• 况且中国天然气水力资源丰富制造提供条件

    Moreover, the coal, the natural gas, waterpower resources of China are abundant which offer the condition for manufacture of the hydrogen.


  • cern物理学家雅典娜成员RolfLandua博士,“目睹制造非常令人兴奋的。”

    "It's very exciting to see the production of antihydrogen," said Dr. Rolf Landua, a CERN physicist and Athena member.


  • 怀疑论者不仅指出制造运输存储相关巨大投入成本,也指出可靠的替代能源的可能性。

    Hydrogen sceptics point out not only the large capital costs associated with the production, transportation and storage of hydrogen, but also the availability of far more viable alternatives.


  • 其它日本汽车制造已经开始着手制造燃料电池汽车这种汽车通过化学反应发电这种化学反应的副产品只有

    Other Japanese automakers have been working to create fuel cell cars, which produce electricity through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, with water the only by-product.


  • 有种依赖一氧化碳生存生物我们利用其还原能力使分子破裂,制造

    We have one organism that lives off of carbon monoxide, and we use as a reducing power to split water to produce hydrogen and oxygen.


  • 迄今为止公布有效制造系统柏林洪堡大学奥利弗·伦兹这样评价这样评价,一直致力于的研究工作。”

    "This is the most effective system published so far for hydrogen production," says Oliver Lenz at Humboldt University in Berlin, who works on the enzyme hydrogenase.


  • 智能能源公司作为新型动力计程车合作开发的领衔企业,已经设计制造利用发电燃料电池

    Intelligent Energy, leading the consortium for the new hydrogen taxi, has designed and built the fuel cell, which USES hydrogen to make electricity.


  • 然而他们低估了现实,要制造安全可靠价格合理,并且行驶距离驾驶性能被广大司机接受燃料电池汽车并没有想象中那么容易。

    But they underestimated the obstacles in the way of producing a reliable, affordable car with the kind of range and drivability motorists now take for granted.


  • 汽车制造热衷于宣传它们几个试验车型它们提供燃料电池实际性能数据

    Carmakers are also keen to publicise the handful of trials that are providing them with data on the real-world performance of hydrogen fuel-cell cars.


  • 本周德国汽车制造宝马公司发布了一个可供选择的途径,除了通常的汽油引擎外,人们还可以选择同时带有以为燃料的内燃机轿车。

    This week a German carmaker, BMW, revealed an alternative approach: an otherwise normal saloon car that can run with a hydrogen-powered internal-combustion engine.


  • 然而相比(制造能源)汽车本身问题来说,这些固定设施的问题并不算什么

    However, it is less of a problem for fixed installations than vehicles.


  • 如果我们大气分离出CO2(通过电解得到)结合在一起,制造人工合成化合物燃料

    If the co 2 extracted from the atmosphere were combined with hydrogen (extracted from water using electrolysis), it could make synthetic hydrocarbon fuels.


  • 意味着汽车直接产生二氧化碳排放是否完全零排放取决于用来制造能量原料。

    This means the car produces no CO2 emissions directly, but whether it is emission-free overall depends on the source of the energy used to produce the hydrogen.


  • 一些人甚至梦想天然气制造,用以提供燃料电池汽车动力支持者们承认这个方向上还有长的要走

    Some even dream of using natural gas to make hydrogen which would power fuel-cell cars, though advocates admit that these are still a long way off.


  • 本文将描述它机械电子学设计特点,上海天文台早期制造钟进行了详细的比较。

    This paper describes the mechanical and electronics design philosophy of the new maser, and comparisons with previous masers made at Shanghai Observatory are detailed.


  • 如果发动机不用铂金制造的话,不能进行可以生产电能化学反应,也就不能汽车提供能量

    Without the platinum components in the engine, the hydrogen doesn't undergo the chemical reaction that produces the electricity to power the automobile.


  • 金属焊接切割应用半导体制造使用主要是形成还原气氛

    Some use of hydrogen is made in the welding and cutting of metals. Hydrogen is also used by semiconductor manufacturers, primarily to form reducing atmospheres.


  • 放在助飞火箭第二节,是迄今制造强大燃料火箭。

    Perched on the shoulders of the booster is the second stage, the most powerful hydrogen-fueled rocket ever built .


  • 他们春天,他们希望产生激光制造原子光谱初步测量以便常态相比较

    They say that in the spring, they hope to train a laser on the antihydrogen to make a preliminary measurement of the atom's spectrum so that it can be compared to regular hydrogen.


  • 制造食物提供

    Water contributes the hydrogen which goes into the food.


  • 复合钢板经焊接工艺评定剥离试验证明产品具有优良可靠制造使用性能

    Evaluation of welding process and hydrogen -resistant peeling test of the clad plate shows that this product possesses excellent, reliable manufacturing and operation properties.


  • 可能透过轻松分解提供热量从而在任何以燃烧为基的引擎中制造燃烧。

    This may come to be through hydrogen, which can be easily broken off water and provide heat that creates combustion in any combustion based engine.


  • 同时天然气中提取燃料制造很多二氧化碳,相当于小型燃油车辆排放量的两

    And producing hydrogen from natural gas creates a lot of carbon dioxide-about double what a small, petrol-based car emits.


  • 引进台湾先进技术生产制造退有利于提高不锈钢退火光亮度产量质量的提高。

    Taiwan to introduce advanced technology manufacturing hydrogen retired oven, stainless steel wire is conducive to improve the annealing of light brightness, improve yield and quality.


  • 国内第一套用g - M循环制冷机制造()冰丸多管弹丸发射器主体设计业已完成

    The design of the first set multibarrels hydrogen pellet injector with GM cycle refrigerator has been designed.


  • 作者以想像开篇,幻想自己2039年《经济学人》上撰写了模仿本报写作手法文章。文章回顾莫桑比克出类拔萃燃料电池制造的发家史。

    He opens his book with a mock article from the Economist, published in 2039, which looks back at the unlikely rise of a world-beating hydrogen fuel-cell maker in Mozambique.


  • 本文以乳酸柠檬酸、碳酸为原料研究了补钙泡腾片的制造工艺,确定了最佳配方操作要点,得到口感质地风味较佳产品

    The technology of effervescent tablets made from calcium lactate, citric acid and sodium bicarbonate? Its optimum recipe and process were studied. The product have good flavor texture. and taste.


  • 试验发现,游离粒子磨擦彻底消除不利影响利用磨擦辅助精密电技术能够制造没有任何麻点、针孔等缺陷的电铸层。

    It was found in experiments that the particle polishing could eliminate the passive effect of hydrogen evolution and nickel deposits electroformed without pinholes and pits could be achieved by APEF.


  • 一些人甚至梦想天然气制造用以提供燃料电池汽车动力支持者们承认这个方向上还有长的要走

    Some even dream of using natural gas to make hydrogen which would power fuel- cell cars , though advocates admit that these are still a long way off .


  • 一些人甚至梦想天然气制造用以提供燃料电池汽车动力支持者们承认这个方向上还有长的要走

    Some even dream of using natural gas to make hydrogen which would power fuel- cell cars , though advocates admit that these are still a long way off .


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