• 明确标示每个链接目标保持导航结构命名可见性不要隐藏它们不要直到用户触发一个事件(比如鼠标过)才显示。

    Clearly indicate each link's destination. Keep navigation structures and nomenclature visible, rather than hiding them until the user has triggered an event (such as a mouse over).


  • 实际上SVG允许嵌入scipletECMAScript),可以包含很多事件比如鼠标悬停、鼠标移出、单击

    In fact, SVG allows you to embed sciplets (ECMAScript), which can include events like mouse-over, mouse-out, click, and so on.


  • 这些工具进行绘图时通过鼠标操作自动设置坐标工具类型(比如方框),通过GUI环境选择画笔笔画宽度。

    In drawing with those tools, the mouse automatically sets the coordinate points and the type of tool, such as a box, and selects the pen and stroke for you via a GUI environment.


  • 鼠标指针放在出现语法错误(比如这里的语法错误)的地方,一会将出现一个描述问题快捷提示例中指出语句完整,还需要分号

    Holding the mouse pointer over a syntax error like this brings up a hover tip describing the problem; in this case, it indicates that it is an incomplete statement requiring a semicolon.


  • 这些事件包含有帮助信息比如事件类型鼠标页面当前位置

    These events include helpful information, such as the event type and the current position of the cursor on the page.


  • 经典例子便是GUI程序必须响应用户某些行为,比如按键或是鼠标移动

    The classic example is a GUI where your program must respond when the user does something like press a key or move the mouse.


  • 比如鼠标箭头在其中一个上悬浮时,实际的数值就会出现(正如工具提示那样)。

    For instance, when your mouse pointer hovers over a bar, the exact stat could appear (like a tool tip does).


  • 重复性动作比如打电话弯曲手腕打字或者使用鼠标

    Repetitive motions, such as using the phone, typing with bent wrists and using a mouse.


  • FlashPlayer事件比如计时器鼠标事件。

    Flash Player events such as the timer and mouse events.


  • 比如序列规则可能表明购买笔记本购买笔记本顾客,很有可能6个月内购买一个便携鼠标

    For instance, such rules may state that customers who first bought a notebook and then a bag for it, will probably buy a portable mouse in a time frame of six months.


  • 一个事件发生时(比如单击或者鼠标划过),捕获阶段就开始了。

    When an event occurs (a click or a mouse-over, for example) the capture phase begins.


  • 除了3组合外,鼠标移动比如以及Homeend通常被设置逻辑方式工作

    Besides the key combinations shown in Table 3, cursor movement keys such as the right, left, up, and down arrows, and the Home and End keys are usually set to work in a logical way.


  • 如果不同层级导航间隔(比如有的导航项目文字太多),用户就必须水平移动鼠标

    If the distance between different levels of navigation is too large (for instance because some navigation items have more text) users have to move the mouse horizontally.


  • 比如鼠标放在页面底部,你会一种强烈意识向上滚动页面,查看最新的动态。

    Related condition: The guilt you feel when the cursor has reached the bottom on your TweetDeck app, and you scroll over all of the unread Tweets to get to the latest items.


  • 使SaaS本地桌面应用程序的一个巨大改进文本编辑时标准键盘鼠标操作,比如剪切复制粘贴撤销

    One huge improvement that makes SaaS feel more like a local desktop application is standard keyboard and mouse gestures for editing text, including cut, copy, paste, and undo.


  • 我们还提供了一些特别特性比如设计器具一个golive模式使得所有控件都能响应鼠标单击文本输入事件

    We have some special features too - for example, the Designer has a 'go live' mode which makes all controls respond to events such as mouse clicks and text entry.


  • 比如:“为什么无线鼠标电脑上?”

    Such as: "Why isn't my wireless mouse connected to the computer?"


  • 比如,我们说某个按键控件的,那是因为可以鼠标按下。

    For example, a button control is pliant because it can be "pushed" by the mouse cursor.


  • 重复性的动作,比如打电话弯曲手腕打字或者使用鼠标

    Repetitive moti, such as using the phone, typing with bent wrists and using a mouse.


  • 可以看到天上覆盖最多东西比如我们银河系,我可以滚动鼠标拉近镜头看到远方一个正在形成中的银河

    I can see the sky cover up things, such as our Milky Way, I can also scroll the mouse closer to the camera from afar, is a formation of the Galaxy.


  • 比如筛选日期列中的某个特定的时,点击鼠标可以完成了。

    If you wanted to select all of the dates in a particular month for instance, you can do so in two clicks.


  • 比如:“为什么无线鼠标电脑上?”

    Such as: "Why isn't my wireless mouse connected to the computer?""


  • 点选任何一种工具比如魔棒),蚂蚁线图案移动鼠标,要注意移动图案图层

    Select any of the selection tools (ex. magic wand). Click and hold inside the selection then drag it to move the selection. Only the selection should be moving and not the layer.


  • 点选任何一种工具比如魔棒),蚂蚁线图案移动鼠标,要注意移动图案图层

    Select any of the selection tools (ex. magic wand). Click and hold inside the selection then drag it to move the selection. Only the selection should be moving and not the layer.


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