• 利用正交变换进行特性分析处理得到较好的压缩结果

    In the orthogonal wavelet transformation coding, it is to make use of wavelet frequency splitting that may deal with data, and then get the better result of compression.


  • 利用双正交小波基将齿轮故障振动信号分解到时频并提取出齿轮的故障特征

    This paper mainly introduces that the fault vibrating signal of gears was decomposed into time-frequency domains by double-orthogonal wavelet analysis and the fault feature of gears was picked up.


  • 实验证明方法效果明显优于正交小方法普通正交小波变换的去噪效果。

    The experiment results show the de-noising effect of proposed method is better than those of the orthogonal wavelet transform and the common biorthogonal wavelet transform.


  • 特别是阈值方法,提出了一种基于正交小波变换自适应学习算法的噪声抑制方法。

    Especially to threshold de-noising, a method based on orthogonal wavelet analysis and self-adaptive learning algorithm was proposed here.


  • 以上分析理论基础进一步讨论了正交小波变换离散图像小波变换实现

    Based on mentioned-above wavelet analysis theories, two-dimension biorthogonal wavelet and the implementation of wavelet transform on discrete images have been discussed.


  • 构造了正交变换矩阵分析了平稳模型平稳模型正交小波变换残余相关特性

    Orthogonal wavelet transform (OWT) matrix is constructed and the residual correlation property of OWT is analyzed under the stationary and nonstationary models.


  • 人脸图象正交小波变换得到它在不同频带个子图象然后分别提取奇异特征

    We do orthogonal wavelet transform of a face image, get its four sub images of different frequency bands, then respectively extract their singular value features.


  • 本文详细介绍通过多分辨分析分解实现正交小波变换基本原理给出实现算法

    In this paper, we particularly explain the basic principle of orthonormal wavelet Transform by multiresolution and wavelet decompose and give a realization algorithm.


  • 数据处理算法中,在线应用正交算法进行行检测提高定位准确性

    To improve the location accuracy of travelling wave, the semi orthogonal wavelet algorithm is applied in the data processing to detect the wavefront of travelling waves.


  • 算法性能指标视觉质量上均优于基于离散正交变换方法和传统的中值

    In performance and visual quality, the algorithm is better than the wavelet denoising based on discrete orthogonal wavelet transform and the conditional median value filtering method.


  • 结果表明如果我们尺度分析出发构造正交小波那么尺度分析必须正交尺度函数

    This result shows that if we want to construct orthonormal wavelets from a multireso- lotion, then that multiresolution must have an orthonormal scaling function.


  • 完全重构组出发,分析了器组之间关系,讨论了复数离散正交小波构造

    Starting from perfect reconstruction filter Banks, the relationship between the wavelet and the filter Banks is analyzed, and the construction of complex discrete orthonormal wavelet is discussed.


  • 构造正交发现:紧支集正交小波函数地震极为相似,比较适合地震资料处理。

    Through construct tight branch collection of orthogonal wavelet base, we find that tight branch collection of orthogonal base wavelet function resembles real seismic wave.


  • 第四详细讨论了利用区间正交根据小波分解重构来提取图像边缘特征一种方法

    The fourth chapter discusses in detail a novel method for edge feature detection of images based on wavelet decomposition and reconstruction by means of interval biorthogonal wavelet.


  • 提出一种基于正交小波变换适应语音改进方法这种方法可以提高自适应语音消噪过程收敛速率

    An improved method based on orthogonal wavelet transform for adaptive speech denoising is proposed, which can increase the convergence rate of the adaptive speech denoising process.


  • 针对强混沌背景频带信号难以提取这一问题,提出了基于正交小波变换小波软阈值相结合的方法。

    The extraction of signal embedded in frequency band of chaotic background is always an important and difficult problem in chaotic signal processing field.


  • 本文提出了一种基于正交小波变换适应语音改进方法这种方法可以提高自适应语音消噪过程收敛速率

    A method of adaptive speech denoising based on orthogonal wavelet transform is proposed in this paper. This method can increase the convergence rate of the adaptive processing.


  • 算法利用前向线性预测技术以及区间正交小波变换抑制边界效应能力有效地随机游走发动机干扰

    The algorithm USES forward linear prediction and the ability of the interval wavelet transform to restrain terrible edge effects, thus, the Angle walk and engine jamming are reduced effectively.


  • 本文研究尺度基本分解问题。基于所得结果,对于任意给定的尺度,给出了正交小波矩阵构造方案。

    In this paper, the factorization of scaling vector filters into prime factors is considered. A construction of bi-orthogonal wavelet matrix with pre-asigned scaling filter is given.


  • 本文研究了变换理论基础上,主要做了如下工作1由于正交小波线性特性广泛应用于图像处理领域。

    We studied the theory of wavelet, and introduced the main work as follow: 1, Because of its linear properties, the biorthogonal wavelet has wide application.


  • 通过将多分辨分析扩展多进的办法,本文构造一个具有对称性、支撑集和高阶消失矩的4-正交小波类。

    By extending the theory of multi-resolution analysis to multi-bank wavelets, this paper also focuses on the study of 4-bank compactly supported bi-symmetric orthonormal wavelets.


  • 由于复数具备平移不变性方向选择性等优点,使得它图像去噪可以克服离散正交小波变换去噪中存在的毛刺现象。

    The merit of both shift invariance and directional selectivity enables the complex wavelet to overcome the artifacts in the discrete orthonormal wavelet denoising.


  • 基于二进正交构造原理,构造了正交小波参数表达方程及降噪效果自适应目标函数,应用遗传优化方法求出最佳小波基。

    Based on the constructive theory of orthogonal binary wavelet transform, a parameter expression equation of binary wavelet and adaptive goal function put forward.


  • 针对遥感图像数据特点,提出了结合正交变换SPIHT算法遥感图像小波零树编码方案

    A new remote sensing image coding scheme based on the biorthogonal wavelet transform and SPIHT algorithm is proposed according to the statistical characteristic of remote sensing image data.


  • 给出变换基本模型基础上,探讨了采用小波正交分解重构来进行遥感信息融合基本原理

    Base on the basic model of orthogonal wavelet transforms, principle of remote sensing image fusion is discussed by using orthogonal wavelet decomposition and reconstruction in this paper.


  • 文章提出一种基于分辨率学习正交小波神经网络结构设计方法,网络权值学习采用阻尼递推二乘算法

    A designing method of wavelet neural network structure based on multiresolution learning is put forward, and the studies of network weights adopt damped least squares.


  • 利用所构造复数正交紧支对称小波分别研究了电网电能质量扰动检测定位分类问题。

    From this, detection, location and classification of power quality's disturbances are analyzed respectively, by the symmetry complex compactly-supported orthonormal wavelet constructed.


  • 可以同时具有对称性正交性、支撑性、消失性质传统无法比拟的。

    Multiwavelet can possess symmetry, orthogonality, short support and high order vanish moments, however traditional wavelet cannot possess all these properties at the same time.


  • 有限元模拟基础上,采用正交设计二乘小波支持向量对充过程参数优化进行了研究。

    Orthogonal design and least squares wavelet support vector machine are integrated to optimize the technological parameters of hydro-mechanical deep drawing process using FEM.


  • 有限元模拟基础上,采用正交设计二乘小波支持向量对充过程参数优化进行了研究。

    Orthogonal design and least squares wavelet support vector machine are integrated to optimize the technological parameters of hydro-mechanical deep drawing process using FEM.


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