• 耶和华所应许扩张境界的时候,你心里吃肉吃肉,可以随心所欲地吃肉

    When the LORD your God has enlarged your territory as he promised you, and you crave meat and say, "I would like some meat," then you may eat as much of it as you want.


  • 精力充沛总是午饭后感到昏昏欲睡

    You want to be sharp, but you usually feel sleepy after lunch.


  • 我们不得不迅速穿好衣服......我们真的快点逃离这个摇摇欲坠稳定地带

    We had to get dressed fairly quickly...we really felt a need to move out of the volatile area.


  • 一个史无前例人类行为转变没有心理学家参与,无异于扬帆欲去远方却没有航海地图帮助

    Attempting an unprecedented shift in human behaviour without the input of psychologists is like setting sail for a faraway land without the aid of nautical maps.


  • 如果写作过程顺利就必须紧跟作者中心思想不是随心所欲写,这每个阶段的大纲

    Writing, to be effective, must follow closely the thoughts of the writer, but not necessarily in the order in which those thoughts occur. This calls for a scheme of procedure.


  • 英语历史课上昏昏欲睡了——如果尽情享受大学生活,一定选些与众不同课程

    Forget wading through English Lit or Ancient History - if you want to have a whale of a time at university, there are certain courses that stand out from the crowd.


  • 此外,办理者升迁到越高的位置,/必须越多地才干交道这些个人知道如何得到本身的,他们往往难以相处,心志果断,有更强的权力欲。

    Also, the further an executive rises, the more he or she must deal with high-caliber people who know how to get what they want, are difficult, strong-willed and have a sharp appetite for power.


  • 亚里士多德不是人类理性动物吗具有Logos,的生物暗示所有人类,都求知欲,且陶冶他的身心,并过自由生活

    Doesn't Aristotle call man the rational animal, the being with logos, suggesting that all human beings have a desire for knowledge and the desire to cultivate their minds and live as free persons.


  • 从震耳欲聋的电子摇滚乐中听到的话,只见她过身对你大喊:“Haiunasigaretta? (能给我根烟吗?)”

    To be heard over the techno, she leans in close and yells into your ear, “Hai una sigaretta?”


  • 一旦糖果混合溶液的温度降到可以更好地型的时候,希姆弗他们就可以随心所欲地把做成任何形状

    Once the candy is brought down to a more manageable temperature, it's ready to be molded into any shape the Schimpffs want.


  • 通过“己所欲,施”(译者注:把自己最想东西他人一同分享)来总结,并且会看到所有灵魂都是一体”。

    It can be summed up by "doing for others what you would have done for yourself" and seeing that all souls are One.


  • 所有人知道那些卑微七情六欲所以提起

    I want everyone to know those humble pen so I brought the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures.


  • 是的相信脱颖而出,就必须竞争欲尤其是销售行业

    Yes, I believe competitiveness is a required tarit to excel, especially in sales.


  • 大量的努力为了找准位置。(拥有了这些相似成功技巧,可以成就随心所欲实现想的事业了。

    You've done much to get where you are. Now those same skills of achievement will take you wherever you wish to go.


  • 个性化印刷可以根据自己的设计、根据自己的数量以低廉价格随心所欲地得到印刷品这就是魅力所在。

    The personal printing could help you get the printing matters what you want according to your design, quantity and low price.


  • 这种人真正的或许不是本身而是一种占有欲或是征服在作怪。

    What they want is not the flower itself, but to satisfy their personal desires for possessing and conquering.


  • 春天到了也开始蠢蠢欲动驾车实现自己梦想异国他乡,寻找生活真实

    Spring is here and my heart springs like the post-hibernation insects. I desire to drive away to realize my dream: searching for life's truth in a strange land.


  • 兴起,一方衰落,似乎暗示只有遵从真正道德才能从心所欲

    As one falls, the other rises, seeming to imply that following one's heart is only as worthwhile as true morality is also followed.


  • 存储可以随心所欲地记录标准日志,而且没有日期限制,你仅仅使用量支付费用

    Cloud memory can help you record the standard daily record that you want follow one's inclinationsly, and restrict without date, what what you need is mere also it is to press use quantity to pay fee.


  • 只饥饿狐狸看见一串串令人垂涎欲滴葡萄沿着高高的棚架垂挂下来,它用尽力气往上摘下葡萄。

    A hungry fox saw some fine bunches of grapes hanging from a vine that was trained along a high trellis, and did his best to reach them by jumping as high as he could into the air.


  • 学习的最大动力,不是成就感,而是一种求知欲,我非常认真探究是什么人类生命充满意义

    I was driven less by achievement than by trying to understand, in earnest: What makes human life meaningful?


  • 丈夫离婚伤心欲绝的洛蕾塔自我振作一下,于是只身参加旅游团,来到香港旅游。

    She was really sad when she 3 broke up with her husband. So she thought she should have some cheering up. 4 Consequently, she joined a tour group to visit Hong Kong on her own.


  • 如果一个成为神仙必须无欲无求。

    If one does not attach himself to people and desire, never shall his heart be broken.


  • 如果一个成为神仙必须无欲无求。

    If one does not attach himself to people and desire, never shall his heart be broken.


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