• 比如精化过程中,他们应该项目管理者索取定时更新风险列表从而能确认这些风险是否阶段最后过程消除

    For instance, in Elaboration, they should ask the project managers for regular updates of the risk List, to determine whether risks will be mitigated by the end of the phase.


  • 比如颗行星引力使得射电束在靠近时贴近,远离时分开然后再靠近,就这样处于一种定时变化节奏中

    The gravitational pull of, say, a planet, will make the radio flashes arrive closer together, then farther apart, then closer, in a regularly changing rhythm.


  • 比如设置了一个5间隔,在间隔改变10秒时3已经过去了,那么一个定时事件上一个定时器事件13秒后发生。

    For example, if the interval is set to 5 seconds and 3 seconds have already elapsed before the interval is changed to 10 seconds, the next timer event will be 13 seconds from the last timer event.


  • 如果几乎定时地经常举办一些聚会比如个月),房子保持整齐有序,每次聚会要做的准备只是重新打扫一下房子。

    By scheduling semi-regular parties (such as one every 3 months), your house will stay organized and the preparations each time will just be a matter of refreshing the space.


  • 研究指出只有做一些简单有意识的思考才可以信赖比如选购某种牌子烤箱手套

    The research suggests the conscious mind should be trusted only with simple decisions, such as selecting a brand of oven glove.


  • 不要手动改变过IIS设置比如应用程序标识因为管理中心应用程序使用定时同步服务所有服务器

    You should never change IIS Settings like the app pool identity manually because the central admin application USES timer jobs to keep all servers in the farm synchronised.


  • 增加清除程序数量减少故障(比如断电)的恢复时间因为磁盘数据库内容任何比较新的

    Increasing the page cleaners will also reduce recovery time from soft failures, such as power outages, because the contents of the database on disk will be more up-to-date at any given time.


  • 比如就像我们在上面解释那样,现金流不能告诉我们某个间段内的盈利损失盈利能力所包含因素与现金流无关

    For example, as we explained above, it doesn't tell us the profit earned or lost during a particular period: profitability is composed also of things that are not cash based.


  • 尽管ExecutorService接口非常有用,但某些任务需要计划方式执行比如确定时间间隔执行给定任务

    As great as the ExecutorService interface is, certain tasks need to be done in a scheduled fashion, such as executing a given task at determined intervals or at a specific time.


  • 比如,斯博克医生放弃了幼儿定时喂食这种流行观点

    For example, Doctor Spock dismissed the popular idea of exactly timed feedings for babies.


  • 创建动态标记之前设置某种定时然后假定JSON在某个时间,比如3之后到达,这种方法初看起来似乎可行。

    It might be tempting to set some sort of timer before creating the dynamic script tag and just assume the JSON has arrived after, say, three seconds.


  • 当然我们还有其他衣服比如运动服自行车的、跑步的。还有便装便装现在没有展示出来,到大家就可以看到啦

    Of course, we also have other suits, like sports suits for cycling and running, and casual suits we have not shown you yet, but later you will see.


  • 比如切换逻辑可以用来定义一个风机开起程序定时过后,风机起动。

    For example, switching logic can be defined to have the return fan start after a programmed delay from the time that the supply fan was started.


  • 为了节省电能大多数手机可以设置定时检查获取”)邮件比如30分钟获取一次或者手动更新

    To save energy, most phones can be configured to instead check for (or "fetch") emails on a schedule — say, every 30 minutesor only when you manually tell your email app to refresh.


  • 无论是某些定时比如开车有人挡了的道)还是在冷静的时候(可以反思给他带来压力事情时),他都会试着自我质疑。

    He learned to do this in the moment -- when someone cut him off in traffic, for example -- and at calm moments when he could reflect on things that caused him stress.


  • 下次做出定时比如教育儿女、购房置产、交际应酬工作事业任何其他境况,多问问自己比较一下心里感觉吧

    The next time you need to make a decision, parenting, buying a house, relationship, career or anything, ask yourself the question needing answered and compare the feelings.


  • 研究指出只有做一些简单有意识的思考才可以信赖比如选购某种牌子烤箱手套

    Thee research suggests the conscious mind should be trusted only with simple decisions, such as selecting a brand of oven glove.


  • 定时计时结束激活情求令牌,其他一些状况比如任意工作站猜测当前激活监控器出现故障时也可以激活情求令牌。

    Claim tokening can result from expired timers, or from any other condition that causes any station to suspect a problem with the current active monitor.


  • 最好一个定时比如刷牙之后)。

    Do what works for you, but however you go about it, it's good if you have a trigger (such as, "right after I brush my teeth").


  • 确定输入比如热电偶信号定时分析测试结果

    Input. Determine inputs, such as thermocouple signals, timer, or analytical test results.


  • 比如可以通过许可证发放将船闸通行限定内,而且许可证也可以拖船船长之间进行交易

    For example, permits could be issued to travel through locks at specified times, and those permits could be traded among towboat captains.


  • 本机读取ID名称(例如s)内部定时当前日期(例如,D)和时间(比如T)产生一个新的记录d - S的- T的表示,数据库

    The machine reads the name (say s) from the ID card, and the current date (say, d) and time (say, t) from its internal timer, and generates a new record, denoted by d-s-t, in its database.


  • 本机读取ID名称(例如s)内部定时当前日期(例如,D)和时间(比如T)产生一个新的记录d - S的- T的表示,数据库

    The machine reads the name (say s) from the ID card, and the current date (say, d) and time (say, t) from its internal timer, and generates a new record, denoted by d-s-t, in its database.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定