• 李素妍其他两位俄罗斯宇航员谢尔盖·沃尔科夫和奥列格·科诺年科组成的考察团于本周一获得了一个官方委员会正式批准

    An official committee gave official approval Monday for the mission by Yi and Russian cosmonauts Sergei Volkov and Oleg Kononenko.


  • 今天早上亚马逊正式推出Android应用商店——一个将会直接Google官方Android应用商店竞争应用程序商店。

    This morning Amazon is officially launching its Android App Storea storefront for apps that will compete directly with Google’s official Android Market.


  • 本周官方博客上发布下载链接,微软正式发布一份新闻声明Windows7已经粗糙beta测试版升级发布前的候选版本rc1。

    Leaked on the official Windows Blog earlier in the week, and now officially official in a press statement from Microsoft, Windows 7 has now gone from humble beta status to Release Candidate 1.


  • 当地官方统计失业率已经达到了18%(虽然这个数字忽略活跃的“正式经济)。

    The local official jobless rate is already 18% (though this ignores a lively "informal" economy).


  • 官方正式报告线重要巴马个人责任的设置,这史无前例的。

    However, more important than the official reporting lines is Mr Obama's unprecedented pledge of personal responsibility.


  • 朱莉娅孜孜不倦地倡导官方庆祝活动上的母亲节假日正式声明原因

    Julia tirelessly championed the cause of official celebration of Mothers day and declaration of official holiday on the day.


  • 过去向来可敬法国媒体密切的关注和塞西莉亚和离婚事件,上周官方正式宣布一经传出。

    Over the past three weeks, the usually reverential French media have crawled over his divorce from Cécilia, which was officially announced last week.


  • 乌拉圭籍裁判员约格·拉瑞自从1999年首次以官方正式裁判员身份执法首场国际比赛以来,执法比赛罚下球员的场次令人难以置信地高达70%。

    Jorge Larrionda, of Uruguay, has dismissed a player in an incredible 70% of games he has refereed since making his international debut as an official in 1999.


  • KPMG估计全球超过一半高档品牌波兰设有正式分销渠道,KPMG估计,国际知名品牌中的逾半数在波兰拥有官方分销商

    KPMG estimates that over half of the world's premium brands now have an official distributor in the country.


  • 华纳兄弟影业即将出品的《大侦福尔摩斯续集官方电影名正式确定,这部名为《大侦探福尔摩斯:影子游戏/Sherlock Holmes: A Gameof Shadows》影片将2011年1216上映

    Warner Bros. upcoming sequel Sherlock Holmes II has been re-titled to Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, which is still slated for release on December 16.


  • 本周官方研究衰退起止时间经济学家正式宣布2008年以来的经济衰退已经过去

    This week, the economists who officially decide when recessions start and end declared the recession of 2008 to be over.


  • 米苏拉塔反抗军官方他们确信有数百计受害者但是到现在为止没有一个进行正式的官方投诉

    The rebel authorities in Misrata say they believe there may be hundreds of victims, but so far no-one has made an official complaint.


  • 很大的荣幸,我们高兴提供你们我们新书,“莱经验”,我们官方正式莱威手册!

    It is with great pleasure that we are pleased to offer to you our new book, The LifeWave Experience, our official LifeWave Handbook!


  • 定义:英文词组“官方”的首字母缩写书上改变恋爱状态正式公开约会对象关系

    Definition: % an acronym for "Facebook official." This is when you change your relationship status on Facebook to "in a relationship" with the person you are seeing.


  • 我们记录显示已经我们投递网上申请但是没有官方正式提交我们电子系统

    Our records indicate that you have started an on-line application with us, but it has not been officially submitted through the electronic system.


  • 计划2.0最终发布时候发布一篇官方正式版本目前只是一个公开注释技术回顾

    I plan on finalizing and "officially" publishing it for the 2.0 final release, but it is open now for public comment and technical review.


  • 伦敦,2010年2月3日-领先视频游戏出版商黑豆游戏今天宣布官方WRC季节巴黎正式启动WRC的第一个视频游戏功能

    London, 3rd February 2010 - Leading videogames publisher, Black Bean games, announced today the first features of the official WRC videogame at the official WRC Season Launch in Paris.


  • 首先写信性质官方正式书信还是朋友间通信

    You should first look at the nature of the letter. Is the official and formal letters? Still friends communication?


  • 官方在摘要中指出“法律上附属关系表示的就是一个正式业务关系譬如同一个法人团体工作的医生或者或作为搭档一起行医的医生。

    The term "legally affiliated" denotes a formal business relationship, such as doctors who are part of the same corporation or who practice together in a partnership, the state's brief says.


  • 根据经验抱歉官方正式邀请函只是针对商务签证允许小孩子放到邀请函之中的,所以恐怕帮不到

    I'm very sorry to inform you that according to my experience, the official formal letter of invitation only aims at commercial visas, in which no child is allowed to be involved.


  • 这种秘密提供折扣的作法可能导致该组织的官方油价再度下跌,因为沙特阿拉伯发言人已经正式承认维也纳会议工通过的削减石油产量降低油价的决定不足以解决问题的。

    Secret discounting is likely to lead to further official price cuts for Saudi spokesmen have unofficially admitted that the cuts in output and prices agreed at Vienna are not enough.


  • 目前官方没有宣布正式结果但是欧盟各国泉涌而出口处民意调查显示两个明显趋势

    There are no official results out yet, but exit polls streaming out of countries across the EU are indicating two clear trends.


  • 一些企业开发人员将能正式版本面世获得官方发布的SDK不会得到相应的开发信息指导

    Certain types of enterprise developers will apparently have access to the official SDK prior to its formal release, although details are sketchy on exactly how that will work.


  • 一些企业开发人员将能正式版本面世获得官方发布的SDK不会得到相应的开发信息指导

    Certain types of enterprise developers will apparently have access to the official SDK prior to its formal release, although details are sketchy on exactly how that will work.


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