• 建筑群著名丹麦建筑事务所比亚克·英格斯团队设计,这也是BIG事务所在北美的第一个项目

    The building is designed by renowned Danish Architect firm BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group and is their inaugural North American project.


  • 丹麦建筑师亚克。因格尔斯他的设计团队美国纽约曼哈顿市设计了住宅建筑将矩形拉动一角形成一个三角塔。

    Danish architects Bjarke Ingels Group have designed a residential building for Manhattan, New York, with a rectangular plan pulled up at one corner to form a triangular tower.


  • 亚克英格斯团队设计西57街项目,为纽约城引入了全新住宅类型增加一条连通曼哈顿天际线的迷人纽带。

    West 57th, designed by BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group, introduces an entirely new residential typology to New York City that will add an inviting twist to the Manhattan Skyline.


  • 如今多伦多约克大学艾伦·里斯托克等学者认为这项研究严重的缺陷”。

    Today's scholars, like Ellen Bialystok at York University in Toronto, say that research was "deeply flawed."


  • 详细信息: 可以在斯坦斯、伯明翰都柏林乘坐瑞安航空公司(0871 246 0000, ryanair.com)的航班飞往亚里茨可以在盖特威克布里斯托尔乘坐易捷航空公司(easyjet.com)的航班飞往那里。

    Details: fly to Biarritz wth Ryanair (0871 246 0000, ryanair.com), from Stansted, Birmingham and Dublin; or with EasyJet (easyjet.com)


  • 最新研究成果来自丹麦哥本哈根大学雷基亚冰岛大学研究者发现。

    The latest research was carried out by researchers at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and the University of Iceland in Reykjavik.


  • 他们药物中添加血清素补充剂的时间里,妈妈亚丽克西斯·瑞的呼吸很明显改善双胞胎哥哥诺亚课业也有了进步。

    A serotonin supplement was added to their medications, and within a month their mother says there were noticeable improvements in Alexis Beery's breathing and in her twin brother Noah's school work.


  • 即使中年学习第二语言仍然可以帮助延缓老年痴呆症纽约亚韦斯托克

    Even if you don't learn a second language until after middle age, it can still help stave off dementia, York's Bialystok said.


  • 马克斯自从利亚罗查乌克斯兽医诊所出生后,就一直看同一兽医

    Max has been visiting the same vet since birth at the Robichaux Veterinary Clinic in New Iberia.


  • 听到这话,亚克托安撒腿跑。速度平时快了很多,突然间变成一个奥运会的田径参赛者。

    He makes a run for it, and he's quicker than normal, suddenly an Olympic runner - then he sees his reflection in a stream.


  • 一方面,非洲生活成本最低的城市是博茨瓦纳首都嘉柏隆里、纳米首都温特克、乌干达首都坎帕拉和埃塞俄首都亚的斯亚贝巴

    On the other hand, the cheapest African cities to live in are Gabrone in Botswana, Windhoek in Namibia, Kampala in Uganda and Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. The full report is available here.


  • 埃塞俄爵士父穆拉图·阿斯塔特克今年66岁高龄。一生大部分时间都是英国美国埃塞俄亚度过,其音乐灵感也来自三个地方

    The doyen of Ethiopian jazz men is Mulatu Astatke, now 66, who used to divide his time between Britain, America and his home country, drawing inspiration from all three.


  • 女孩流行名字奥利维亚格雷斯艾米丽杰西卡索菲克洛伊莉莉米亚露丝

    The ten most popular names for girls were: Olivia, Ruby, Grace, Emily, Jessica, Sophie, Chloe, Lily, Mia and Lucy.


  • 从未发生过条克四世从未占领埃及埃塞俄也没有,最终死了不过是死

    That didn't happen. Antiochus IV never took all of Egypt, he never took Ethiopia, he never took Libya, and he did eventually die, but he died way over in Babylon.


  • 澳大利亚选手莉·特里克特夺得女子100蝶泳金牌。

    Australian Lisbeth Trickett emerged the winner of the women's 100-meter butterfly final.


  • 今年1月份通用汽车的销售份额为19.5%,如果不计土星庞蒂亚克萨博悍马四个品牌的销量,就只剩下16.9%,丰田1个百分点。

    In January, GM had market share of 19.5%.without Saturn, Pontiac, Saab and Hummer, its share would have been 16.9% — a point less than Toyota's.


  • 根据加州大学伯克利分校教授约翰·库托维兹所说,下载电子书阅览器的阅览器相差距仅有1微微微克,就是10-18 克(十的负十八次方克)。

    According to John Kubiatowicz, from the University of California, Berkeley, the difference between an empty e-reader and a full one is just one attogram, or 10-18 of a gram.


  • ·里斯·托克说,老年痴呆症导致生理变化,在单一语言病患双语病患之间,可能相同

    According to Bialystok, the physical changes that Alzheimer's causes in the brain could be the same for both a monolingual patient and a bilingual patient.


  • ·维斯托克今年62岁,一位心理学领域享有盛名研究教授,现任教于加拿大多伦多市的约克大学

    Bialystok, 62, is a distinguished research professor of psychology at York University in Toronto, Canada.


  • 马克斯自从利亚罗查乌克斯兽医诊所出生后,就一直看同一兽医

    Max has been visiting the same vet since birth at the Robichaux Veterinary Clinic in New Iberia


  • 艾灵顿公爵来到亚斯时,斯·塔特克将美国乐团指挥常用音符音阶改成埃塞俄独特的五音符音阶。

    When Duke Ellington visited Addis, Mr Astatke transposed some of the American bandleader's Numbers from the West's eight-note scale into Ethiopia's five-note scale.


  • 判处终身监禁印度活动家亚克·(Binayak Sen)印度最高法院保释,他曾被指控协助战士

    Binayak sen, an Indian activist who was sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of aiding Maoist fighters, was freed on bail by India's Supreme Court.


  • 最受欢迎的女孩格蕾丝、奥莉维亚艾米莉杰西卡索菲亚克洛伊莉莉艾拉、艾米莉娅。

    Girls' names: Grace, Ruby, Olivia, Emily, Jessica, Sophie, Chloe, Lily, Ella, Amelia.


  • 原计划了十二之后,克斯特亚火车鄂木斯克来到莫斯科,只是现在目的地不是奥运村而是一家旅行社。

    Twelve years later than planned, Kostya rode the train from Omsk to Moscow—only now his destination was not the Olympic Village but a travel agency.


  • 当时是和圣地亚哥快船队交手普·切克中场运球,发现快船-布莱恩特(父亲)挡住了路线,他伸出他的左腿试图突破以避免发生冲突

    Facing the San Diego Clippers, Kupchak drove the middle, found Clipper Joe Bryant (Kobe's father) blocking his path, and planted his left leg in an attempt to pull up and avoid the charge.


  • 当时是和圣地亚哥快船队交手普·切克中场运球,发现快船-布莱恩特(父亲)挡住了路线,他伸出他的左腿试图突破以避免发生冲突

    Facing the San Diego Clippers, Kupchak drove the middle, found Clipper Joe Bryant (Kobe's father) blocking his path, and planted his left leg in an attempt to pull up and avoid the charge.


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