• 入不安全水域会导致严重的伤害。

    Diving into unsafe water can lead to serious injuries.


  • 闭幕式举行同时广州市中心安全部队保持着高度的警戒,通往闭幕式现场海星沙道路封闭,周边水域也有警力巡逻

    Security forces were meanwhile on high alert in the centre of Guangzhou, blocking off roads and patrolling the waters off Haixinsha island, the venue of the closing ceremony.


  • 推动水域事实物理定律吻合,风将吹至两边建立安全通道,风的停止也会造成水流快速涌

    The wind moves the water in a way that's in accordance with physical laws, creating a safe passage with water on two sides and then abruptly allowing the water to rush back in. '.


  • 最终,在所报称危险解除,船长表示安全情况下,INSSujata号仍然护送直到安全水域

    Though the reported threat was later averted and the master of the vessel intimated that it was safe, INS Sujata continued to escort the ship to safe waters.


  • 随着水域面积缩减,地下不断溶解导致陷坑突然出现,严重损坏道路桥梁威胁生命安全

    As the sea shrinks, underground layers of salt have dissolved, leading to the sudden formation of sinkholes, which damage roads and Bridges and threaten lives.


  • 他们中大部分抵达马来西亚或者印度尼西亚后那里蛇头已经打点好一切。无论多危险,蛇头也会把这些一心想寻求安全更好生活小船送往澳大利亚水域

    Most travel to Malaysia or Indonesia where people smugglers have established the logistics, however dangerous, to ferry people in search of safety and a better life into Australian waters.


  • 船动了,正在离开小岛驶入安全水域

    We were moving, away from the island, into safe water!


  • 北极海上钻探是否温水水域钻探安全系数更高,这个问题分晓。

    It remains to be seen whether offshore drilling in the Arctic can be any safer than drilling in balmier waters.


  • Louis s. St - Laurent破冰船重达22吨不锈钢推动停止工作了,它正在帮助加拿大商船安全穿越结冰水域。之所以停止工作,是因为旁边正在冒险的潜泳者。

    The 22-ton stainless steel propellers on the icebreaker Louis S. St-Laurentpause in their work pushing the Canadian vessel through frozen waters-allowing a diver to venture near.


  • 后来我们到达安全水域时,觉得有些不可思议:我不再水了。恐惧一刻胜利了!

    And, as we made our way to safety I realized something incredible: I was no longer afraid. That absence of fear was a moment of triumph!


  • 由于船坞建设所在水域特殊性超大型船舶独有操纵特性,超大型船舶安全操纵成为一个迫切需要解决重要课题

    Because of the dock water areas particularity and the special maneuvering characteristics of VLCC, the safe maneuvering into dock of VLCC is an important problem that is pressing for solution.


  • 管道水下穿越所通过水域由于河床变化而管道的安全运行带来隐患

    Hidden dangers to safe operation of pipelines will result from changes of riverbed in the waters where pipelines underwater cross.


  • 研究一下计划游泳水域安全应该总是首要考虑因素。

    Research the site where you plan to swim. Safety should always be your first priority.


  • 推动水域事实物理定律吻合,风将吹至两边建立安全通道,风的停止也会造成水流快速涌

    The wind moves the water in a way that's in accordance with physical laws, creating a safe passage with water on two sides and then abruptly allowing the water to rush back in.


  • 冰面北极熊、冰面下海豹、峭壁上做为了吞吃那些努力完成下悬崖达到安全水域掉队的鸟而在下面的北极狐

    Birds nesting on sheer cliffs, the Arctic fox waiting below to devour the birds that fall short when they try to make the long glide off those cliffs to the safety of the water.


  • 航道内河湖泊港湾水域船舶安全通航的的通道。

    Channel refers to inland, lakes, harbor in such as the ship security navigable waters for the channel.


  • 可以拒绝美国船舶安全进入附近中国11,200英里(18,000公里)长的海岸线国际水域

    It could also deny U. S. ships safe access to international waters near China's 11,200-mile (18,000-kilometer) -long coastline.


  • 航道就是湖泊港湾水域船舶提供安全航行通道

    Channel is the navigation channel providing safety for the ships in lakes, bays and other waters.


  • 目的维持良好水上交通秩序以确保船舶流能够迅速、畅通安全的运行,防止减少船舶交通事故以及保护水域环境免遭船舶污染。

    The aim is to keep Marine traffic order, ensure the security of the vessels, avoid and deduce vessel traffic accidents and protect Marine circumstance against the vessel pollution.


  • 第三前文分析基础参考国外先进水域交通安全管理经验提出大连港水域交通安全管理的改进方法

    The third chapter puts forward amelioration methods of Marine traffic security management of Dalian port based on the hereinbefore analysis and the reference of foreign advanced experience.


  • 内河质量船舶存在人命船货安全水域环境带来了极大威胁。

    Inland river inferior quality ship existence have extremely threated human life, cargo safety and water area environment.


  • 指出安全指数山头水域进一步加强交通管理提供可靠依据

    It points out that the safety index method provides a reliable basis for strengthening the traffic safety administration at the Chengshantou Water Area.


  • 我国辽阔的内陆水域中有着丰富淡水资源近几年淡水产品安全问题日益突出

    There is the rich limnetic resources in Chinese vast inland water area, the safety of limnetic products have become increasingly prominent problem in recent years.


  • 然而,一旦孵化的达成更深水域他们安全当务之急

    Yet once the hatchlings reached deeper waters, they were safe-for the moment.


  • 航道就是湖泊港湾、湖泊水域船舶提供安全的航行通道

    "Passages" are referred to the safe passages for ships or vessels in lakes, bays, lakes and other water bodies.


  • 本文通过对修船基地水域通航环境分析论证该修船基地水域的通航环境、船舶航行安全管理安全应急预案等的可行性。

    This paper analyzes the navigable environment of water area of the base, demonstrate of navigable environment, ship navigation safety management and safety emergency reserve plan in that area.


  • 桥梁存在使得航道束窄不同程度地影响了桥梁水域通航环境船舶航行安全受到威胁水上交通事故时有发生

    The existence of the bridge make the channel narrow, affect the traffic environment at different extent, threat the navigation safety of ships, which lead to water traffic accidents.


  • 桥梁存在使得航道束窄不同程度地影响了桥梁水域通航环境船舶航行安全受到威胁水上交通事故时有发生

    The existence of the bridge make the channel narrow, affect the traffic environment at different extent, threat the navigation safety of ships, which lead to water traffic accidents.


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