• 一方面工业生产需要很多发电

    For one thing industrial production needs a lot of water such as using water to generate electricity.


  • 一方面工业生产需要大量发电

    For one thing, industrial production needs a lot of water, such as using water to generate electricity.


  • 三峡工程第三截流工程确保实现初期围堰发电同时修建右岸大坝电厂关键性工程。

    The TGPs third stage river closure is a key works for the early stage cofferdam supported power generation and guarantee of the successive construction of hydroelectric plant and dam at right bank.


  • 土耳其计划利用底格里斯河幼发拉底河来建造大型发电工程

    Turkey plans to harness the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for big hydro-electric power projects.


  • 这座房子远离自来总管供电网,依靠自备的发电

    The house is far from water mains and electricity and relies on its own generators.


  • 长远来看,在电力需求低于峰值时期偏远地区大型风力发电电力可能会用于电解,以产生氢气。

    In the long run, electricity from large wind farms in remote areas might be used to make hydrogen gas from water during periods when there is less than peak demand for electricity.


  • 生长生物物质甚至贫瘠土地上需要发电也是如此。

    Growing biomass, even on marginal agricultural land, does require water, as does making electricity.


  • 有着压力的之后便可以用于运转涡轮机发电

    The pressurised water can then be used to turn a turbine to generate electricity.


  • 然后需要电力时,释放通过涡轮机发电

    Then, when that power is needed, the water is sent through a turbine to generate electricity.


  • 大致发电就是相对运动磁铁线圈构成的。

    Generators (roughly speaking) consist of magnets moving relative to coils.


  • 它们发电因为与有关,必须保护起来避免包围涡轮机接触。

    And their generators, being electrical machines, must be protected from the water that surrounds the rest of the turbine.


  • 大体上说,这种热能传统发电一样,可加热,产生蒸汽驱动汽轮机发电

    In principle, this heat could be used, as in conventional power plants, to boil water and create steam that drives a turbine.


  • 我们西宁着陆装载更多补给品大量方便面一个发电

    We landed in Xining and loaded up with more supplies, lots of water, instant noodles and a generator.


  • 大部分情况下核反应产生热量会将转变为蒸汽继而驱动涡轮机发电

    In most cases, heat from the nuclear reactions convert water into steam, which drives turbines that produce electricity.


  • 记录显示发电垃圾填埋场其他一些处置措施已经造成十多个地下一些城镇已经存在有毒化学品

    Records indicate that power plant landfills and other disposal practices have polluted groundwater in more than a dozen states, contaminating the water in some towns with toxic chemicals.


  • 航行时被迫通过管道旋转小型发电桨叶发电机给一锂离子电池充电

    When the boat is under sail, water forced through the duct turns the blades of a small hydroelectric generator that charges a bank of lithium-ion batteries.


  • 男友确信外出,帮助其他人后重建而加班加点的时候我们足够食物足够天然气带动发电

    My boyfriend made sure we had plenty of food and water, and enough gas to power the generator while he worked overtime to help other people regain their lives in the aftermath of the storm.


  • 我们必须除去热量使用一些液体是否体,我们必须液体经过涡轮那个涡轮变成一个发电制造出

    We've got to remove the heat using some kind of fluid whether it's water or gas and we've got to pass this fluid through a turbine, that turbine turning a generator and making electricity.


  • 热量变成蒸汽,蒸汽带动发电机里涡轮机。

    Heat turns water to steam, steam moves turbines in the electric generator.


  • 这套设备利用生产排放出的废气中的热量通过热交换的原理,晾干泥熟料,又加热锅炉里的从而形成蒸气,最后推动涡轮转动发电

    The system USES the heat from waste gases produced in the kiln during the cement-making process both to dry the cement and to heat water in a boiler that drives a turbine to produce electricity.


  • 多亏精巧的技术用来发电生产化肥,并在这个过程中被转化为洁净

    Thanks to clever new technology, sewage will be reclaimed to provide power, produce fertilizer and, eventually, yield clean water.


  • 生物电能产生化石燃料的产生的电能相同生物物质经常被焚烧变成蒸汽,然后驱动发电

    Bioelectricity is created the same way fossil fuel-generated electricity is: Biomass is usually burned to generate heat, turning water to steam and driving an electrical generator.


  • 发电现场内一个淡化厂提供给本厂所需的冷却

    An on-site desalination plant means that the operation generates its own water for cooling.


  • 虽然电动冷却失去了外供电但是备用柴油发电开始运作,超冷却继续循环使堆芯降温

    The electric cooling pumps had lost power from the grid, but back-up diesel generators kicked into action, and ultra-pure cooling water continued to circulate through the cores.


  • 一些公司莫哈韦沙漠铺设大片大片状物,收聚太阳的光照,将日光能通过锅炉转化热能,将转变为蒸汽,推动汽轮机发电

    Some firms are building vast fields of mirrors in the Mojave desert to focus the sun onto water boilers and use the steam to spin turbines.


  • 一些公司莫哈韦沙漠铺设大片大片状物,收聚太阳的光照,将日光能通过锅炉转化热能,将转变为蒸汽,推动汽轮机发电

    Some firms are building vast fields of mirrors in the Mojave desert to focus the sun onto water boilers and use the steam to spin turbines.


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