• 援助人员情况以往任何时候都因为疾病饥饿致使数以千计的人死亡

    Relief workers say it's worse than ever as disease and starvation combine to kill thousands.


  • 外国食品援助使得饥饿死亡人数大幅下降

    Foreign food aid has led to a drastic reduction in the numbers of people dying of starvation.


  • 如果没有迅速医疗援助食物帐篷抵达,死亡人数可能迅速上升

    Without rapid provision of medical aid, food, water and shelter the death toll is likely to rise quickly.


  • 存在缺陷救灾反应计算方法倾向于将需要援助造成死亡人数挂钩

    The flawed arithmetic of disaster response tends to equate need for aid with the immediate death toll.


  • 不幸的是,莫约女士止步于此,再无贡献,“死亡援助”并未如人所料,辩论推上新的台阶。

    Unfortunately, Ms Moyo's contribution ends there, for "Dead Aid" does not move the debate along much.


  • 巴基斯坦西北部曼塞拉外国援助机构办事处遭袭死亡

    Six people were killed when the office of a foreign aid agency was attacked in Mansehra in the north-west of Pakistan.


  • 援助机构凯尔国际(CARE International)预计死亡人数达500人至600人。

    The aid agency Care International put the death toll at 500-600.


  • 5月29日,也就是一起由美军吉普车引起造成5死亡事故几百当地人Kabul横冲直撞,他们洗劫烧毁外国商业机构援助组织在当地的办公室

    On May 29th, after an accident in which an American army jeep killed five people, several hundred locals rampaged through Kabul, looting and burning the offices of foreign businesses and aid agencies.


  • 文特33岁时丈夫去世,随后建立了悲痛援助学院,她在一份声明中说:“离婚死亡失望等会不知不觉影响找到几率

    Divorce, death and disappointments can all hurt your chances of finding love -- without you knowing it.


  • 虽然是因为闹饥荒迫使如此涌入摩加迪沙寻求援助但是越来越令人担忧那些饥饿死亡线上活着的人很可能疾病夺去生命。

    Although it is famine that has forced so many people into Mogadishu for assistance, the growing concern is that those who make it here may be as likely to die of disease as starvation.


  • 欧盟承诺向恐慌打击蔬菜农场提供援助德国星期二加强努力查找细菌源头但是警告可能不会找到源头,这次细菌爆发已经有25个人死亡

    Germany stepped up efforts Tuesday to trace the source of a bacteria outbreak that has killed 25 amid warnings it might never be found, while the EU pledged aid for vegetable farmers hit by the scare.


  • 说:“作为主要儿童死亡原因疟疾虽然是个显著切入点我们援助有关国家解决广泛的儿童卫生问题”。

    Malaria, as one of the leading causes of child mortality, is an obvious entry point, but we'll also assist countries to tackle child health more broadly,” she says.


  • 援助机构警告说,如果缺乏应急食品帐篷,将数百万死亡

    Aid agencies warned that, without emergency food and shelter, millions of citizens could perish.


  • 来自现场报导自从5月3号灾害侵袭以来,很多没有得到任何援助有些因为得不到供给医疗照顾处于死亡的边缘。

    Reports from the scene say many people there have yet to receive any aid whatsoever since the disaster struck on May third, and some are dying for lack of supplies and medical attention.


  • 国际援助机构已经警告由于致命传播疾病的蔓延,很快将出现第二死亡

    International aid agencies have warned of a second wave of deaths due to deadly waterborne diseases.


  • 情况很坏,为了救助更多,一个家庭我们只能给一人份的援助品,许多因为饥饿死亡有时看到人们倒下他们实在太虚弱了。

    Many people are still dying of hunger. I have seen people fall down because they are so weak.


  • 2010年期以色列海军袭击驶往加沙的援助船队并导致8土耳其人和名土耳其裔美国死亡尽管如此,以色列仍旧表示愿意援助

    The offer from Israel came despite a rift in relations following a 2010 Israeli navy raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that left eight Turks and a Turkish-American dead.


  • 海地,所恐惧不仅仅死亡还有一份巨大紧迫感,尽力使那些需要帮助的人得到援助

    There is a great sense of urgency in trying to get aid to those in need in Haiti, as more than death is feared.


  • 麻疹一个传染性强的疾病联合国难民署防止人们这个疾病死亡是这几个援助机构面临首要工作。

    Measles is a highly contagious disease. The UNHCR says action to prevent people from dying of this disease is the number one priority facing aid agencies.


  • 甚至更糟因为国际援助岛上带来霍乱造成数千死亡

    It's even worse because it was international aid that brought cholera to the island, causing thousands of deaths.


  • 名外国援助工人重伤名尼泊尔警卫送往医院,还有一人重伤死亡

    One foreign aid worker was seriously injured and three Nepali guards were also taken to hospital; one died of his injuries.


  • 意味着受伤脆弱之忽视,得不到食物或者援助死亡

    What this means is that injured or frail humans will be ignored, not fed or assisted, and they will die.


  • 援助人员目前正在地控制大批饥民的死亡

    Aid workers are getting better at stopping mass starvation.


  • 世界第三富国请求国际援助阻止死亡人数超过当前预估1万人。

    World's third richest country in plea for international aid to prevent the death toll rising beyond the current estimate of 10,000.


  • 海地地震余震不断,死亡人数30万,国际援助开始着手帮助众多幸存者

    Two weeks after an earthquake hit Haiti, followed by massive aftershocks and killing up to 300,000 people, international help began to reach substantial Numbers of survivors.


  • 海地地震余震不断,死亡人数30万,国际援助开始着手帮助众多幸存者

    Two weeks after an earthquake hit Haiti, followed by massive aftershocks and killing up to 300,000 people, international help began to reach substantial Numbers of survivors.


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