• 多年来气体标准烟火使用激光超声波猫头鹰标本无线电控制模型飞机这一切尝试着将跑道上吓跑

    Over the years, everything from gas canons, pyrotechnics, lasers, ultrasound, stuffed owls and radio-controlled model aircraft have been tried to scare birds away from runways.


  • 火车,别坐飞机很多人意识这些优良火车排放的污染气体要比飞机,而且还载客

    Trains instead of planes : Many haven’t realised this yet but those good old trains emit much less pollution and can carry more passengers than aircraft.


  • 便宜的方案使用巨型空中加油飞机——例如美国空军KC-10“补充者”空中加油机(KC-10Extender),装满二氧化硫硫化氢气体

    The cheapest option could be to use giant mid-air refuelling aircraft, such as the US air force's KC-10 Extender, filled with sulphur dioxide or hydrogen sulphide gas.


  • 夜晚飞机不但检测臭氧氮氧化物其他气体浓度测量了飞机的光照强度这项测量差不多是后追加上的项目。

    During the nights, not only were the concentrations of ozone, nitrogen oxides and other gases measured by this plane, but also, almost as an afterthought, the intensity of the light from below.


  • 如果机舱烟雾身体放到烟雾有毒气体下面爬行这样在你离开飞机保持呼吸

    If there's smoke in the cabin, get low and crawl below the level of the smoke and toxic fumes, so you can breathe until you get out of the plane.


  • 所有飞机都会产生气体圆锥,一个头部,一个在尾部

    All aircraft generate two cones, at the nose and at the tail.


  • 除了二氧化碳飞机释放出另外一种有害气体——一氧化碳。

    As well as carbon dioxide, planes emit nitrogen oxide, another nasty gas.


  • 后来证实航天飞机的外层防护发射时损坏,使得超热气体渗入机舱内,导致机毁人亡

    It later emerged that the spacecraft’s heat shield had been damaged on launch, letting superheated air inside and tearing it apart.


  • 我们信心制造使用燃料排放气体、运行更为安静的航天飞机我们也正致力于实现这个伟大的目标。

    We believe it is possible to build an aircraft that uses less fuel, gives off fewer emissions, and is quieter, and we are working on the technologies to create that aircraft.


  • 使事情全世界飞机几十亿二氧化碳温室气体直接排入地球大气中极大地危害我们环境

    To make things worse, planes across the world emit billions of tons of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide directly into earth's atmosphere, which poses the worst danger to our environment.


  • 畜牧业产生温室效应气体,大过全球小客车、卡车、火车、船、飞机排放量总合

    Greenhouse gases produced by the farm animal industry greatly surpass the total amount of the world's transportation emissions.


  • 相较上世纪六十年代声音巨大的喷气式飞机现代扇发动机噪音水平降低80%油耗也下降了一半同时温室气体排放量也有所下降。

    Compared with a rowdy 1960s jet, a modern turbofan is some 80% quieter and burns as little as half as much fuel—thus producing fewer greenhouse gases.


  • 航空飞行器相比,高速铁路由于还要面临地面气流扰动,两车交会时气体的震荡,以及车体通过隧道气流变化,因此高速列车的头型设计飞机更具挑战性。

    Compared with the spacecraft instrumentation, the ground air disturbance, the unsteady aerodynamic flow on crossing event and inside tunnel impose more challenges on the head design of HSR trains.


  • 富人生活趋向于放出更多温室气体因为他们会更多驾驶燃油汽车,更频繁的坐飞机旅行生活房子了,从而需要更多的燃料来取暖或者制冷

    Rich people's lives tend to give off more greenhouse gases because they drive more fossil-fueled vehicles, travel frequently by air and live in big houses that take more fuel to heat and cool.


  • 另外,在飞机降落过程中,气体还可用于

    In addition, the nitrogen rich gas is used for fuel tank pressurization during descent.


  • 飞船、宇航探测器、航天飞机等复杂外形航天器给气体动力学包括稀薄气体动力学提出了新的要求

    The flight of space vehicles, probes and shuttles set new demand on gas dynamics, including rarefied gas dynamics.


  • 2010年1月27-气体尘埃螺纹围绕恒星物质飞机胚胎艺术家的庞大的原恒星w 33 A呈现两极

    January 27, 2010 - Gas and dust whorl around a stellar embryo as jets of material pour from the poles in an artist's rendering of the massive protostar W33A.


  • 10公里高空处,多数航班飞机高度,但是飞机在这一高度的臭氧层容易形成氧化氮气体,氧化氮气体可使地球温度升高

    At around 10 kilometres up, where most airliners fly, NOx is very efficient at creating ozone, which at these heights helps to warm the planet.


  • 10公里高空处,多数航班飞机高度,但是飞机在这一高度的臭氧层容易形成氧化氮气体,氧化氮气体可使地球温度升高

    At around 10 kilometres up, where most airliners fly, NOx is very efficient at creating ozone, which at these heights helps to warm the planet.


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