• 具有影响气候变化委员会展望,未来能源混和核能可再生能源将到40%。

    The influential committee on climate change envisaged nuclear and renewable energy as having a 40% share each of the energy mix.


  • 气候变化委员会建议有坏,且这些建议能使英国欧洲其他国家堪堪站在同一起跑线上。

    The CCC’s suggestionssome good, some bad—would only bring Britain roughly into line with other European countries.


  • 监督英国做出2050年承诺气候变化委员会CCC12月7日发表了一份报告明确指出领域需要更多国家参与管理

    On December 7th the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), which polices Britain’s 2050 commitment, published a report saying explicitly that there needed to be much greater state involvement and control.


  • 气候变化委员会必须2011年末抉择出温室气体排放量定价最佳方式,是继续遵守欧盟温室气体排放交易体系(ETS),还是实行,亦两者混合采用

    The climate committee must decide by late 2011 the best way to put a price on greenhouse-gas emissions: an ETS, a carbon tax or a hybrid of both.


  • 同时,空气中的二氧化碳含量迅速接近政府气候变化专门委员会IPCC提出上限

    In the meantime, the amount of CO2 in the air is rapidly approaching the limits proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


  • 这种紧迫感增加人们对捕捉储存二氧化碳兴趣政府气候变化专门委员会表示可以使排放量减少50%以上,人们认为这是缓解全球变暖所需的。

    That sense of urgency has increased interest in capturing and storing CO2, which the IPCC says could provide the more than 50% reduction in emissions thought needed to reduce global warming.


  • 合国政府间气候变化专门委员会的一份报告显示,如果到本世纪末全球气温上升超过1.5℃,贫穷国家将可能面临非常严峻的挑战,包括整个社区的消失和数百万人的过早死亡。

    A report from IPCC, the UN's climate science body, showed that if global temperatures rise more than 1.5℃ by the end of the century, poor countries will likely face very serious challenges, including the disappearance of whole communities and millions of early deaths.


  • 他们增加此刻以与气候变化抗争重要目标委员会各个成员国矛盾

    They will increase conflict between the Commission, which sees combating climate change as its main aim at the moment, and member states.


  • 自然资源保护委员会杨富强直到现在为止上海一直忽略了另一个重要气候变化始作俑者

    Until now, Shanghai has been neglecting another key contributor to climate change, says Yang of the Natural Resources Defense Council.


  • 潘基文透露众议院通过气候变化法案不但与所有众议院委员会成员集体会面,还每个人单独会面。

    Ban also revealed that he had met all the committee members of the House of Representatives both individually and collectively, before the it passed its climate bill.


  • 环境可持续性联合研究中心。(2011年220日)《对流层臭氧气候变化中所扮演角色评估》于2011年2月21日通过欧洲委员会

    JRC Institute for Environment and Sustainability. (2011, February 20). New assessment of black carbon and tropospheric ozone's role in climate change. European Commission. Accessed February 21, 2011.


  • 根据挪威难民委员会统计,因冲突流离失散非洲民众数量正在下降,气候变化而发生迁移的人口数量则在激增

    According to the Norwegian Refugee Council and other groups, the number of Africans displaced by conflict is falling, but the number displaced by climate change is climbing fast.


  • 议长特权得到进一步加强,明显例子就是气候变化建立一个特别委员会使其可避免地插手能源委员会的权力范围。

    And she has eaten into the chairmen's prerogatives, notably by creating a select committee on climate change that will inevitably trespass on the turf of the energy committee.


  • 牛津饥荒救济委员会塔吉克斯坦气候变化影响很少却是受害严重国家之一

    Tajikistan has done little to contribute to climate change, but is among the countries most adversely affected by it, the charity Oxfam says.


  • 欧盟委员会公布项民调显示认为气候变化世界严重问题欧盟公民人数2008春天的62%下降至2009年7月的50%。

    A poll published by the European Commission showed a fall in the number of EU citizens who saw climate change as the world's gravest problem from 62% in spring 2008 to 50% in July 2009.


  • 一半上升今后气候变化引起的,牛津饥荒救济委员会预测

    Half of the rise to come will be caused by climate change, Oxfam predicts.


  • 文章国家气候变化专家委员会链接指向了一份今年早些时候公布气候变化白皮书

    The link in the article to the "National Climate Change Expert Committee" does nothing but take us to the White Paper on climate change that was released earlier this year.


  • 第二气候变化国家评估报告编写委员会.2011。第二次气候变化国家评估报告[M]。北京科学出版社, 42-47

    Second China's national assessment report of climate change Committee. 2011. Second China's national assessment report on climate change[M]. Beijing:Science Press, 42-47.


  • 第二气候变化国家评估报告编写委员会.2011。第二次气候变化国家评估报告[M]。北京科学出版社, 42-47

    Second China's national assessment report of climate change Committee. 2011. Second China's national assessment report on climate change[M]. Beijing:Science Press, 42-47.


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