• 但是供应欧洲将近一半天然气俄国挪威对于满腹牢骚的客户显示了一定灵活性

    Yet both Russia and Norway, which supply almost half of Europe’s gas, have shown some flexibility towards their complaining customers.


  • 同时挪威也是欧洲自由贸易协会成员国

    However, Norway is a member of the much smaller European Free Trade Association (EFTA).


  • 来自挪威第一实施严格定额制的欧洲国家)的证据显示强制商业来说并不是一件好事

    The evidence from Norway, the first European country to impose strict quotas, suggests that compulsion has been bad for business.


  • 这个军事行动欧洲分歧很大。德国不会参与行动,挪威表示参与。

    The action seemed to have divided Europeans, with Germany saying it would not participate while Norway was reported as saying it would.


  • 自从2000年产量下降以来(2008年产量只是2000年三分之二),英国需要不断挪威欧洲中东进口天然气。

    Production has been declining since 2000 (in 2008 it was around two-thirds of its 2000 level), and Britain is importing more and more of its gas from Norway, Europe and the Middle East.


  • 欧洲美国摩纳哥挪威希望大会休会从而能够利用周末对上述问题作出妥善调研

    Europe, the United States, Monaco and Norway were hoping to move to an adjournment, which would have allowed a proper investigation of the issues over the weekend.


  • 挪威两次投票反对加入欧盟组织(19721994年),但是通过欧洲经济区域,它欧盟存在一定的联系。

    Norway has twice voted against joining the European Union (in 1972 and 1994), but is associated with the EU via the European Economic Area.


  • 瑞士不同挪威位于欧洲大陆的边缘

    Unlike Switzerland, Norway is off in a corner of the continent.


  • 在这里提供传统美食希腊罗马阿拉伯挪威其他欧洲国家文化影响证据然而阿拉伯菜系的影响最大的

    The simply prepared dishes traditionally served here are evidence of occupation by Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Normans and other European cultures, however, the Arabian influence seems to be the strongest.


  • 欧洲国家挪威捕鱼定额数量基本国际海洋勘探委员会科学家

    The quotas that European Union countries and Norway are allowed to catch are generally determined by scientists at the International Council for Exploration of the Seas (ICES).


  • 除了德国,肠血性大肠杆菌同时其他8个欧洲国家报道——奥地利丹麦荷兰挪威西班牙瑞典瑞士还有英国

    In addition to Germany, cases of EHEC have also been reported in eight other European countries - Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK.


  • 挪威变成欧洲富有国家之一,对此有一个贴切比喻说,他们过去建造简朴小屋现在成了给希尔克内斯的富人舒适乡村小屋

    In an apt metaphor for Norway's transformation into one of Europe's wealthiest nations, the Spartan huts that they built now serve as comfortable country cabins for the well-to-do of Kirkenes.


  • 欧洲视觉”(Europan10获奖作品展近期奥斯陆挪威建筑艺术中心开幕

    The exhibitionEurovisions” (featuring the winners of Europan 10) recently opened at the Norwegian Centre for Design and Architecture in Oslo.


  • 欧洲就像亚洲一样,北方国家(芬兰挪威比利时冰岛奥地利德国)成绩好于南部国家(希腊意大利葡萄牙)。

    And in Europe as in Asia, the northern countries (Finland, Norway, Belgium, Iceland, Austria, Germany) outscore the southern (Greece, Italy, Portugal).


  • 保守党希望欧洲脱离关系英国成为欧盟之外大型挪威瑞士时,也毫无道理

    The Tory desire to strip down relations with Europe, as if Britain might become a giant Norway or Switzerland outside the club, makes no sense either.


  • 去年九月欧洲委员会欧空局(挪威成员国之一)11家企业列入名单,竞标伽利略”系统的未来合同

    In September, the European Commission and the European Space Agency, which includes Norway as a member, shortlisted 11 European firms which are bidding for future contracts connected to Galileo.


  • 2个世纪苏格兰英格兰南部的人高2.3厘米挪威欧洲之一

    Two centuries ago, people in Scotland were 2.3cm taller than those living in southern England, while Norwegians were among the shortest nations in Europe.


  • 挪威主办媚俗云集的欧洲电视网歌唱大赛法国主办明星荟萃的戛纳电影节

    Norway hosts the kitsch-filled Eurovision Song Contest; France hosts the star-studded Cannes film festival.


  • 但是供应欧洲将近一半天然气俄国挪威对于满腹牢骚的客户显示了一定灵活性

    Yet both Russia and Norway, which supply almost half of Europe's gas, have shown some flexibility towards their complaining customers.


  • 或许会努力留在欧洲经济区内(EEA),这是一个包括冰岛挪威在内的自由贸易俱乐部

    It might try to stay in the European Economic Area (EEA), a free-trade club that also includes Iceland and Norway.


  • 上周挪威发生80丧生袭击欧洲保守极端主义分子面临新的关注

    Conservative extremists in Europe are facing new attention after the attacks last week that killed almost eighty people in Norway.


  • 挪威女性大型上市公司董事会中占40%的比例,欧洲,这比例只是10%。

    In Norway, women make up nearly 40% of board members of the largest listed companies. Yet on average across Europe they only occupy one in every ten board seats.


  • 10月9日列夫·埃里克森之日(Leif Erikson Day),这个日子是纪念大约在公元1000年左右,维京或者挪威)开拓者带着船员成为第一有史以来登陆到北美欧洲

    October 9 is Leif Erikson Day, honoring the Viking (or Norse) explorer who sailed his crew to the first recorded landing of Europeans in North America around the year 1000.


  • 10月9日列夫·埃里克森之日(Leif Erikson Day),这个日子是纪念大约在公元1000年左右,维京或者挪威)开拓者带着船员成为第一有史以来登陆到北美欧洲

    October 9 is Leif Erikson Day, honoring the Viking (or Norse) explorer who sailed his crew to the first recorded landing of Europeans in North America around the year 1000.


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