• 目的探讨死因分析损伤疾病相互关系

    Objective: To explore the relationship between the injuries and the diseases by analysis of death cause.


  • 方法住院新生儿进行临床表现疾病诊断死因分析

    Methods: Inpatient neonates of the last five years were studied by the clinical features, diagnosis and causes of death.


  • 在进行死因分析时,接受伊马替尼治疗的患者的总体生存率88%。

    The estimated overall survival rate for patients receiving Gleevec was 88% when considering deaths from all causes.


  • 由于通过回归模型未能很好解释死因混合国际期货系统增加了替代结构模型进行死因分析并且解释相似健康危险因素变化

    The hybrid IFs system adds alternative structural formulations for causes not well served by regression models and accounts for changes in proximate health risk factors.


  • 上周五马里兰大学医学院召开了史上名人死因研究年度会议。 而研究分析了阿赫那吞的形象后,耶鲁大学一位医师会上作出上述的结论

    So concludes a Yale University physician who analyzed images of Akhenaten for an annual conference Friday at the University of Maryland School of Medicine on the deaths of historic figures.


  • 适用于100例以上死亡3个章节标题分析了章节死因子集一致性

    For the three chapter headings that applied to more than 100 of the deaths, agreement for subsets of causes of death within the chapter was also analysed.


  • 方法81重症肌无力患者死因进行回顾性分析

    Methods: To do retrospective analysis of death reasons in 81 MG patients.


  • 目的分析我省煤炭系统不同年代尘肺病人死因变化规律。

    OBJECTIVE To analyze the change of pneumoconiosis death causes in Fujian coal mine in different years.


  • 方法采用WHO规定国际疾病死因分类穴ICD-10编码,将资料分类统计分析

    METHODS The international disease cause of death of WHOs stipulation to classify(ICD 10)coding, by the da-tum classification statistical analysis.


  • 方法采用禹州市1974 ~ 2003年生命统计信息库资料,按照ICD - 9国际标准进行死因分类SAS 6.12进行数据分析

    Methods Data from the life information system of Yuzhou during 1974 ~ 2003 were analyzed (with SAS 6.12). Death causes are classified with ICD-9 Classification Standard.


  • 目的探讨血透非透析疗法急性衰(ARF)并发症病死率影响分析主要死因变化

    Objective: to study the influence of hemodialysis therapy and non-hemodialysis therapy on the complications and fatality rate of acute renal failure (ARF) and to analyze its variation of death cause.


  • 方法用死亡率死因别死亡率、潜在价值损失年数死亡所致生命损失等指标,分析居民死因

    Methods Mortality rate, disease-specific mortality rate, valued years of potential life lost(VYPLL) and years of life lost(YLLs) were used to analyze causes of death.


  • 方法:对103死因不明尸体进行系统解剖组织病理学检验,部分作法医毒物分析

    Method: All103corpses of unknown cause death were performed by systemic anatomy and histopathological examinations, and some corpses by judicial poisoning analysis.


  • 目的分析类风湿关节炎(RA)死亡原因提高RA死因认识加强治疗对策,提高防治水平。

    Objective to promote the understanding of the causes of death in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (ra) and to improve the prevention and therapy strategy of ra.


  • 研究认为死因顺位系统疾病顺位分析更易比较直观

    We consider that analysis with single death cause order is easier to compare and more direct than with system disease order.


  • 方法 应用死亡率、老年保健效益指数GEI) 等指标分析1987 ~1997 年厦门市死因资料。

    Methods Mortality and geriacomia effect index (GEI) are used in this paper to analysis the date of causes of death in 1987~1997.


  • 方法选择18炭疽芽胞杆菌,采用PCR方法扩增炭疽芽胞杆菌致死因基因测序进行SNP位点分析

    Methods 18 Bacillus anthracis isolates were selected and the lef genes were amplified by PCR method, then the PCR products were sequenced and the analysis of SNP site of the lef genes was performed.


  • 方法收集胃癌死因资料根据国际分类编码进行汇总分析

    Methods The collected data of death caused by gastric cancer were analyzed in accordance with International Classification Code.


  • 方法本文我市2004 ~ 2006参加全国第三死因回顾抽样调查死因资料进行统计分析

    Method: This text to attend for my city 2004 ~ 2006 years whole country three time cause of death Review sampling of cause of death the data carried on to statistics analysis.


  • 方法利用寿年数减寿分析指标山东省1990~ 1992年死因调查中的肿瘤死亡资料进行分析

    Methods:The index potential years of life lost (PYLL) and rate of PYLL were used to analyze the cancer death data of all death survey from 1990-1992 in Shandong province.


  • 方法淄博市2010~2012年大类疾病死因构成分布进行描述性流行病学分析

    Methods:Zibo City from 2010 to 2012, the death of the three diseases constitute the distribution of descriptive epidemiological analysis.


  • 讨论分析5模型变化趋势5种死因人群年龄死亡模型影响作用

    The changing trend of 5 models and the effect of 5 death causes on age - specific death rate model are also discussed and analysed.


  • 利用河南省1/10人口居民死因登记报告资料,统计分析宫颈癌死亡率

    The data of registry on all death causes of residents in Henan province were used for analyzing the mortality of cervix carcinoma.


  • 分析了高危险人群寿命水平死亡特征肺癌死因寿命影响

    We also analysed the effect of the life expectancy level, characteristics of death and lung cancer on life expectancy.


  • 目的通过2000 ~ 2005年孕产妇死亡率死因情况分析分析孕产妇死亡的主要因素提出干预措施

    Objective to analyze the mortality of parturient and pregnant women from 2000 to 2005 and death causes, determine the main causes, and propose the intervention measurements.


  • 分析结果显示我省孕产妇死因构成顺位全国孕产妇死亡监测结果极为相近。

    The results of this article indicate that the constituent and order of the cause of impregnation maternal death in our province is similar to those of the whole nation.


  • 死亡分析,可避免死因呼吸道感染合并呼吸道感染危重死亡减少明显(达5 4 . 9%)。

    The death analysis showed mortality of the critical child patients with respiratory tract infection or complication of respiratory tract infection (evitable causes) reduced significantly (54.9%).


  • 死亡分析,可避免死因呼吸道感染合并呼吸道感染危重死亡减少明显(达5 4 . 9%)。

    The death analysis showed mortality of the critical child patients with respiratory tract infection or complication of respiratory tract infection (evitable causes) reduced significantly (54.9%).


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定