• 中国功夫是千百年来民族智慧结晶,是民族传统文化武技一道体现也是民族心理个性在健身自卫领域的合理反映

    Wushu, a collection of thousands of years of human wisdom, embodies the national traditional culture in martial art form and also reflects the self-defense and health practices of Chinese people.


  • 但是坚信我们作为民族将会力量智慧完成战略度过这次危机

    But I am confident that we, as a people, have the strength and wisdom to carry out this strategy and overcome this crisis.


  • 富兰克林自己承认,他格言不是独创而是许多时代民族智慧”中提炼出来的。

    By his own admission, Franklin's proverbs were not original but drawn from "the wisdom of many ages and nations".


  • 但从民族角度来讲,单这种“传统智慧”,阿卜杜拉是绝不可能击败卡尔

    Conventional wisdom does not give Dr Abdullah much of a chance of beating Mr Karzai in any circumstances, on ethnic grounds.


  • 符合我们这个多元化民族性格- - -智慧自由灵活愿意质疑传统智慧蔑视权威

    It seems to accord with so many elements of our national character - ingenuity, freedom, flexibility, the willingness to question conventional wisdom and defy authority.


  • 每个民族自己智慧每种文化自己观察处理问题的独特视角和方法。

    Each nation has its own wisdom and people from each different culture have their own unique perspective and approach to think and behave.


  • 谚语可以体现一个民族创造力智慧精神。——培根

    Proverbs can reflect the creativity, wisdom and spirit of a nation. - Bacon.


  • 纳尔逊•曼德拉不仅愈合民族创伤,是几良师益友,而且活生生智慧勇气廉正象征——数百万人亲切地称马迪巴”。

    A healer of nations and a mentor to generations, Nelson Mandela – or Madiba as he is affectionately known by millionsis a living symbol of wisdom, courage and integrity.


  • 不同文明凝聚着不同民族智慧贡献没有高低之别,更无优劣之分。

    Each civilization represents the unique vision and contribution of its people, and no civilization is superior to others.


  • 全世界无数条母亲河孕育出了无数智慧民族智慧民族创作出了无数光辉灿烂的师篇。

    The world has a lot of Mother Rivers which have nurtured countless wise nationalities and these nationalities have created countless magnificent poems.


  • 智慧拯救了圣洁民族,使无瑕可指的种族,脱离压迫他们的异

    She delivered the just people, and blameless seed from the nations that oppressed them.


  • 读书这个我们习以为常平凡过程实际上人类心灵上下古今一切民族伟大智慧相结合的过程。

    Reading, an ordinary process which we are accustomed to, is actually a process of combining human spirit with the great intelligence of all the nations of all time.


  • 漫长的历史岁月中,鄂温克族人民用自己勤劳智慧创造独具特色民族文化逐渐形成了自己的文化模式

    In endless history years, the people of Ewenk minority created their own cultural mode, which have the special features of national culture by their own diligence and intelligences.


  • 谚语一个民族天赋智慧精神的体现

    Proverbs are a national talent, wisdom and the embodiment.


  • 英语谚语来源于生活反映生活,凝聚着英语民族智慧精髓

    English proverbs originate to life and have reflected the life, embodying English nationality's wisdom and the essence.


  • 提出要智慧不同思想合理处理设计国际化民族多元化之间关系

    Use our wisdom, with "and different" thought to properly handle the good design of internationalization and the relationship between ethnic diversity.


  • 习语语言精华英语习语蕴涵英语民族智慧语言文化精髓

    English idioms are the highlight of English language, and they embody the wisdom of English people and the essence of English language and culture.


  • 抛弃契约精神耍弄小聪明无视契约精神把小聪明用的极好的民族,最终丧失获取智慧的机会。

    The individuals and nations who take advantage of others regardless of social contract will fail to gain high profits.


  • 智者智慧一个民族谚语寓言民间智慧格言汇聚时代精华会永存

    The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages is preserved, into perpetuity, by a nation's proverbs, fables, folk wisdom, maxims, aphorisms and quotations.


  • 习语语言精华也是一个民族文化智慧结晶

    Idioms are the essence of a language, and also the quintessence of a nation's culture and wisdom.


  • 特别牧师团体带着石板移居南美洲在那里他们建立了一个欣欣向荣种族,就是记得多数古代智慧玛雅民族

    The particular group of priests bearing the tablets emigrated to South America where they found a flourishing race, the Mayas who remembered much of the ancient wisdom.


  • 凸显民族正气张扬大汉精神歌颂正道人心,展现历史智慧

    Highlight national sense of right, make public the big fellow spirit, the way people sing and show the history of wisdom.


  • 汉字历史源远流长,积淀整个华夏民族智慧创造精神人类信息沟通思想交流工具

    Chinese characters as the tool for communication, to some extent, stand for the whole national wisdom and creative spirit.


  • 孩子们懂得每个民族自己独特的智慧灿烂文化世界科学文明做出过贡献,都应该受到尊重和爱戴

    Let children know that each nation has its own wisdom and splendid culture, have contributed to science and civilization of the world, should be respected and loved.


  • 国家民族之有哲学,不仅体现知性悟性能力达到了人类智慧之巅说明大千世界之中,建立一个精神家园

    The philosophy of the nation embodies its ability of human intelligence has reached the top, more embodies it has establish a home of spirit in the world.


  • 尤其是阿拉伯数字全世界人类古典神话,还有那么优美古老语言文字等,无法不去佩服阿拉伯民族伟大智慧

    Besides, the language and words are old and beautiful as well and they make me have to admire so much about the greatness and intelligence of Arabic people.


  • 尤其是阿拉伯数字全世界人类古典神话,还有那么优美古老语言文字等,无法不去佩服阿拉伯民族伟大智慧

    Besides, the language and words are old and beautiful as well and they make me have to admire so much about the greatness and intelligence of Arabic people.


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