• 确保正常计划实施团队建设管理掌控

    Ensure equipment installation and maintenance for the plant normal operation.


  • 这个计划帮助穷人重新过上正常生活

    The program has helped the poor return to live a normal life.


  • 尽管悲伤痛苦愤怒失意事件正常反应但它们需要一个后续修复计划

    While sadness, grief, and anger are normal reactions to discouraging events, they need to be followed by a plan for recovery.


  • 不论已经生了几个正常孩子一次,你所等待的盼望计划梦想孩子没有降临。这是一个不可改变事实

    No matter how many other, normal children you have, nothing will change the fact that this time, the child you waited and hoped and planned and dreamed for didn't arrive.


  • 收到一个顶层的纲要正常的,来自合作计划者的单层项目时间安排略述了行销承诺时间期限

    It's normal to receive a skeleton top-level, single-tier program schedule from corporate planners that Outlines marketing commitments and timelines.


  • 因为可以计划停机期间保持系统正常运行,从而提高可用性

    Because it allows one to increase their availability by keeping systems up during planned outages.


  • 记住所有这些消息都算作正常手机计划并且可能产生费用

    Keep in mind that all these text messages count as part of your regular mobile messaging plan and might incur fees.


  • 为了防止女性投保之后马上便计划怀孕生育,“先行”的计划包括正常怀孕所需的费用

    The Precedent plans do not cover, for example, costs associated with a normal pregnancy. This is to discourage women who plan on becoming pregnant shortly after signing up.


  • 系统能够计划内停机期间正常运行,从而提高系统可用性

    This increases the availability of systems by allowing the system to keep running during planned outages, without incurring downtime.


  • 然而长期来看,研究表明体重反弹非常正常无论遵循何种饮食计划

    Over the long term, though, studies show that it's common to regain the lost weight, regardless of the diet plan you follow.


  • 实际上航天飞机发射成功次数要比宣传中的操纵维修保养复杂,也不计划中的那么廉价经常导致无法正常工作,使得太空一些性价比更高的事情希望消失了。

    And there was, in fact, less success than advertised.They were too cantankerous to fly as often or as inexpensively as planned, so the hope of doing things more cheaply in space evaporated.


  • 国际域名计划2008年六月一次会议通过但是现在才刚确保它所需要翻译系统可以正常工作

    Plans for IDNs were approved at a meeting in June 2008. However, it has taken until now to make sure that the translation system needed to make it work functions correctly.


  • 报告同时警告美国玉米大豆库存已经降到了危险的程度,参考农业部计划供应量的因素后,就是正常库存水平一半的样子。

    The report warned that US corn and soybean stocks were also dangerously low, with the department of agriculture projecting supplies at about half typical levels.


  • 如果万圣节父母出行也不要打乱正常计划”(译者注:玩“不糖果捣乱”的游戏)。

    If you're traveling with your parents over Halloween, don't let it stop you from doing what you would normally do.


  • 并非所有测试正常工作时间进行因此要预先测试时间甚至专用的测试设备做好计划预算

    Not all testing will be done during normal work hours, so plan and budget ahead for testing time and even dedicated testing equipment.


  • 安排另一次计划内停机所有东西回到正常状态

    Schedule another planned outage and move everything back to normal.


  • 在被问到是否父亲谈论自己计划,他说:“当然告诉了身边关系亲密正常。”

    Asked if he had talked with his father about his plans, he said: "Of course I informed those who are close to me, that's normal."


  • 因此度量个与详细计划抵触项目不会一种好的方法那么应该怎样度量才能确保这个项目在正常运行呢?

    So if measuring the project against a detailed project plan is not the right approach, what should be measured to ensure that a project is on track?


  • 受益于“家庭津贴计划”家庭中的儿童拥有正常年龄身高可能性比比那些未受益于该计划家庭中的儿童大26%;差异同样适用于年龄别体重

    Children from families exposed to the BFP were 26% more likely to have normal height for age than those from non-exposed families; this difference also applied to weight for age.


  • 显然这里需要深入探察供应链发生情况,才能了解所有产品补充步骤是否都在按计划正常执行。

    Obviously, deep insight in the supply chain is needed here to understand whether or not all replenishments are on schedule.


  • 他们压力奋起工作更好,他们知道一切正常,当前的计划唯一他们前进选择

    They thrive under pressure and do a much better job knowing that everything is on the line, that THIS is the only option - to move forward.


  • 风力发电厂提供保证藻类水下夜间正常生长光照这项可行的未来计划太空船地球美好未来的完美设想

    Wind power could then provide lights to keep algae growing underwater and during the nighttime hours — a fitting vision for the sustainable future of spaceship Earth.


  • 虽然在2009年呈现为亏损,但通用汽车表示重组计划正在正常进行

    Despite GM's 2009 loss, the company has said its restructuring plan is on track.


  • 2月6日先生开展一个夏日基金会——通过公私合作的伙伴关系维持计划关闭20游泳池正常运转

    On February 6th Mr Nutter launched the "Splash and Summer fund" campaign, a public-private fund-raising partnership to keep open 20 swimming pools that had been scheduled to close.


  • 实质是继续将新增信贷增长率控制刺激计划之前正常轨道上来

    Which really means continued normalization back to the growth rates for credit liquidity that we saw in the five pre-stimulus years.


  • 正如控制计划描述回到正常过程控制方式

    Return to normal process control methods as described in the control Plan.


  • 使用Informix得踏实因为总是正常运行甚至没有必要计划停机

    I sleep well using Informix, because it just runs with no need for even planned downtime.


  • 但是如果错误确实发生了(因为故障在所难免),应该验证它们的可访问完整性设计出增量计划(incremental plan)修复它们,使服务器重新正常运行

    But when they do occur-because failure is inevitable-validate their accessibility and integrity, and come up with an incremental plan for fixing them and getting your server fully running once more.


  • 提早决定提早行动计划提供提早申请通道(通常11月便可申请),让你早于正常春季录取通知收到学校的录取决定。

    Early decision and early action plans allow your child to apply early (usually in November) and get an admission decision from the college well before the usual spring notification date.


  • 上个月发布2011年度预算显示,用于设计工作资金为1900万美元,这只是科学家NSF项目组成员认为保持此计划正常进行所需费用的一半

    But its 2011 budget, released last month, requests only $19 million to continue designwork, half of what scientists and NSF program staff say is needed tokeep the project on track.


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