• 心目中的优秀歌唱家之一

    She is on my shortlist of great singers.


  • 这个歌唱家上学的时候就受到赏识了。

    The singer was discovered while still at school.


  • 节目主角一位年轻意大利歌唱家

    The star of the show was a young Italian singer.


  • 天生歌唱家

    She's a born singer.


  • 歌唱家

    She's a singer.


  • 就是为什么它被称为自然界中天生的歌唱家

    That's why it is called a born singer in nature.


  • 这个伟大的歌唱家每天练习曲。

    The great singer sings her exercises everyday.


  • 谭向秦国著名歌唱家秦青学习唱歌

    Xue Tan took singing lessons from Qin Qing, a famous singer in the state of Qin.


  • 要想成为歌唱家,就要勤奋学习,刻苦训练甚至作出牺牲。

    To become a singer would require study, work and sacrifice.


  • 加拿大歌唱家兼作曲家阿兰妮丝•莫里塞特已经习惯公众关注

    Canadian singer and song writer, Alanis Morissette, is used to being in the public eye.


  • 本文使我们学习到老一代歌唱家李双江的成功经验歌唱艺术拼搏进取精神

    The thesis makes us learn Lishuangjiang, a singer of the older generation's successful experience and his spirit struggling for art.


  • 还给带来了海里人们歌唱家,还有舞蹈家公斤黄油,一袋二十四鸡蛋

    And I have brought you giants and little men and Women who live in the sea and singers and the dancers, a kilo of butter, a bag of sugar, and twenty four eggs.


  • 新疆许多值得注意音乐家歌唱家所说只是通往这个民俗音乐宝库一个简单入门介绍。

    Of course there are much more noteworthy ethnic minority artists in Xinjiang and what I say here is only a gateway to the treasure trove of varied and rich folk music world in Xinjiang.


  • 若病人为歌唱家演说家需要运动灵活不能面神经-神经吻合而与副神经吻合为

    Be like ill factitious singer or oratorical, need tongue campaign is slick person, cannot go facial nerve - hypoglossal nerve be identical, and as advisable as accessory nerve be identical.


  • 著名歌唱家张华敏著名京剧表演艺术家赵葆秀,著名相声演员孟凡贵、高玉林等为酒店开业助兴表演。

    Ms, Zhang Huamin, famous singer, Ms, Zhao Baoxiu, noted artist of Beijing opera, Mr, Meng Fangui and Mr. Gao Yulin. Celebrated crosstalk actors performing at the opening ceremony.


  • 歌唱家深情演绎我们一个视听感觉人们传达白杨树不畏严寒正直向上精神

    Two singer affection's deduction for us a seeing and hearing's new feeling, in transmits the poplar to the people the fear not to be severely cold, honest, upward spirit.


  • 一些著名歌唱家举行音乐会这家儿童图书馆筹款但是音乐会门票销售情况一点不让人满意

    Some famous singers were going to put on a concert to raise money for the children's library. However, the sale of the tickets was far from satisfactory.


  • 就连我们最好歌唱家不能隐藏起发音时的心力他们竭尽全力地唱高音或者低音,即使超出了它们音域,也不感到羞愧

    Even our best singers cannot hide their sense of effort; nor are they ashamed to bring out, as best they can, top notes or bass notes beyond their proper register.


  • 弗洛伦斯·福斯特·詹金斯20世纪美国社交名流音乐爱好者。自称是歌剧花腔女高音歌唱家,并名噪一时。

    Florence Foster Jenkins was a 20th-century us socialite and music-lover who styled herself as an operatic coloratura1 soprano2 and became a sensation.


  • 我们注意到最近有两位韩国艺术家包括女高音歌唱家秀美钢琴演奏家白建宇中国演出计划临时取消

    Q: We learned that plans of two Korean artists, soprano Sumi Jo and pianist Kun-woo Paik, to stage in China were recently canceled on short notice.


  • 作为古典歌唱家妻子则负责照顾两个孩子(一个14,一个12岁),孩子的学校做义工通过教授声乐写文章点儿外快

    Meanwhile, my wife, a classical singer, looks after our two children, 14 and 12 years old, volunteers at their schools and brings in some extra money by giving voice lessons and writing.


  • 北京中国春节用中文进行演唱。 现在,由年轻歌唱家组成歌唱将要来到西雅图为我们展示中文歌剧的魅力。

    On Tuesday, Feb. 26, the first international singing group performing in Mandarin will take the stage in Seattle for a very special evening of music blending the best of East and West.


  • 全世界公认第一流歌剧院,全世界最顶尖作曲家指挥家演奏家歌唱家舞蹈家在这里表演毕生的荣耀

    The opera house is well known in the world and top composers, conductors, performers, singers and dancers from all over the world hope to perform here as the most honorable thing in their life.


  • 最好女高音歌唱家的高音给人以震憾,但是他们仍然不能达到洁的声音高度,一项新的研究表明它能发出世界最高音调

    The best human sopranos sing impressively high notes, but they cannot match the clear-winged woolly bat, which a new study has just determined produces the world's highest pitched call.


  • 本文位世界级歌唱家演唱进行了分析论述了作品演唱中的技巧音乐处理,及各自声音特点,说明选择作品的重要性

    The paper analyzes the tone of the two top singers, discusses the singing skills of their performance, the unique sound beauty, and indicates the importance to choose suitable songs for singers.


  • 摘要法国著名歌唱家亨利费尔迪〃曼什坦说过:“情感歌唱灵魂只有声音感情同样完美时,歌唱可以称为艺术。”

    Abstract: A famous French singer Henry Ferdinands south, said: "what is the soul of emotional singing voice and feelings, only when the same perfect, just can be called the art of singing."


  • 头发编成辫子然后镜头前轻轻笑,模仿著名作家托妮·莫里森;或着高帽模仿约瑟芬·贝克,一位舞蹈家歌唱家以及演员

    She wore her hair in braids and smiled dreamily into the camera to learn about writer Toni Morrison, and donned a top hat to copy dancer, singer, and actress Josephine Baker.


  • 头发编成辫子然后镜头前轻轻笑,模仿著名作家托妮·莫里森;或着高帽模仿约瑟芬·贝克,一位舞蹈家歌唱家以及演员

    She wore her hair in braids and smiled dreamily into the camera to learn about writer Toni Morrison, and donned a top hat to copy dancer, singer, and actress Josephine Baker.


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