• 欧盟法院裁决后案件还将再次回到荷兰法院后者判定各方赔偿额

    EU court ruling, the case will once again return to the Netherlands court, the latter determined by the parties, such as the amount of compensation.


  • 按照西班牙法律妈妈全职工作情形下准许爸爸哺乳假,欧盟法院正是对此进行了裁决

    The e. U. court was ruling on a Spanish law that permits fathers to request breast-feeding leave only in cases where the mother works full-time.


  • 按照西班牙法律妈妈全职工作的情形下,准许爸爸哺乳假,欧盟法院正是对此进行裁决

    The E.U. court was ruling on a Spanish law that permits fathers to request breast-feeding leave only in cases where the mother works full-time.


  • 这一疑难案件”,荷兰法院久拖未决直到去年两边最终决定其提交处理欧盟法院

    On the "difficult cases", the Netherlands court protracted, the two sides last year until the final decision will be submitted to the EU court.


  • 请愿者认为欧盟委员会这项决定与之前欧盟法院2011关于人类干细胞使用的判决相矛盾。

    The petitioners had referred to a 2011 judgement of the European Court of Justice, which ruled that patenting of inventions involving cells derived from human embryos was illegal.


  • 欧共体假定为WTO协定一致,但是欧盟法院具体案件以wto协定作为评价欧共体法合法性依据。

    EC Law is presumed to be compatible with WTO Law, however, European Court of Justice does not think WTO Law provides criteria for assessing the legality of EC Law.


  • 个人所得税法作为直接税法重要分支,在欧盟范围内没有统一。目前主要依靠欧盟法院判决协调统一欧盟个人所得税法

    As an important branch of direct taxation law, individual income tax laws of European Union Member States have not been positively harmonized yet.


  • 笔者欧盟法院判例中提炼出衡量绿色壁垒标准由此证明欧盟绿色指令及玩具召回行动为绿色壁垒无可辩驳事实

    The writer of this article summarizes four standards to tell apart green barrier from the cases of ECJ, and thus proves the irreversible truth that toy recalls are green barriers of European Union.


  • 本月欧盟法院裁决计味着欧盟规模,衣服运动鞋如果使用道、条纹设计有可能加害阿迪达斯的牌号权。

    The EU this month in the court's ruling means that within the EU, clothing and sports shoes, if you use two, three or four stripes design, it is very likely violated the Adidas trademark.


  • 反对这些权力割让欧盟官僚机构现象普遍存在,很多国家法院有可能裁定这种行为违宪

    There is widespread opposition to ceding these powers to a European bureaucracy, and the courts of many countries would probably rule it a constitutional violation.


  • 法院要求德国议会通过一项法律使其在欧盟事务上更有发言权

    The court asked the German parliament to pass a new law to give itself more say over EU affairs.


  • 但是如果主权暗示欧盟法律不能高于国内法欧洲法院可能会宣布无效

    If the sovereignty act suggests that EU law loses its primacy over domestic law, however, the European Court of Justice might strike it down.


  • 如果桩罪行发生多年鲍威尔女士指出希腊法院可能认为已失时效拒绝引渡欧盟其他国家却认为具有追诉时效。

    If a crime took place several years ago, notes Ms Powell, a Greek court may regard it as time-barred and decline to extradite, even though other EU countries would count it as still prosecutable.


  • 这些难题如何解决就要欧盟最高法院,即欧洲法院怎样处理了。

    How such circles are squared will be up to the European court of Justice, the EU's highest court.


  • 由于欧盟统一的逮捕状下达制度已经存在欧洲人有权土耳其法院状况感到焦虑不安

    Because the EU arrest warrant already exists, Europeans have a right to fret about Turkish courts.


  • 7月8日欧洲法院判定葡萄牙黄金是否破坏了欧盟关于资本自由流动规则

    On July 8th the European Court of Justice will say whether or not Portugal's golden share breaks European Union rules on the free movement of capital.


  • 对于那些不满欧盟插手成员国最高法院不想退盟的国家来说,希望还是有的

    And for those who resent the intrusion of supranational courts, but do not want to break up the institutions, there is hope.


  • 1993年,统一货币不会欧盟变成一个联邦国家前提基础签署马斯特里赫特条约

    The court in 1993 endorsed the Maastricht treaty on the grounds that a single currency did not turn the EU into a federal state.


  • 对于通用电气霍尼韦尔案子欧洲初审法院虽然批评欧盟委员会法律推理仍然支持决定

    In the case of GE and Honeywell the European Court of First Instance criticised the commission's legal reasoning, but upheld its decision.


  • 同时为了遵守欧盟爱尔兰制定条款法院开始协调安格鲁爱尔兰银行另一遭殃组织,爱尔兰全国建筑协会。

    Meanwhile, the courts began the process of winding down Anglo Irish and Irish Nationwide, another distressed lender, to comply with the terms of Ireland's bail-out by the European Union.


  • 一旦欧盟通过了人权公约斯特拉斯堡的法官们能够牵制布鲁塞尔的共同市场官员卢森堡法院了。

    When the EU accedes to the human-rights convention, it is possible that judges in Strasbourg will restrain Eurocrats in Brussels and the court in Luxembourg, too.


  • 欧盟委员会旗下欧洲法院ECJ坐落卢森堡,主要确保欧盟成员国都能遵守欧盟法律

    The European Court of Justice (ECJ) sits in Luxembourg and ensures compliance with EU law.


  • 星期二(2011年3月1日),欧盟最高法律机构,位于卢森堡欧洲法院,针对保险公司发布一项规定:不准性别作为保险费率计算标准。

    In a ruling issued on Tuesday, the Luxembourg-based European Court of Justice, the European Union's top court, banned insurance companies from using gender as a way to work out premiums.


  • 今年2月,欧洲法院支持了欧盟收集信息法令维护单一市场为由德国人眼中的公共安全问题正名。

    In February the ECJ upheld an EU directive on data collection, using defence of the single market as justification for what looked to Germans like a public-security matter.


  • 现在将要审理欧盟里斯本条约[2],评论家,这一条约将让法官们毫无“生意做。

    Now the court is to rule on the European Union's Lisbon treaty, which critics say could put the judges out of business.


  • 确保实现一目标,欧盟考虑向西班牙欧洲法院法官

    To ensure this, the EU is now taking Spain to the European Court of Justice.


  • 同样欧盟法院继续遵守目前有效欧盟法规将继续尊重法律选择条款

    Similarly, the European Courts will be continue to be bound by the same EU rules currently in force and will continue to respect choice of law clauses as well.


  • 欧共体法院法官来自每个欧盟成员国的,由于他们来自不同的成员国,就使他们在一起做出同一个决定来时非常困难的。

    And the European Court has judges from each of the member states of the European Union. That means that is very difficult to come to a decision.


  • 根据基础条约规定欧洲法院享有欧盟专属解释权

    In terms of provisions of the basic treaties, the European Court owns the unalienable right to explane the EU Law.


  • 根据基础条约规定欧洲法院享有欧盟专属解释权

    In terms of provisions of the basic treaties, the European Court owns the unalienable right to explane the EU Law.


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