• 通过 IFA测试了308居民血清中抗伯螺旋体抗体

    The sera of 308 residents were tested for antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi by IFA.


  • 现在不知疲惫地宣传亨廷顿舞蹈症方面的知识,全球发表演讲募集研究资金而且还是一基因相关研究方面的志愿者

    He now works tirelessly to get word out about Huntington's disease, giving lectures around the world, drumming up research dollars, and volunteering for genetic studies and other research.


  • 作为世行雇员入主世行后,丽扎就不能继续保有原先工作

    A bank employee, she was not allowed to keep her job when he took his.


  • 其父数学家,而亦是如此。就读加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校期间,巴曾主修数学直到攀岩放弃学业。

    He was a mathematician and the son of a mathematician, majoring in maths at UCLA until he dropped out to climb rocks.


  • 如果自负思想者,那似乎也是一位不那么自信管理者受到傲慢自负的助手过多的影响。

    If Mr Wolfowitz is an overconfident thinker, he also seems an insecure manager, too impressed by bumptious aides.


  • 布勒松后来成为之作伟大的仰慕者。

    He became a great admirer of her work.


  • 每年12月每个都会提出候选人,送他们前去参加八个地区选拔赛中的一个,最后选出一学的罗奖学金获得者。

    Every December, each state nominated two candidates, who then went to one of eight regional competitions in which scholars were chosen for the coming academic year.


  • 客服代表两种问题蜂蜜联系地址州的Sioux也是公司所在地

    One of the customer service representatives said the contact address on two of the honeys being questioned was in Sioux City, Iowa, which is where Sioux Bee's corporate office is located.


  • 美国嘴”西蒙·考埃尔主持《美国偶像》真人节目评价歌手表现平淡(insipid)”,之后,韦网站上这个查询率迅速上升

    After Simon Cowell, the acid-tongued host of the television show "American Idol," called one singer "insipid," Merriam-Webster noticed a dramatic spike in the number of lookups for the word.


  • DanielleBarkema来自艾姆斯衣阿华州立大学生物理学家,也是该项调查的负责人。 她说:“知道高跟鞋身体不好

    "Everyone knows that high heels are bad for you, " said Danielle Barkema, a biomechanist who conducted the new study at the Iowa State University in Ames.


  • 63男人北卡罗莱纳州判入狱原因是骗局敛财七千万美金,逃脱审判

    A 63-year-old man has been sentenced in North Carolina to 10 years in prison for his role in a $70 million Ponzi scheme and for skipping out on for his criminal trial.


  • 如果认为家里老者能够获得阿护理,那你错了

    If you think you or an elderly family member can afford Alzheimer's care, you may be wrong.


  • 1984年1月-第一病人SNBTS消毒第八因子临床诊断中,遭受有害反应的痛苦,因此这个实验放弃。

    January 1984 - First patient in clinical evaluation for SNBTS pasteurised factor VIII suffers adverse reaction and the trial is abandoned.


  • 近来中间选择比较多的其他字使用了,有时”的中间常会被省略掉。

    More recently, a broader range of names have been used, and people named Thi sometimes omit their middle name.


  • 这项研究英国研究人员进行的,他们156年龄少于7个月综合症患儿补充上述物质

    The study was performed by UK researchers who gave supplements to 156 babies - all less then 7 months in age - who had Down syndrome.


  • 为了扮演好队长皮尔纳,马特·达蒙特地来到橄榄球俱乐部接受切斯特·威廉姆斯的高强度训练。1995年,威廉姆斯曾南非橄榄球联赛里运动员

    To prepare for his role as Francois Pienaar, Matt Damon took intensive coaching at the Gardens Rugby Club under Chester Williams, who himself was a player in the South African rugby team of 1995.


  • 一次8进行肠镜检查病人感染沙门暴发中,流行菌株来自于一对活检钳螺旋状的弹簧而非结肠镜或其它环境细菌。

    In an outbreak of 8 cases of Salmonella Newport infection among patients under - going colonoscopy, the epidemic strain was recovered from the spiral-wound spring of.


  • 虽然作为诗人没有取得声誉鹊起的地位,但作为一文化传播者,作为一全新诗风推动者,其美国文坛发挥了不可磨灭的作用

    Although he doesn't get great reputation as a poet, as a culture transmitter and a promoter for new poetry style, Rexroth plays an important role in American literary world.


  • 毅然自己所小说手稿付之一炬,深知难凭自身才力成为优秀的作家,唯有做记者或是令人敬佩的评论家才是出路。

    No lingering sadness for that novel he put in the incinerator; he knew his forte was as a journalist and a formidable essayist, not a book-writer.


  • 民族、字的起源进行了探索,对其内容进行了分类说明,并女性特点加以分析

    The essay explores and classifies the origins of surname, clan, name and style of Han nationality. In addition, it analyses the characteristics of the given names of women.


  • 深部刺激(DBS)用于治疗帕金森目前美国超过40000患者接受疗法

    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is most commonly used to treat Parkinson's disease, with over 40,000 patients in the us currently receiving this therapy.


  • 总计5367参加者(25.4%)平均23随访诊断痴呆包括1136阿尔茨海默416血管性痴呆。

    A total of 5,367 participants (25.4 percent) were diagnosed with dementia during an average of 23 years of follow-up, including 1,136 with Alzheimer's disease and 416 with vascular dementia.


  • 本人作为75高龄老者,希望宏伟事业发挥一点有限余热

    Myself, take a 75 advanced age old man, also hoped that displays a spot limited afterheat for the Xu grand enterprise.


  • 于是便帮兄弟,人们好吃食品什么出。

    Hence pay the pot to sign the Fried powder tai of cooking stove to sell for a surname brothers then, the people all say delicious, but ask this food to call what, who also could not say.


  • 传说中的远古帝王五帝之一,重华,号称虞舜。

    Shun, , a legendary ancient emperor and one of the Five Emperors, had a surname of Yao and a last name of Chonghua.


  • 方法:对53例恋物癖儿童测查BEAM儿童智力量表修订本(W ISC-R)、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ),并20正常儿童对照。

    Method:A total of 53 children with fetishism were tested with BEAM, Wechsler intelligence scale for children(WISC-R), Eysenck personality questionnaire(EPQ).


  • 方法:对53例恋物癖儿童测查BEAM儿童智力量表修订本(W ISC-R)、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ),并20正常儿童对照。

    Method:A total of 53 children with fetishism were tested with BEAM, Wechsler intelligence scale for children(WISC-R), Eysenck personality questionnaire(EPQ).


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