• 厂房上下游边墙围岩蜗壳混凝土结构水平杆约束对结构动力特性影响较小

    The parallel chain constraint, which is imposed by the sidewall on the concrete structure of the volute layer, plays a relatively small role on the dynamic characteristics of the structure.


  • 一步中所用到工具包括:关键路经计划压缩what-if脚本分析资源水平,关键

    Tools used in this process include critical path method, schedule compression, what-if scenario analysis, resource leveling, and critical chain methods.


  • 作为公制密集部分供应衡量质量水平产量工人生产力

    As the most metric-intensive portion of the supply chain, measure quality levels, production output and worker productivity.


  • 最后详尽地论述供应中的循环库存安全库存,讨论降低供给水平同时又不增加成本基础上,如何降低循环库存和安全库存。

    Finally I study the cycle stocks and the safe stocks of the supply chain in details, and discuss how to reduce them in the preconditions of not lowering the supply level and increasing cost.


  • 精确需求预测贯穿整个供应管理存货水平基本技巧一节目前普遍使用预测技术综述

    Accurate demand forecasting is a fundamental skill in managing inventory levels throughout the supply chain. This session provides an overview of prevalent forecasting techniques.


  • 整个产业中,旅游购物水平发达国家相比有较大差距

    But in the entire industrial chain, compared with the developed country, the traveling shopping level of our country still fall behind.


  • 那里污染物进入海洋食物建立他们浓度直到他们到达有毒水平

    Here the pollutants enter Marine food chains, building up their concentrations until they reach toxic levels.


  • 最后仿真结果表明模型预测控制技术在预测合理库存水平以及控制动态、不确定供应系统可行的。

    Finally, the feasibility of model predictive control can forecast reasonable inventory level and control dynamic and uncertainty supply chain system are shown by the simulation results.


  • 结果表明由于GAP粘合剂影响,使推进剂力学性能水平因而必须对其进行改性

    The results show that the mechanical property level of GAP based propellants is relatively low owing to the effects of side chain in GAP binder, thus, its molecular structure must be modified.


  • 最后实例说明,PAIT - QM方法具有良好标准符合性能够有效提高汽车供应企业全面质量管理的标准化水平效率

    Finally, it is exemplified that PAITQM has good standard compliance and can effectively improve the standardization level and work efficiency of TQM in automotive supply chain enterprises.


  • 因此供应成功关键在不损害产品供应水平情况下找到降低安全库存量有效途径

    Therefore, the key of the successful supply chain is to find an effective way to reduce safety stock without prejudicing product supply situation.


  • 供应系统角度大规模定制MC运作策略进行研究可以提高客户定制服务水平大规模定制的生产效率

    The, customization service level and production efficiency of mass customization (MC) can be improved by researching of MC operation strategy in view of the supply chain system.


  • 为了提高管理库存可用率精度供应物流操作水平达到最好,总体业务战略相结合。

    In order to manage high accuracy for stock availability, supply chain and logistic operation has to best and aligned with overall business strategy.


  • 供应核心竞争力强弱体现顾客服务水平的高低、顾客需求反应时间的长短以及运营成本的高低方面。

    The competence of supply chain management is embodied in the customers' service level, responsiveness of the customers' demand, and operation cost, and so on.


  • 公司依靠独创热值高炉煤气技术采用机-回转窑-环冷机工艺设计开发冶金球石灰生产技术,属国内领先水平

    The pelletizing and lime technology based on using burning technology of the low heat value blast furnace gas and the grate-kiln process is on the leading place in China.


  • 产品供应销售商促销水平影响市场需求

    Market demand can be affected by the promotion level from retailers in the supply chain.


  • CPFR目的提高供应效率减少库存提高服务水平以及增加销售额

    The objective of CPFR is to improve efficiencies across the extended supply chain, reducing inventories, improving service levels and increasing sales.


  • 长鞭效应会造成供应系统无效运作,从而导致存货过多生产预测出现误差、产能失衡、顾客服务水平下降等等。

    It can lead to tremendous inefficiency for the supply chain, consequently followed by excessive inventory, imbalance between demand and manufacturing capacity, and reduction of customer service level.


  • 因此,对企业供应管理理论方法进行研究对于提高现代企业的管理水平竞争能力,具有十分重要理论和现实意义

    Therefore, it is meaningful to study the theory and technique of supply chain management to improve the management and competitiveness of modern enterprises in theory and in practice.


  • 尽管世界粮食产量达到有史以来最高水平食物环节的一拉一可能会影响到万里之外的人们。

    Although the world is producing more food than ever before, a tug on one link of the food chain still can rattle others far away.


  • 供应管理过程中,企业经营者逐渐发现了库存对于供应成本服务水平都有着重要影响。

    And in the procedure of management, inventory control is found to pay an important role in the decrease of cost of supply chain and the increase of service level.


  • 分销网络供应中的重要组成部分设计好坏不仅决定物流成本高低,也决定了整个供应服务水平高低。

    Distribution network is an important part of supply chain. Its design quality determines both the level of logistics cost and the level of whole supply chain service.


  • 价值转移将影响供应水平结构垂直结构以及供应上各企业的内部结构。

    Value migration affects the supply chain network structure in horizontal structure, vertical structure and intra -firm organization.


  • 目前上海市静脉产业存在布局不合理、集约化水平相对较产业不完整问题。

    There are some problems of vein industry facility in Shanghai at the present time, including non-perfect layout, low intensive level and half-beaked of industry chain.


  • 供应协同决策供应管理中发挥重要作用直接影响供应运作水平

    The collaborative decision of supply chain plays important role in SCM, which affects directly operational levels of supply chain.


  • 因此,识别不同时期企业价值状态有效管理对于企业战略调整以及管理水平提升都非常重要的。

    Therefore, efficient control about the value chain which is variable in different period is crucial for a enterprise on strategy choosing and regeneration of management.


  • 因此,识别不同时期企业价值状态有效管理对于企业战略调整以及管理水平提升都非常重要的。

    Therefore, efficient control about the value chain which is variable in different period is crucial for a enterprise on strategy choosing and regeneration of management.


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