• 有一应用程序很好的例子处理诸如此类的内容比如文档归档器,内容构建索引其他信息

    A good example is an application that processes content, such as a document archiver where you want to build indexes and other information from the content.


  • 他们开始创造出短小句子,比如"饼干""了",诸如"在内","属于","一个","这个"功能语素,也开始逐渐出现

    They start producing little, miniature sentences like "Want cookie" Or "Milk spill" and the function morphemes, the little words, "In," "Of," "A," "The," and so on start to gradually appear.


  • 一些著名公司比如美林银行,已经吞并,其它一些知名公司诸如瑞士联合银行花旗银行业也是名誉受损;

    Famous firms like Merrill Lynch have been swallowed up; the reputations of others such as UBS and Citigroup have been mauled.


  • 比如进行诸如开车这样一个需要视觉指导的活动时,我们经常重复心理影像

    For example, we often rehash mental imagery while engaging in visually guided tasks such as driving.


  • 比如我们诸如泰国马来西亚国家进行尝试:尝试成立顾问委员会——非完整基金会

    For instance, we are experimenting in countries like Thailand and Malaysia with forming local advisory boards without establishing full-fledged foundations.


  • 比如福勒拿来批评“词”的许多短语听说过:“只牧师助理的鸡蛋”,“非非肉也不是标致的鲱鱼”,诸如此类。

    For example Fowler condemned as "cliches" many phrases I'd never heard: "a curate's egg", "neither fish, flesh nor good red herring", and so on.


  • 比如购买吸尘器(保持工作良好维修费用),加上购买那些日常清洁必须诸如真空海绵纸巾和清洁剂的额外费用

    There's the expense of buying a vacuum cleaner (and keeping it in good repair), plus the extra cost of purchasing cleaning must-haves like vacuum bags, sponges, paper towels and cleansers.


  • 比如人事部门需要一些员工面对面处理他们的意见诸如表格填写信息录入的任务可以交给专家,他们能有效地完成。

    Personnel departments, for example, need a few people to handle employees' gripes face-to-face, but form-filling and data entry can be handled more efficiently by specialists.


  • 诸如开着紫色花亚洲牡丹草莓番石榴等,这些入侵威胁夏威夷当地物种的过度繁殖,比如,无刺玫瑰精致桫椤的的生长。

    Invaders such as purple-flowered Asian melastome and strawberry guava threaten to overrun delicate Hawaiian natives such as thornless roses and delicate tree ferns.


  • 而且静态类型还可以诸如ide这样的工具提供更多信息,带来其他一些特性比如更好代码完成功能

    Also, static typing provides more information for tools such as ides, allowing features such as better code completion. However, static typing has several drawbacks.


  • 诸如CompactFixupAdminPUpdall其他维护任务(比如备份恢复)等进程非常CPU敏感的,并且用户工作负载不是直接相关的。

    Processes such as Compact, Fixup, AdminP, Updall, and other maintenance tasks (such as backup and recovery) can be very CPU-intensive, and are not directly related to a user's workload.


  • 通道组件执行诸如识别语言输入显示图像运行标记语言(比如voicexml、XHTMLsvg)之类的任务

    Modality components perform tasks such as recognizing spoken input, displaying images, and running a markup language, such as VoiceXML, XHTML, or SVG.


  • Geometry描述扁平(比如欧几里得)平面上位置可用判定诸如多边形形状面积之类的信息

    Geometry describes locations on a flat (i.e. Euclidean) plane, and can be used to determine information such as the shape and area of a polygon.


  • 不同讨论如何家里使用能源比如,“碳对话”中会探讨诸如什么成为家”之类的概念

    Instead of just discussing energy use in the home, for example, the meetings explore notions such as what it is that makes a home a home.


  • 教科书称,资本应该会诸如美国这样的资本充裕发达国家资本相对匮乏穷国流动比如中国这样回报率更高

    According to the textbooks, capital should flow from rich countries with abundant capital, such as America, to poorer ones, such as China, where capital is relatively scarce, so returns are higher.


  • 要是还有相似的用来获取名称操作符了。比如其它元数据对象——诸如方法信息、属性信息等等——的方法

    It would be nice to have similar operators that could take names of, say, methods and give you other metadata objects, like method infos, property infos, and so on.


  • 这个站点托管了一些公共报告比如建筑许可营业执照财产转让以及公众十分重要的诸如此类的服务

    This site also hosts public records like Building permits, Business licenses, property transfers and similar such services that are essential for the common mass.


  • 其他许多怪才们擅长工作这种刺激亦有所帮助比如勘校,估算诸如把火柴的大额数目。

    It helps them, too, with other tasks savants do famously well-proofreading, for example, and estimating the number of objects in a large group, such as a pile of match sticks.


  • 如果诸如瘙痒刺鼻难闻,或是变色(比如变成褐色,灰色抑或是绿色)的症状,则表明女性可能生殖系统感染,这个时候就应当妇科医生咯。

    Symptoms like itching, a strong odor, or a change in color (such as to brown, gray, or green) indicate that a girl may have a vaginal infection and needs to see a doctor.


  • 比如键入赚钱”,就可以得到诸如孩子如何赚钱”,“如何快速赚钱”问题的答案。

    Say, I'm typing "make money" in it. I'll get results with questions like "how kids can make money", "how to make money fast" and so on.


  • 其实,消费者仅仅要搜索诸如巴黎有什么酒店之类的普通的信息已不是很容易 同理可知要找到个人所需比如巴黎的浪漫酒店或者商务酒店也非常不易。

    A consumer can’t easily find useful results for the most commonsearches (e.g. Paris hotels) AND for what their personal need is that is underlying their initial “commonsearch (e.g.


  • 通常这些ESB产品还有附加功能比如它们可以机构很多Web服务捆绑在一起提供诸如登录消息排队这样的功能。

    These ESB products generally have additional value as they can tie together a number of Web services from across an organization and provide functionality such as logging and message queuing.


  • 比如过滤诸如httpcom之类常见单词

    For example, you might filter out common words such as HTTP and com.


  • 这些课程关注的是定量数据比如,在不得不答案的时候,应该选BC因为两个正确率最高诸如此类

    The courses focused on quantitative dataanswerborc” if you have to guess because they are most frequently correct, etc.


  • 比如世界一些地方职业治疗师利用诸如损伤康复使用超声波做法非常物理治疗师那样。

    In some parts of the world occupational therapists utilize practices such as use of ultrasound in injury rehabilitation, much like a physical therapist does.


  • 比如世界一些地方职业治疗师利用诸如损伤康复使用超声波做法非常物理治疗师那样。

    In some parts of the world occupational therapists utilize practices such as use of ultrasound in injury rehabilitation, much like a physical therapist does.


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