• 1916年,俄国黑海舰队帮助俄国军队占领奥斯曼帝国

    In 1916, the Russian Black Sea fleet helped the Russian army to take the Ottoman city of Trebizond.


  • 西部同于在捕食上的竞争春季雀鹰雀鹰30

    In spring, as hunt competition, accipiter nisus come more early about 30 days than a. virgatus, in the west.


  • 这种想法模仿泰瑞·比松奥姆杂志上发表的科幻小说,小说的内容是两个非生物外星来客接受到了来自地球信号

    This was parodied in a piece written by sci-fi author Terry Bison in Omni Magazine, where two non-biological aliens receive a signal from Earth


  • 劲敌乔纳·福特秒钟完成漫长的赛程。

    He completed the lengthy course some three seconds faster than his nearest rival, Jonathon Ford.


  • 季奥运会最长的田径项目是50公里竞走,马拉距离还长大约5英里。

    The longest track and field event at the Summer Olympics is the 50-kilometer race walk, which is about five miles longer than the marathon.


  • 事件处理引入提供了一种使用服务接口耦合组件组合方法

    The introduction of event processing provides a more loosely-coupled method of combining components than using service interfaces.


  • 卡尔·哈桑母亲,住索马里兰附近埃塞俄村落里说,坚决女儿接受割礼,让儿子和接受割礼的女孩结婚

    Kalthoun Hassan, a young mother in an Ethiopian village near Somaliland, told me that she would insist on her daughters being cut and her sons marrying only girls who had been.


  • 第二战至4平时很有机会纳达尔的发球局,但是在3015领先连续正手反手失误葬送绝好的破发机会。

    Tsonga came close to breaking Nadal at 4-4 in the second set. But one forehand and one backhand error, from 15/30, when in total control of the point, cost Tsonga the opportunity.


  • 如如果从未过步,一个5公里目标可能参加马拉明智的目标。

    If you haven't ever run a 5k it's probably not a wise goal to say you want to run a marathon.


  • 研究人员猜测随机猜测的结果准确——聋人喜悦一口气声音非常明显的,就表明了我们天生就懂得如何发笑叹气

    They guessed correctly more than chance would predict—deaf people's sounds of amusement and relief were pretty obvious. Which suggests we may be born primed to laugh or sigh.


  • 门槛一般是以5千米10千米配速稍慢一些速度跑,但是半程马拉速度要快

    Tempo runs should be done slower than 5k or 10k pace, but faster than half marathon pace.


  • 53岁的Pierce仍然3小时10分马拉,这个成绩只20年前开始跑马拉的成绩一点。

    Pierce, 53, still runs marathons in about 3:10, not much slower than when he first stepped to the starting line more than 2 decades ago.


  • Pena11月参加了纽约马拉5小时8分钟完成纽约的时间快乐半个小时

    Pena, who ran the New York marathon in November, finished the race in five hours eight minutes, half an hour faster than his Big Apple time.


  • 例子马拉中跑进4小时;在马拉后半程半程;超过一个竞争者出马拉个人最好成绩。

    Examples include: Breaking 4 hours in the marathon; Running the second half of the marathon faster than the first 13.1 miles; Defeating a rival; Running a personal best in the marathon.


  • 结果还表明每年这个时间夏天的时候,纸皮桦花旗送的花旗反送给它的要特别是花旗见不到阳光的时候。

    It turns out at that time of the year, in the summer, that birch was sending more carbon to fir than fir was sending back to birch, especially when the fir was shaded.


  • 这种马拉游泳一般湖泊海洋进行,需要突然发力和转身而且上半身的动作腿部关键

    There are no flip turns to negotiate in marathon swimming, which is usually held in lakes and oceans, and the upper body is more important than the legs.


  • 建议上升一个码号紧紧贴合再稍微一点的舒适。鋛。

    Wang: I I suggest going up a size. Something a little less form fitting would be a lot more comfortable.


  • 许多跑步者而言,备战马拉每周35英里每周70英里更好因为前者能够有效地进行更高强度训练

    For many runners, a 35-mile week can be far better preparation for the marathon than a 70-mile week, because the former can more effectively foster the completion of higher-quality training.


  • 艾格尼丝基宾说,研究表明女性男性有可能食品保健孩子教育方面

    Ms. Quisumbing says studies show that women are more likely than men to spend money on food, health and educating their children.


  • 马拉之旅总裁该项赛事创办者汤姆·吉利根说:“人们真的很期待挑战没有什么这个能挑战极限了。”

    "People are really looking for adventure," says Thom Gilligan, the President of Marathon Tours and founder of this race. "There's nothing more extreme than this."


  • 结果表明吉林西部施行浅耕可以明显改善土壤环境,相之下深效果浅耕翻

    The result shows that plowing can meliorate soil environment very well, and deep plowing did better in the pasture of the western Jilin.


  • 如果遇到滑的陡坡关键因素在于选择适当齿轮前进路线尽可能找到平滑石头泥土确保有最佳抓地力

    On steep loose climbs, choosing the right gear picking a good line are key factors. Look ahead for sections of smooth rock or hard dirt for optimum traction.


  • 结果表明落叶人工林林冠截留最大,表现出天然白桦林、天然黑桦林天然阔叶混交林具有较强蓄水和拦截功能

    Compared with natural secondary forests of birch, Dahurian birch, and broadleaf tree mixed one, larch plantation showed higher sluice function due to its higher canopy interception percentage.


  • 那些评分本来就平均标准的,根本不会觉得内疚,不会因此更严格。

    But those who are easier graders than average will never feel guilty and toughen up.


  • 结果表明根冠提高马尾胁迫一种主动适应性反应机制;

    Results showed that the increase of root_shoot ratio was an active adaptive response of P. massoniana to low phosphorus stress.


  • 结果表明根冠提高马尾胁迫一种主动适应性反应机制;

    Results showed that the increase of root_shoot ratio was an active adaptive response of P. massoniana to low phosphorus stress.


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