• 我们可以看到清楚问题我们上帝正义离家更近地方。

    We can see this more clearly when we bring the issue of God's justice closer to home.


  • 做什么补充信仰,相信上帝一直赋予穷人正义

    He needed to talk about what you needed to do to supplement your belief that God exists with pursuing justice toward the poor.


  • 奥迪斯假定上帝正义可以见证地上的人所证明。

    A theodicy assumes that God's justice can be witnessed, that it can be accounted for here on earth.


  • 我们传扬不是因为我们清楚知道上帝正义mercy-for一直坚决拒绝透露

    We proclaim it not because we know exactly how God will work out his justice and mercy—for this he has steadfastly refused to reveal.


  • 上帝智慧在于找到种让有罪的以敬爱上帝的方式愤怒中解脱,而且在这个过程中不用折中自己的正义之名

    The wisdom of God devised a way for the love of God to deliver sinners from the wrath of God while not compromising the righteousness of God.


  • 奥古斯汀代表人性刻薄一面旱地代表了那些渴望正义上帝的人。

    Augustine says, okay the sea represents the bitter part of humanity; the dry land represents those who thirst after righteousness and God.


  • 上帝正义要求复兴之前忏悔净化

    His righteousness demands repentance and cleansing before restoration.


  • 由于近代自由理论影响很多人认为上帝仁爱善良最终取代了正义公正

    Because of the influence of modern liberal theology, many suppose that God's love and goodness ultimately nullify His righteousness, justice, and holy wrath.


  • 人民们,需要相信上帝之下的所有国家正义实现和平

    You and I, my fellow citizens, need to be strong in our faith that all nations, under God, will reach the goal of peace with justice.


  • 关于上帝正义我们同在,经常-至少间。

    Questions regarding God's justice will be with us alwaysat least until the kingdom comes.


  • 布朗行为视作遵循上帝伸张正义意愿,很快便成为北方极端废奴主义者眼中英雄声名鹊起

    Justifying his action as obedience to the will of a just God, Brown soon became a hero in the eyes of northern extremists and was quick to capitalize on his growing reputation.


  • 上帝抵抗残酷地对待整个乌干达,不仅仅是Acholiland年轻Acholi人对此所知甚而且关心传统上的正义

    The LRA brutalised the entire north of Uganda, not just Acholiland, and young Acholi know little of, and care less about, traditional justice.


  • 我们铭记我们这件并不因为我们财富力量而是因为我们自身:我们是上帝之下,所有人都拥有自由正义不可分割一个国家

    Let us remember that we can do these things not just because of wealth or power, but because of who we are: one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


  • 我们铭记我们做成这些事情并不是因为我们财富权力而是因为我们上帝之下一个不可分割国家,在这里,人人享有自由正义

    Let us remember that we can do these things, not just because of wealth or power, but because of who we are: One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


  • 我们铭记我们这件并不因为我们财富力量而是因为我们自身:我们是上帝之下,所有人都拥有自由正义不可分割一个国家

    Lett us remember that we can do these things not just because of wealth or power, but because of who we are: one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


  • 上帝无疑宇宙正义体现

    God, no doubt, is the embodiment of cosmic justice.


  • 这场斗争进程无人知晓,然而结果确定无疑的。自由畏惧正义残暴始终在进行交战我们知道上帝在两者之间不是中立的。

    The course of this conflict is not known, yet its outcome is certain. Freedom and fear, justice and cruelty, have always been at war, and we know that God is not neutral between them.


  • 一种制度基于这样信念自由是万能上帝赋予所有人的礼物,自由正义照亮和平路。

    The other system is based on the conviction thatfreedom is the universal gift of Almighty God, and that liberty and justicelight the path to peace.


  • 上帝不会理所当然地站在你那一边,哪怕你是正义

    God could never be taken for granted; even by the just.


  • 一种系统相信自由上帝给予全世界礼物自由正义是通往和平道路

    The other system is based on the conviction that freedom is the universal gift of Almighty God and that liberty and justice light the path to peace.


  • 基督死亡满足正义所以兼顾上帝我们

    The death of Christ satisfies justice, and so reconciles God to us.


  • 撒旦我们邪恶倾向偏离道路正义忠诚上帝

    Satan is our evil inclination to veer off the path of righteousness and faithfulness in God.


  • 这样正义永远不是纯洁的,必定会掺杂着不义,永远不是终极的,足以满足上帝永恒律法

    Such justice is never so pure that it is unmingled with injustice, never so final that it satisfies God's eternal law.


  • 要是我们承认自己上帝信实又正义总会宽恕我们的罪,除净我们一切不义。

    If we confess our SINS, he is faithful and righteous so as to forgive us our SINS and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


  • 唯有正义法律人类才会慢慢达到上帝人类进步设计秩序和平,这毋庸置疑而且千真万确

    It is only under this law of justice that mankind will achieve slowly, no doubt, but certainly-god's design for the orderly and peaceful progress of humanity.


  • 开始将,流淌血液里正义与与,全能的上帝源泉相连时,我感受到了完整性,这种完整是我过去从未体会过的。

    When I began connecting the justice that I felt in my veins to the source of that which is God, the all powerful, I felt the sense of wholeness that I haven't felt in the past.


  • 终于相信弑君一个正义行动意志上帝

    He had come to believe that regicide was an act of justice and the will of God.


  • 要是他们谁也不好吧我们就把住舱,上帝保卫正义一方。

    If they none of them go, well, then, we hold the cabin, and God defend the right.


  • 要是他们谁也不好吧我们就把住舱,上帝保卫正义一方。

    If they none of them go, well, then, we hold the cabin, and God defend the right.


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