinated polymer is characterized by use of IR and GPC.


  • 分子结构上引入水基-苯环后,显著提高了脲醛树脂水性

    The hydrophobic property of the resin has remarkably improved by adding the hydrophobic group of benzene ring to the molecular structure of the resin.


  • 双壁围堰具有结构强度好的特点,因此,桥梁深水基础得到广泛应用。

    The double-wall steel cofferdam is widely applied in bridge deep water foundation due to that it is of characteristics of high structural strength and good waterproof performance.


  • 进一步研究相容性结构与共纤维微孔结构水性关系,得到了一系列重要结论

    The effects of compatibility and phase structure on porous structure and hydrophilic properties of blend fibers were further investigated. Many important results were obtained.


  • 通过控制混合密度水泥用量取值范围使混合料同时满足要求结构强度要求。

    By controlling the range of the dry density, magnitude of cement and water cement ratio of mixture, the requirement of drainage property and structure strength can be fulfilled.


  • 结构应用发现水性结构防火涂料防冻问题

    The question of water borne fireproofing coating for steel structure does not bear the frozen is discovered when application.


  • 树干茎流大小主要树皮树木胸径、树干冠型结构降雨量降雨强度的影响。

    The stemflow is influenced by the water absorbing property of barks, the diameter in breast high of trees, the branch angles, the crown structure, the precipitation and the intensity of precipitation.


  • 最终形成IPN材料进行了力学性能水性的测试分析,并未形成IPN结构组成样品的数据对比,突出了材料的优越性

    The tested results of mechanical properties and water resistant data proved the advantages of IPN material, compared with the general compounds which had the same composition.


  • OR 9350可用有机溶剂稀释并使用,赋予良好能。OR 9350是结构中不含卤素的溶剂。

    OR 9350 will be used after it is diluted with solvent. It can give good waterproof power. OR 9350 is a solvent without halogen in the structure.


  • 实验结果显示由于处理纤维结构含有高吸水性甲基基团,处理后的纤维初始纤维更高的吸湿性。

    Experimental results showed that the treated fibers had much higher hydroscopicity than the untreated ones, due to the highly absorbent carboxymethyl groups in the fiber structure.


  • 结构上定性探讨了PAMN水性树脂性能

    The paper discussed the properties of PAMN high water absorptive resin from structure.


  • 钻孔咬合灌注桩作为一种新的基坑围护结构克服传统基坑围护结构中防水性能差缺点,在地铁车站基坑围护中得到采用

    As a new pit supporting structure, clutching borehole grouting pile has overcome the deflection of traditional pile which can not prevent water leaking and is gradually used in subway pit engineering.


  • 脱除漆膜,旧脱漆方式桥梁结构表面环境一定损害,采用水性漆剂已成为目前研究的热点。

    Before given a new coating, the aging coating has to be removed, but the old removing method may do some damage to the surface of the steel structure and the environment.


  • 岩体结构及其水性直接关系建筑物围岩稳定安全

    The structure and permeability of rock determine directly the stability and security of buildings surrounding rock.


  • 石膏体系中掺入适量粉煤灰通过对粉煤灰活性充分激发,显著改善石膏建材结构水性

    The micro structure and water resisting of gypsum building materials can be improved greatly by adding fly ash to gypsum system and activating its activation.


  • 水性二级结构几率分析表明两个非常相似结构分别存在1-390和390-807区域。

    The analysis of hydrophobicity and second level structure probability shows that there are two greatly similar domains located at 1-390 and 390-807 areas respectively.


  • 同时运用IRSEMKAC进行结构分析,富含水性离子基团以及不规则的多网格微观结构成为高湿环境长效吸湿剂开发应用参考依据。

    The structure of KAC was characterized by IR and SEM, its rich hydrophilic and ionic groups and irregular network can supply reference for application as long-term desiccant in high humidity.


  • 量化蛋白质结构的参水性一般认为,水性氨基酸蛋白质极性氨基酸表面

    Quantify the Relevance Hydrophobicity in protein Structure: the general expectation is that hydrophobic aminoacids are in the core of proteins, while polar aminoacids are on the surface.


  • 土地基的土质具有粘性大,水性,含水量大,承载力,沉降量大,土层结构复杂等特点。

    The soft soil is featured by big viscosity, bad water permeability, big water content, low bearing capacity, big settlement and complex soil layers.


  • 土地基的土质具有粘性大,水性,含水量大,承载力,沉降量大,土层结构复杂等特点。

    The soft soil is featured by big viscosity, bad water permeability, big water content, low bearing capacity, big settlement and complex soil layers.


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