• 建立布鲁塞尔欧洲罗马旅客论坛的罗伯特·鲁斯特姆这个案例是个例外不能反映罗马尼亚其他任何地方的情况。

    Robert Rustem, of the European Roma and Travellers Forum based in Brussels, says the case is exceptional and does not reflect practices in Romania or anywhere else.


  • 罗马帝国欧洲多数地区置于自己统治之下

    The Roman Empire subjected most of Europe to its rule.


  • 罗马帝国灭亡欧洲第一按照复杂礼节规范私人生活行为社会12世纪法国普罗旺斯。

    After the fall of Rome, the first European society to regulate behaviour in private life in accordance with a complicated code of etiquette was twelfth-century Provence, in France.


  • 罗马欧洲科学文化当然还有艺术发源地。

    Rome is the birth place of science, culture and of course, art in Europe.


  • 计时法最初希腊人采用后来罗马欧洲传播,至今已使用2500多年

    Temporal hours, which were first adopted by the Greeks and then the Romans, who disseminated them through Europe, remained in use for more than 2,500 years.


  • 罗马开始了一扩张罗马帝国运动,300的时间里征服地中海大部分地区欧洲部分地区

    The Romans began a campaign to expand the Roman Empire, and in 300 years they had conquered most of the Mediterranean area and parts of Europe.


  • 欧洲罗马法律那里承继了公司理念

    Europeans inherited the idea of the corporation from Roman law.


  • 在这里提供传统美食希腊罗马阿拉伯挪威其他欧洲国家文化影响证据然而阿拉伯菜系的影响最大的

    The simply prepared dishes traditionally served here are evidence of occupation by Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Normans and other European cultures, however, the Arabian influence seems to be the strongest.


  • 东方快车列车旅行具吸引力连接欧洲最好那些城市伦敦威尼斯罗马布达佩斯布拉格

    Linking some of the best cities of Europe including London, Venice, Rome, Budapest or Prague, the Orient Express is the most charming way to travel on tracks.


  • 罗马朱利叶斯·恺撒之后欧洲强大国王

    He was one of the most powerful Kings in Europe after Julius Caesar of Rome.


  • 顶级欧洲食品葡萄酒旅游目的地意大利佛罗伦萨巴黎位居第二罗马第三,意大利的索伦托第四。

    The top European destination for food and wine was Florence in Italy, with Paris second, Rome third and Sorrento in Italy fourth.


  • 比起罗马纽约欧洲很多交易员似乎来自巴黎消息兴趣。

    But many traders in new York and Europe seemed more interested in the news coming out of Paris than Rome.


  • 欧洲贵族引进矿物质温泉经常就是罗马浴池地方,虚弱的身体里养生不是为了清洁污垢

    Europe's aristocracy took the waters at mineral spas, often on the sites of former Roman baths, to subject the ailing body to water treatment, rather than to cleanse away dirt.


  • 作为近年简化案情方面做出最大尝试的《罗马III欧洲协定最近搁置

    But the biggest attempt in recent years to do just that, in a European agreement called Rome III, has just been shelved.


  • 有轨电车很多欧洲城市比如曼彻斯特都柏林雅典罗马里斯本巴黎都有广阔的电车网络

    Tram : Many European cities such as Manchester, Dublin, Athens, Rome, Lisbon and Paris have extensive tram networks.


  • 意大利罗马广场佛罗伦萨的乌画廊或者威尼斯的圣马可广场都游人如织,这些游人可能惊讶得知意大利欧洲年轻的国家之一

    The tourists who flood into Rome's forum, Florence's Uffizi gallery or st Mark's Square in Venice might be surprised to learn that Italy is one of the youngest countries in Europe.


  • 罗马周三晚上朴智星认为成为参加欧洲冠军杯决赛(曼联塞)的第一位亚洲球员

    On Wednesday night in Rome, Park is expected to become the first Asian player to participate in the European Champions League final when Manchester United faces Barcelona.


  • 市场不要罗马本身失去信心符合意大利欧洲重大利益

    It is in Italy's - and all of Europe's - vital interest that markets not lose confidence in Rome in its own right.


  • 罗马上周欧洲联赛科西塞3 - 3战平后,丹尼尔·德罗西评论如果他们对阵意大利球队时表现仍然这样糟糕的话将净吞弹。

    After Roma's 3-3 draw with Kosice in the Europa League last week, Daniele De Rossi commented that they would ship five goals if they played that badly against an Italian team.


  • 尽管作了创立欧洲自由贸易协会这个尝试在《罗马条约》签订第五英国申请成为其会员不过这一度受戴高乐否决阻碍直到1973年丹麦爱尔兰一同成功加入该协会。

    Despite the EFTA experiment, Britain applied for membership only four years after the Treaty of Rome, but was blocked by DE Gaulle's veto and did not join until 1973, along with Denmark and Ireland.


  • 只要罗马富国名单不受欢迎,那么欧洲个人解放可望不可即。

    As long as the Roma remain personae non gratae at the rich lands' tables, the emancipation of the European individual is still on shaky ground.


  • 2009年5月27日,罗马奥林匹克球场战胜曼彻斯特联队之后,赢得欧洲冠军联赛锦标巴塞罗那球员将主教练佩普·瓜迪奥拉天空

    Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola is thrown into the air by his players after their Champions League final soccer match against Manchester United at the Olympic Stadium in Rome on May 27, 2009.


  • 美国正在捷克共和国波兰罗马尼亚谈判将来建立标准- 3拦截系统基地欧洲指挥控制中心

    The US negotiations have been with the Czech Republic, Poland and Romania to establish future bases for SM-3 interceptors and a European command and control centre.


  • 欧洲罗马继承了法人观念并以此基础实验更多复杂合作伙伴关系

    Europeans inherited the idea of the corporation from Roman law. Using it as a base, they also experimented with ever more complicated partnerships.


  • 它们载着可怕匈奴人来到欧洲,它们拖着罗马战车中世纪征战。

    They carried the feared Huns to Europe, drew the chariots of the Romans and crusaded in the Middle Ages.


  • 罗马尼亚位于欧洲东南部东北乌克兰摩尔多瓦接壤西面匈牙利接壤,南面多瑙河的是塞尔维亚保加利亚

    Romania is situated in southeastern Europe, bordered by Ukraine and Moldova in the northeast; Hungary in the west; Serbia and Bulgaria to the south along the Danube River.


  • 重要自从罗马尼亚2007年加入欧盟之后,投票人欧洲其它地方旅行已经变得越来越困难。

    More important to voters is travel to the rest of Europe. This has got harder since Romania joined the European Union in 2007.


  • 融合欧洲众多沐浴传统的风格,发现特色的爱尔兰-罗马俄罗斯蒸汽浴,及古罗马水浴和和热气腾腾房间

    Among its glorious conglomeration of European bathing traditions, you'll find an Irish-Roman bath and a Russian steam bath as well as tepidariums and hot rooms.


  • 融合欧洲众多沐浴传统的风格,发现特色的爱尔兰-罗马俄罗斯蒸汽浴,及古罗马水浴和和热气腾腾房间

    Among its glorious conglomeration of European bathing traditions, you'll find an Irish-Roman bath and a Russian steam bath as well as tepidariums and hot rooms.


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