• 欧盟意大利需要重新赢得私人市场信赖

    The EU and Italy need the private market to trust it once again.


  • 波兰2005年加入欧盟那以后已有超过50万移居英国德国西班牙意大利

    Poland joined the European Union in 2005 and since then more than half a million people have moved to Britain, Germany, Spain and Italy.


  • 相比之下,欧盟一直保持沉默很明显是受到来自突尼斯关系密切法国意大利施加的压力

    By contrast the EU, apparently under pressure from France and Italy, which both have close ties to Tunisia, has kept quiet.


  • 其余混乱欧盟国家-葡萄牙爱尔兰意大利西班牙——都没有

    Other troubled euro nationsPortugal, Ireland, Italy and Spaindon't either.


  • 欧盟的经济刺激方案考虑各国自己的经济的计划,比如英国意大利德国已经宣布那些方案。

    The stimulus plan takes into account national packages to boost the economy, like those already announced by Britain, Italy and Germany.


  • 布什欧盟领导人举行会谈访问重要盟友德国法国意大利英国首都

    He will hold talks with European Union leaders and visit the capitals of key Allies: Germany, France, Italy, and Great Britain.


  • 德国意大利愿意这么早就当众确定一个数字认为可能会削弱欧盟讨价还价地位

    Germany and Italy were reluctant to name a figure publicly so early, believing this could weaken the European bargaining position.


  • 欧盟英国意大利表示利比亚领导人卡扎菲统治正在走向尽头,它们呼吁避免更多流血牺牲,卡扎菲应该下台。

    The European Union, Britain and Italy have all said Mr. Gadhafi's rule is coming to an end, and urged the Libyan leader to step down in order to avoid more bloodshed.


  • 欧盟范围内希腊意大利世界任何其他地方人口数量相当国家容易迁移更加凉爽的地方。

    Within the EU, Greeks and Italians will be better placed to move to cooler climes than inhabitants of similarly sized countries elsewhere.


  • 欧元区成员国不想接受身陷水深火热之中的国家加入欧盟,况且希腊意大利这样的成员国已然令人坐卧不安

    The countries of the euro zone are not longing for troubled new members; its existing ones, such as Greece and Italy, are worry enough.


  • 欧盟平均59%女性拥有工作相比意大利只有46%。

    Only 46% of Italian women have a job, compared with a European Union average of 59%.


  • 9个欧盟成员国的援助达到超过最低0.51%,然而德国法国意大利却连最低标准都达不到

    Nine EU countries are expected to meet or exceed the 0.51% minimum, but Germany, France and Italy will not.


  • 没错Tremonti两个人喜欢把所有的过错都欧盟欧元央行身上,而不愿意承认意大利的种种症结很大程度上其自身的问题

    Indeed, he and Mr Tremonti often prefer to cast blame on the eu, the euro and the European Central Bank than to accept that Italy's ills are largely home-grown.


  • 但是这个办法意大利欧盟法规都有抵触(欧洲委员会已经威胁要那不勒斯垃圾问题上意大利提起诉讼)。

    But this is at odds with both Italian and European Union legislation (the European Commission is already threatening legal proceedings against Italy over Naples's garbage).


  • 欧盟的经济预测根据英国法国德国意大利荷兰波兰西班牙七个国家的经济数据做出的。

    The EU projections are based on data from seven countries - Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain.


  • 比如欧盟部长们星期决定越南中国生产的皮鞋征收反倾销关税,就会对意大利葡萄牙西班牙的鞋类制造商造成损害。

    For example, EU ministers decided this week to slap anti-dumping duties on leather shoes from Vietnam and China, which threaten shoemakers in Italy, Portugal and Spain.


  • 但是双面协议已经极大程度上关闭进入欧盟西部地中海中部线路例如意大利利比亚西班牙塞内加尔毛利塔利亚之间得协议。

    But bilateral deals, such as Italy's with Libya and Spain's with Senegal and Mauritania, have largely closed down the western and central Mediterranean routes into the EU.


  • 高档顾客吸引力有可能会变强,康沃尔馅饼协会应当劝说欧盟提供诸如戈尔根朱勒干酪意大利熏火腿已经享受的“地区保护特性”。

    The snob appeal may strengthen should the CPA persuade the European Union to afford pasties the “protected geographical status” enjoyed by, for example, Gorgonzola cheese and Prosciutto ham.


  • 欧盟委员会二月份工业消费者调查表明法国意大利(欧洲第二第三大经济体)经济气氛有所改善德国也是如此。

    The European Commission's industrial and consumer survey for February found that economic sentiment improved in France and Italy (the second - and third-biggest economies) as well as Germany.


  • 欧盟他们提供资金开始6语言的程序其中包括英语意大利西班牙语

    And the European Union has given them money to begin programs in six other languages, including English, Italian and Spanish.


  • 目前我们意大利当地市场销售我们产品50%,40%欧盟市场欧盟市场的10%出售

    At present, we sell about 50 percent of our products in the local Italian market, while 40 percent is sold in EU markets and 10 percent in non-EU markets.


  • 因对于欧盟债务危机可能波及意大利西班牙担忧不断增长亚洲股市开始下跌

    Shares in Asia have fallen on growing concerns that the debt crisis in the eurozone may spread to Italy and Spain.


  • 相比之下,欧盟一直保持沉默很明显是受到来自突尼斯关系密切法国意大利施加的压力。高级地位谈判仍在继续

    By contrast the EU, apparently under pressure from France and Italy, which both have close ties to Tunisia, has kept quiet. Advanced-status negotiations continue.


  • 研究人员正在开发可携带版本欧盟给予拨款使其开发另外语言的系统,包括英语意大利西班牙

    The researchers are also developing portable versions. And the European Union has given them money to begin programs in six other languages, including English, Italian and Spanish.


  • 研究人员正在开发可携带版本欧盟给予拨款使其开发另外语言的系统,包括英语意大利西班牙

    The researchers are also developing portable versions. And the European Union has given them money to begin programs in six other languages, including English, Italian and Spanish.


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