• 一阵雷鸣般的鼓声 锯加鼓尖声刺耳过后,一个歌者歌颂皮坦基上帝引导手术刀”“唤醒每个自我自尊”。

    Over a thundering drum section and anarchic screech of a cuica, the singer praised Pitanguy for “awakening the self-esteem in each egowith a “scalpel guided by heaven.


  • 如果老王不是每次奇怪的兴师动众这次做法使每个自我权衡智能健全,都觉得有悖常理。

    If the Pharaoh not always be a strange dream on launching a campaign, this time his approach to each self-balancing sound intelligent people feel that contrary to common sense.


  • 通过对看护者评估孩子自我观察,每个孩子总体同情心水平以及他们道德越界后的负面情绪倾向进行评级

    Using caregiver assessments and the children's self-observations, she rated each child's overall sympathy level and his or her tendency to feel negative emotions after moral transgressions.


  • 富裕解放个人,并承诺每个人都可以选择一种独特的方式实现自我

    Affluence liberates the individual, promising that everyone can choose a unique way to self-fulfillment.


  • 不仅相信她的故事,而且正在经历它!自我提升可能不是每个人最喜欢的词,但如果我们从另一个角度看事情,我们可能会更有机会享受整个过程,而不是数着日子直到我们完全得到提升。

    Jane not only believes in her story, but lives it! Self-improvement may not be everybody's favorite word, but if we look at things in a different way, we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process instead of counting the days until we are fully improved.


  • 如果孩子成功完成每个阶段任务自信心也会随着自我信念的增强而增加。

    When children successfully complete the tasks at each phase, confidence grows as does a belief in self.


  • 依据每个参与者以及交流过程中他们语调表现出东西,还有达成自我他人目标成就感来评估信任度诚实公平

    Assess the degree of trust, honesty and fairness you can expect from each participant and what bearing that will have on the tone of the conversation and achievability of your and others' objectives.


  • 我们生命中每个艰难时刻伴有一个自我成长创造机会我们必须首先学会控制自己情绪,这样才能把握住这个机会。

    Every difficult moment in our lives is accompanied by an opportunity for personal growth and creativity. But in order to attain this growth and creativity, we must first learn to control our emotions.


  • 第二发现自我感觉良好,不管什么方面一般人优秀,你们每个人都这样认为。

    The second one is, you're terrific, you are better than average in every possible way, each one of you.


  • 标准文稿自我概要中找出来两三点,保证每个观点都提供了足够论据

    Standard Essay: Take two or three points from your self-outline, give a paragraph to each, and make sure you provide plenty of evidence.


  • 不是每个都会赞成选择接受这个现实,并相信自我判断,追随你心中闪烁明星,它引领你踏上命运征途

    Accept the fact that not everyone is going to approve of the choices you've made, have faith in your judgment, catch the star that twinkles in your heart, and it will lead you to your destiny's path.


  • Seaside模型使用模板可以依靠每个个体对象自我呈现构建异常强大具有复杂交互功能的Web页面

    Seaside's model doesn't use templates but makes it possible to build extraordinarily powerful Web pages with complex interactions by relying on each individual object to render itself.


  • 关于自我每个小孩都有两个基本心理需要:1知道有人他们2他们值得被爱的。

    Every child has two basic psychological needs in regards to their sense of self: to know they are loved and to know they are worthwhile.


  • 有些公司的GPS产品可以自我更新,TomTom的智能路程软件系统可以公司每个客户的信息搜集起来,然后重新调整,因而得出应该使用路径此路径所需要时间

    TomTom's IQ Routes software takes data from every person who uses the company' gadgets and readjusts its assumptions about which roads you should use and how long a given route will take.


  • 徒手攀岩一项唯有的专业运动没有教练、没有教规、每个攀登者运筹帷幄全凭自己谦和话语来说,就是考验自我真本事的运动。

    It was the only professional sport with no coaches or rule-books, where each climber planned his tactics himself. It was, in his own soft words, the real deal.


  • 认为我们期望自我认识成长而非一夜之间让每个男人马上变成超级英雄。

    The best I think we can hope for is self-awareness and growth, not the instant transformation of every man into a superhero overnight.


  • 断言自我完美的时候,你就创造出自己天堂的看法,因为天堂中每件事情都完美的,生活知识中你是充满力量的有能力显化你每个梦想

    You create your version of Heaven when you affirm your perfection, for everything in Heaven is perfect, and live with the knowledge that you are powerful and capable of manifesting every dream.


  • 每个消极自我对话下面一种限制性意念,这种意念让无视这个世界的真实,却让你陷入无端的恐惧怀疑之中

    Beneath every word of negative self-talk, there's a limiting belief that blinds you to the reality of the world and tricks you into fear and doubt.


  • 我们每个人都自我欺骗的无限空间,以上我的

    We each have an infinite capacity for self-deception, and here was mine.


  • XML通常被称为自我描述数据因为设计为对文档中的每个记录使用重复模式

    XML is often referred to as self-describing data because it is designed so the schema repeats for each record in the document.


  • 我们每个人都生活在地球学习分享爱护别人欣赏付出自我却没有一个知道这种美好体验什么时候就会结束了。

    Each of us is put here on earth to learn, share, love, appreciate and give of ourselves... and none of us knows when this fantastic experience will end.


  • 自己外表评价时,每个人对自己都更加苛刻比如同事自我陈述时。

    Everyone judges his or her own appearance more critically when self-aware, as when giving a presentation to coworkers.


  • 自我提醒下,每次的人与人交流一个成长贡献机会每个遇见的人都是你成长的老师

    Remind yourself that every interaction with another human being is a gift and an opportunity for growth and contribution. Everyone you meet is an amazing teacher.


  • 只有3%调查对象属于“自我管理型”,每个员工都核心原则价值”所引导,这套原则和价值激励每个员工以公司使命为中心调整自身行为。

    Only 3% fell into the category of "self-governance", in which everyone is guided by a "set of core principles and values that inspire everyone to align around a company's mission".


  • 门课程进一步分为多个单元每个单元学习资料PDF文档),并且提供了自我评价的方法。

    Each course is further divided in modules, each module coming with study material (a PDF document), and offers the option for self-assessment.


  • 即使每个认为这些东西几乎没啥实际意义但是这仍然我们自我介绍体现自身价值主要方式

    Even though everyone knows that these things basically mean nothing, it still winds up being the main way we introduce ourselves and communicate our value.


  • 即使每个认为这些东西几乎没啥实际意义但是这仍然我们自我介绍体现自身价值主要方式

    Even though everyone knows that these things basically mean nothing, it still winds up being the main way we introduce ourselves and communicate our value.


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