• 这些以棍棒石块作为武器

    The men armed themselves with sticks and stones.


  • 主持:也就是说,造这些武器为了战场上那些士兵安全健康

    The host: Ah, so you are saying that it is about the safety, the health of the soldier in the field?


  • 这里提到所有雷射武器机器音速爆破催吐光线都是真实的。

    But all of the laser weapons, robots, sonic blasters and puke rays pictured here are real.


  • 地方联邦法律规定个“等待冷却阶段消除一个可能必须使用武器的立即、可能危险冲动

    Local and federal laws mandate 'waiting' or 'cooling off period' to diffuse any immediate — and potentially dangerous - rush someone might have to use a firearm.


  • 15行动小组配备武器防弹背心,经过伪装散布在车来停车场附近,正等待着行动命令。

    There are about 15 people on the takedown team-heavily armed and armored and salted around the busy parking lot-just waiting for the magic words.


  • 事实上伊朗武器研制模型铀浓缩设施发射系统进展神速一点似乎明白无误。

    Indeed, it seems clear that the Iranians are working at breakneck speed on nuclear weaponization models, enrichment facilities and nuclear-capable delivery systems.


  • 举办个旨在武装自主机器化学生物武器相同框架内的峰会将会是一个良好起点

    A good starting point would be to convene a summit to consider armed, autonomous robots in the same framework as chemical and biological agents.


  • 周六晚上,一个网球拍,菜刀其他自制武器武装起来的由年轻组成的非正式组织已经控制局势,在城市四周设置检查点

    By Saturday night, informal brigades of mostly young men armed with bats, kitchen knives and other makeshift weapons had taken control, setting up checkpoints around the city.


  • 然后他们分头行动,其中三个穿上便服扮成袭击了瞭望塔,夺取武器辆卡车

    Then the group split up. Three, wearing civilian clothes and pretending to be workers, raided the guard tower to steal weapons and a truck.


  • 然后他们分头行动,其中三个穿上便服扮成,袭击了瞭望塔夺取武器辆卡车

    Three, wearing civilian clothes and pretending to be workers, raided the guard tower to steal weapons and a truck.


  • 南非军备公司总揽该国武器来源,近日他们领导因为欺诈渎职“不雅不当的行为”遭到解雇

    The head of Armscor, the state arms-procurement agency, was recently fired for dishonesty, dereliction of his duties and “disgraceful, unbecoming conduct”.


  • 农场主家里沼泽地棚屋里一队一队年轻携带着武器每个集合点

    From planters' homes and swamp cabins, a varied array of firearms came to each muster.


  • Optibase特拉维夫荷兹利亚的一家视屏技术售卖公司创始是靠修补IDF情报部门武器系统使用视屏技术起家的。

    Optibase, a company based in Herzliya in greater tel Aviv, sells video technology. Its founders cut their teeth tinkering with video technologies used in the IDF's intelligence and weapons systems.


  • 1979年,苏联希望购买更多美国小麦并且打算确保一项新的武器限制条约得到签署批准时,50000名犹太前所未有放行了。

    In 1979, when the Soviets were hoping to buy more American grain and wanted to make sure a new arms limitation treaty would be signed and ratified, an unprecedented 50,000 Jews were allowed out.


  • 1979年,苏联希望购买更多美国小麦并且打算确保一项新的武器限制条约得到签署批准时,50000名犹太前所未有放行了。

    In 1979, when the Soviets were hoping to buy more American grain and wanted to make sure a new arms limitation treaty would be signed and ratified, an unprecedented 50, 000 Jews were allowed out.


  • 外星掌握武器技术远远超出我们设想

    The aliens possess such weapons and technology that go beyond all our assumptions.


  • 同情不能容易地被这些接受理解最终你们受到更大伤害因为有可能它作为一种用于对付武器

    Compassion is not easily understood or accepted by these folks, and it just hurts you both more in the end as it is likely to be used as a weapon against you.


  • 受到过武器徒手格斗训练

    Both men are trained with weapons and in unarmed combat.


  • 地方联邦法律规定个“等待冷却阶段消除一个可能必须使用武器立即可能危险冲动

    Local and federal laws mandate 'waiting' or 'cooling off period' to diffuse any immediate - and potentially dangerous - rush someone might have to use a firearm.


  • 解放在于批判武器武器批判是否作为中介所占有。

    However, man's emancipation depends on whether he can master "the critical weapons" and "the critic of weapons" as man's medium.


  • 现在美国领导计划通过大力发展智能自动控制武器保持这种军事优势

    Now, the nation's leaders plan on retaining that military advantage with a significant commitment to artificial intelligence and robotic weapons.


  • 科学技术勇气群体努力送上月球同时我们带来整个地球陷入冬天的可怕武器

    The same technological wizardry, individual bravery, and group effort that put us on the moon have also given us weapons that can blow our whole planet into permanent winter.


  • 这些船只基本上没有武器装备奎布擅长牵引波束改作许多其它的用途包括用于防御进攻方面

    These ships are generally unarmed, but the Squibs have excelled in adapting tractor beam technology for numerous applications, including defensive and offensive ones.


  • -5-10喷气背包可以1特殊武器1种特殊近战武器

    Skyclaws5-10 Blood Claws with Jump Packs. May take 1 Special Weapon and 1 Special CCW.


  • 反过来,阿帕袭击西班牙的驻地,盗走他们的牲口马匹武器

    The Apaches, in turn, raided Spanish settlements and stole cattle, horses and weapons.


  • 不管拿弓射击弓箭手,还是一个拿射击的猎手战士或是警察他们如果要用武器精确地击中目标,那需要光线

    Whether a person is an archer shooting with a bow and arrow, or a hunter, soldier or policeman shooting with a gun, they will need some light if they want to shoot their weapon accurately at a target.


  • 不管拿弓射击弓箭手,还是一个拿射击的猎手战士或是警察他们如果要用武器精确地击中目标,那需要光线

    Whether a person is an archer shooting with a bow and arrow, or a hunter, soldier or policeman shooting with a gun, they will need some light if they want to shoot their weapon accurately at a target.


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