• 每日每日环丙沙星250毫克3每日两次左氧氟沙星250毫克,3天,每日氟哌酸400毫克,3天或者氟哌酸200毫克一次,3天。

    Ciprofloxacin 250 mg twice daily for 3 days, levofloxacin 250 mg once daily for 3 days, norfloxacin 400 mg twice daily for 3 days, or gatifloxacin 200 mg, once daily for 3 days.


  • 历经了近十年爱情印证,我们所理解爱不再海誓山盟大喜大悲,而是生活中的高山流水,是轻风细雨,是每日每日归来的脚步,是手下洗干净的衣裤和外面采撷野草,是平淡平淡的日日月月

    It is your footstep towards home, the clothes I have just washed clean and a handful of wild grass I just picked from the outside. It is also our ordinary life in every day and night.


  • 而英国已经有了很多那样报道,它们博客每日邮报和太阳报那样的坚定的拥护保守党的报纸来进行报道,和美国报纸不同每日邮报和太阳报很少将报道和社论分开

    Britain already has plenty of that, in the form of blogs and fiercely partisan newspapers like the Daily Mail and the Sun that, unlike American papers, rarely separate reporting from editorialising.


  • 尽管Twitter很受欢迎用Twitter上瘾(31%的受访者每日使用这个工具10以上经常使用的人(33%的受访者每日使用不足4次)的比例几乎平分秋色。

    Despite its popularity, there is a nearly equals split between Twitter addicts (31% use Twitter ten or more times a day) and those who use it infrequently (33% less then four times a day);


  • 自从每日电讯报开始揭露议员们如何滥用松散报销制度[注2:按规定下院议员每年出于公务需要,可以报销一定金额的费用,但许多议员却把钱用来补贴家用,此举被《每日电讯报》率先披露后酿成丑闻]以来,2过去了。

    A fortnight has elapsed since the Daily Telegraph newspaper began exposing MPsabuses of their lax expenses regime.


  • 一旦设立目标,让指引前进,你每日每日的生活里了。

    But once you set those goals that might guide your direction, then you live one day at a time.


  • 每日构建每日练习制度典型作为最佳实践

    Daily builds, like a daily exercise regimen, is typically accepted as a best practice.


  • 每日的食物就是提供身体燃料。 你希望这些燃料可以提供足够能量完成所有任务,去承受每日压力并且可以得到乐趣

    What you eat is the fuel that you give to your body and you hope that this fuel will give you enough energy to finish all your tasks, to withstand daily stress and to have some fun.


  • 新加坡吉隆坡之间航班二月份每日班,增加每日13班次分别到马来西亚吉隆坡、槟榔屿、亚古晋兰卡威

    From a mere two flights a day between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur in February, it is now up to 13 flights a day to Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Kota Kinabalu, Kuching and Langkawi.


  • 每日镜报每日邮报》创刊人阿尔弗雷德·哈姆斯沃斯认为新闻某地某人掩盖其他人正在宣传的事情。”

    According to Alfred Harmsworth, founder of both the Daily Mirror and Daily Mail, news is "what somebody somewhere wants to suppress; the rest is advertising".


  • 任务看板”的层次最低它显示出每日变动当前状态,搭配每日的燃尽更有帮助

    A "Task Kanban" is at the lowest level, showing the current changing status daily, which may be supported by a daily Burndown Chart.


  • 昨天登上了《华尔街日报》,今天纽约每日新闻每日邮报》。

    Today she was in the New York Daily News and the Daily Mail; yesterday it was the Wall Street Journal.


  • 每日耶和华预备残疾公牛七只,绵羊七只为燔祭每日要预备公山羊只为赎罪

    And seven days of the feast he shall prepare a burnt offering to the LORD, seven bullocks and seven RAMS without blemish daily the seven days; and a kid of the goats daily for a sin offering.


  • 到2012年,美中两国每日航班班次增加1倍以上每日10个班次升至23班次。

    Flights between the US and China will more than double from 10 to 23 a day by 2012.


  • 每日增高一丈,每日增厚丈,盘古也一日

    Every day the sky rose ten feet higher, the earth became ten feet thicker, and Pangu grew ten feet taller.


  • 自从今年六月每日成交量将近三千一百万高盛公司股票每日平均成交量要大三倍

    Since June, about 31 million of them have been traded on a typical day, more than triple the average for Goldman Sachs shares.


  • 若想保护生育能力,请减少每日咖啡因摄入,控制其每日6咖啡以内(等同于900毫克咖啡因)。

    To protect your fertility, limit the amount of caffeine in your diet to no more than the equivalent of six cups of coffee a day (900 milligrams of caffeine).


  • 15年前一周每日电讯报推出英国报纸网站Telegraph . co . uk,那时称为电子版每日电讯报

    The Daily Telegraph launched Britain's first newspaper website, Telegraph.co.uk, then known as the Electronic Telegraph, 15 years ago this week.


  • 实验开始后女性实验者每日热量摄入量减少至1200卡路里,男性实验者则维持在每日1500。

    When it began, the women's daily rations were slashed to 1, 200 calories, while the men were allowed 1, 500.


  • 据英国《每日邮报》11月2日报道,一项大型研究发现每日饮用红酒女性喝酒的女性相比,罹乳腺癌的风险要高50%。

    Women who drink just two glasses of wine a day are 50 per cent more likely to get breast cancer than those who don't drink at all, a major study has found.


  • 妇女每日摄取十三公以上黄豆发生骨折风险每日仅摄取公克的妇女减少三成五。

    Women who ate more than 13 grams of soy per day had a 35% lower risk of fracture than those who ate less than 5 grams per day.


  • 整体而言饱和脂肪摄入量男性每日食用食物13%都富含饱和脂肪,摄入量男性每日食用食物只有8%的是富含饱和脂肪的。

    Overall, men with the highest saturated fat intake consumed 13 percent of their daily calories as saturated fat, while those in the lowest took in eight percent.


  • 地区现在产量每日120万,而到了2020年估计可达到400万桶每日使得加拿大拥有与伊朗相同的石油产量

    Production from the region, now 1.2m barrels per day, is expected to rise to 4m by 2020, putting Canada's output on a par with Iran's.


  • 每日快报》每日镜报这两个小报,如今只相当于80年代市场的2/3。

    The Daily Express and the Daily Mirror, both tabloids, have shed about two-thirds of their circulation since the mid-1980s.


  • 二月份进口量相当于每日485万,较一月份每日405万桶进口量增加了20%。

    February volumes were equivalent to 4.85 million barrels a day, up 20% from the 4.05 million barrels a day imported by China in January.


  • 还有,每日100万石油国内区域联盟国中以优惠价格卖出,因此每日剩下125万桶石油是以全价出口

    Of that, some 1m b/d is sold at subsidised prices at home or to regional allies, leaving just 1.25m b/d for full-price exports.


  • 巴克莱兄弟名下每日电讯报项新举措,年来每日电讯报8位主编重塑公司付出了巨大的努力。

    This will be something of a novelty for the Telegraph papers under the Barclays, which saw eight editors in four years at the height of their efforts to reshape the company.


  • 巴克莱兄弟名下每日电讯报项新举措,年来每日电讯报8位主编重塑公司付出了巨大的努力。

    This will be something of a novelty for the Telegraph papers under the Barclays, which saw eight editors in four years at the height of their efforts to reshape the company.


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