• 人们现在开始清除废墟清理房屋医院打捞用于恢复正常生活东西

    But people are now beginning to clear out the debris, clean out houses and hospitals and salvage what they can of their normal lives.


  • 正是因为这样的话,所以大家积极地去关注这个问题也是比较正常的,只有充分地去将其给利用清除,才能够使得自己变得更加有数一些。

    It is precisely because of this, so we are actively concerned about the issue is relatively normal, only to take full advantage of the clear, it can make themselves become more and more.


  • 管线清管目的清除焊接时留在管道内泥沙杂物管线测径管线正常运行提供保障

    The purpose of the pipeline pigging is clear in pipe welding of mud, welding slags sundry, for pipeline caliper and normal operation of pipeline to provide security.


  • 清除绕组端部污秽泄漏电流正常

    After cleaning the winding end, the leakage current becomes normal.


  • 注意系统流程清除保证系统正常运行

    Note: system processes will not be cleared so as to ensure the normal running of the system.


  • 细胞凋亡机体正常生理机能,是多细胞生物正常更新清除异常细胞的重要手段。

    Apoptosis, which is the basically physiological mechanism, is important on renewing the normal cells and eliminating the abnormal cells for the multicellular organism.


  • 研究人员这种药物似乎只是清除衰老细胞,对正常细胞没有影响并且似乎没有老鼠产生任何副作用。

    The drug appeared to clear out only senescent cells, not normal ones, and the animals didn't appear to suffer any side effects, the research er said.


  • 结果8并发症包括血肿硬结无菌炎症难以人体正常组织完全清除异物的残面。

    Results The complications of 8 cases included bleeding, hard nodule, aseptic inflammation and difficulty to clean the filling material completely from the normal tissue of human body.


  • 时间内清除故障确保发动机正常运转

    It can clear the faults in short time and ensure the normal working of engine.


  • 正常情况下版本编号系统免除使用过时缓存仍然明智清除更新下载

    Under normal circumstances, the version numbering system will prevent an outdated cache from being used, but it is still wise to clear it when updates were downloaded.


  • 随着脂肪轮胎链条不得不太多远远超出正常中轴路向后轮清除轮胎宽度。

    With the fat tire, the chain had to shift too far outside of the normal bottom bracket to rear wheel alignment, in order to clear the tire width .


  • 通过细胞凋亡机体清除损伤衰老突变细胞维持自身稳态平衡各种器官系统正常功能

    Body can eliminate the cell which is damaged, aged and mutated through apoptosis, in such a way that the body can keep its stability balance and normal function of all kinds of organisms and systems.


  • 一般说来,将引导残留病毒清除之后即可恢复计算机正常使用

    Say commonly, after keeping clear of the virus that in leading an area, remains, can restore to be used of the computer normally.


  • 有效清除待储物料中的大小杂物,以确保设备正常运行生产环境的改善。

    To effectively remove the big and small impurities, guarantee normal operation of machinery and sound environment.


  • 本实用新型能够有效清除高压线冰凌,确保高压线正常使用

    The high voltage wire ice remover of the utility model can effectively remove the ice on the high voltage wire and ensure the normal use of the high voltage wire.


  • 结论电动鼻窦切割钻切除部分下鼻甲术后黏膜再生较黏膜纤毛清除系统基本恢复正常结构及生理功能。

    Conclusions: The nasal mucosa regenerates well after partial inferior turbinectomy with powered microdebrider, and the nasal mucociliary clearance system recovers to normal largely.


  • 正常环境下细胞一些抗氧化物质的协助,可在活性氧产生清除之间保持动态稳定。

    Under normal circumstances cells are able to maintain an adequate homeostasis between the formation and removal of ROS through particular enzymatic pathways or antioxidants.


  • 人生挫折失败,有误解是很正常的,要想生活中一片坦途那么首先就清除心中障碍

    It's normal that there are frustrations, failure and misunderstanding in the life, if you want the life to be filled with royal road, you must clean the obstacle in your heart.


  • 据推测正常情况下,降解乙酰胆碱非常有效因此转运蛋白无需清除来自突触过剩乙酰胆碱。

    It was thought that normal enzymatic breakdown of acetylcholine was so effective that a transporter wasn't needed to clear excess acetylcholine from the synapse.


  • 要有足够睡眠。睡眠身体清除毒素修复病损组织正常生长

    Get enough sleep, let the body rid itself of poisons, repair worn tissue and grow properly.


  • 黯淡无光、偏晦黄色肌肤除了遗传原因外,常常是由于表皮角质层无法正常代谢、油脂、污垢无法彻底清除而导致的。

    Apart from the reason of heredity, the dark and yellow skins are caused by the abnormal metabolism of the cutin on the epidermis and incomplete cleansing of oil and dirt.


  • TREATMENTMASK深入头皮清除累积油脂清除硬化干枯角质层使发根和头皮都能正常呼吸吸取营养

    TREATMENT MASK is able to penetrate the scalp, remove oil build-ups and withered stratum corneum, enabling the hair root and scalp to breath freely and absorb the nutrients in a normal way.


  • 有效清除白血病克隆药物浓度范围内,二者对正常造血干细胞的克隆形成能力明显影响

    They had no significant effect on the colony-forming capacity of normal hematopoietic stem cells when used at concentrations above.


  • 强有力CFU - AML增长抑制正常LTC - IC相对电阻强烈支持使用的染料木素骨髓清除

    The potent CFU-AML growth inhibition associated with the relative resistance of normal LTC-IC strongly supports the use of genistein for marrow purging.


  • 例如清除数据库就不是一种正常活动必须设置使用属于数据库程序正常操作特征工具

    For example, purging a database is not a normal activity. It involves setting up and using features and facilities that are not part of the normal operation of the database program.


  • 例如清除数据库就不是一种正常活动必须设置使用属于数据库程序正常操作特征工具

    For example, purging a database is not a normal activity. It involves setting up and using features and facilities that are not part of the normal operation of the database program.


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