• 游戏研发人员正在更多特性添加诸如天堂魔兽世界之类的游戏之中,这些游戏都需要玩家角色收集装备武器,而这些东西可以其他玩家购买

    Game devs are building more features into games like Lineage and World of Warcraft that require players to gather outfits and weapons for their characters, which can be purchased from other players.


  • 似乎可能是,事实下毒者并未意识到化学武器特性

    It seems possible that the actual poisoners did not realise the nature of their weapon.


  • 高能微波武器犯罪一种有着一些特性新的犯罪

    HPM crimes are a new kind of crime with some very new characteristics.


  • 本文设计了专门用于检测次声武器各项性能次声波信号采集系统传输特性分析系统。

    In this paper, the signal collection system and analytic system of transmission characteristic of infrasound are designed, which are used for testing the performance of infrasound.


  • 这些武器虽然各不同特性但是它们应用一般原理却是通用的。

    These implements have specific natures that vary, but the general principles with which they are applied are universal.


  • 激光对抗技术研究中,激光光束漂移激光武器系统固有特性

    In the research of laser countermeasure technology, laser beam drift is the inherent character of laser weapon system.


  • 分析了“金属风暴武器普通火炮在内弹道特性方面不同点

    The characteristic differences of interior ballistic between "Metal Storm"weapon and ordinary gun were analyzed.


  • 采用有限元方法某车载武器系统发射装置底架发射状态时的结构特性进行了研究。

    In this paper, the pedestal structural characteristics of vehicle-borne weapon launcher in the state of launch were studied using finite element method.


  • 目标特性研究智能武器系统进行目标识别基础

    The target recognition about intelligent weapon system is based on the target characteristics.


  • 提出一种用于功率微波武器系统大气等离子体通道天线(PCA),并分析了P CA所传播一般模式的传播特性

    In this paper, a laser induced air plasma channel antenna (PCA) for high power microwave weapon is presented, and the dispersive characteristic for normal modes of PCA is analyzed.


  • 前方后方武器平等长度均衡处理特性

    The front and rear a- arms are equal in length for balanced handling characteristics.


  • 针对激光武器中的一些关键问题研究海上激光仰角大气传输特性

    Aiming at the key problems of laser weapon, laser atmospheric propagation property in low elevation on the sea is researched.


  • 无论是研究物体的电磁散射特性还是研制具有突防能力的隐身武器系统,RCS测试具有非常重要的意义。

    RCS measurement is necessary to research the electromagnetic scattering properties of radar target as well as to design stealth weapon system.


  • 定向器束发射状态下振动特性能够反映发射系统动态性能结构合理性并且影响火箭、导弹武器系统射击精度

    The vibration characteristic of launch tube in launching state can reflect the dynamic performance and the structural rationality of launch system, and it will influence the shooting precision.


  • 描述他们的特性各种武器系统中应用可能性

    Their character and possibility of application in various weaponry were described as well.


  • 美俄双方需要45天之内交换一条约涵盖武器数量存储地点特性信息

    Both sides are required to exchange information about the Numbers, locations and characteristics of the weapons covered by the treaty within 45 days.


  • 针对天基动能武器速度增量大拦截时间特性提出了一种新的确定预测拦截方法

    Based on the great orbit-transfering velocity increment and less intercepting time of kinetic weapon in space, this dissertation brings a new method of determining a predictive interception point.


  • 针对功率防空激光武器射击特性,运用概率论讨论了激光武器“光弹”的杀伤概率

    Aimed at shooting characteristic of high power laser air defense weapon, the killing probability is discussed by probability theory.


  • 分析研究地面电磁环境特性及其武器系统工作状态影响提出了地面电磁环境特性测试原理方法系统。

    Researches and analyzes ground environment characteristic and its influence on the work state of weapon system, provides the measurement principle, method and system.


  • 抢修性作为武器系统一种特性武器系统本身的结构损伤及抢修人员工具许多因素有关

    The combat resilience is the characteristic of the weapon system. It have relation with the many factors of weapon system construction, damnification, rush to repair the personnel, tools...... etc.


  • 传统介入测量方法困难而且影响系统的动态特性无法适应武器装备现场快速抢修的需要。

    The traditional interposed measurements have trouble in disassembly and bad impact on hydraulic dynamic characteristic, which doesn't suit high speed fault diagnosis for weapons and equipments.


  • 研制具有坦克装甲车辆地面运动目标特性遥控车,武器装备研制靶场鉴定试验重要意义

    To develop a set of remote target carrier that has moving target features of tank and armored vehicle has important meaning for weapon development and qualification test of ground test range.


  • 建立了金属风暴武器部件传递方程和传递矩阵系统特征方程,解决了振动特性快速计算难题

    Parts transfer equation, parts transfer matrix and system characteristic equation are established and fast calculation problem for natural vibration characteristic of MSW is solved .


  • 针对导弹武器系统具有复杂性,以及效能影响因素具有模糊性、不确定性特性提出了潜舰导弹武器系统作战效能评估P -FHW分析法

    P-FHW analysis method is presented to evaluate operational effectiveness of submarine-to-ship missile weapon system due to the complexity of missile weapon system and the uncertainty of affect factor.


  • 首先地下掩体指挥中心机库武器库、机场跑道水面舰艇目标过载特性进行了分析。

    At first, the target overload characteristics of underground blindage and command center, garage and weapon storeroom, aerodrome runway, surface naval ships were analyzed.


  • 武器设备最终军事用户任命代表进行试验确定武器或设备是否达到特定功能特性

    A trial carried out by nominated representatives of the eventual military users of the weapon or equipment to determine if the specified performance and characteristics have been met.


  • 引入威力概念建立针对现代空军武器装备特性空战分析模型

    The concept of combat power field was imported to establish the model of analysis of air combat on the basis of modern materiel facility.


  • 引入威力概念建立针对现代空军武器装备特性空战分析模型

    The concept of combat power field was imported to establish the model of analysis of air combat on the basis of modern materiel facility.


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